I treasure thefriendship of a friend inneed.^我珍视患难中的友情。
A true friendwill always be there when youneed a shoulder to lean on.^真正的朋友是在你需要肩膀依靠的时候,他总在你身边。
The only way tohave a friend is to be one.^获得朋友的唯一方法是要先成为别人的朋友。
For me,friendship is one of the mostvaluable possessions in the world.^对我来说,友情是世界上最珍贵的财富之一。
The traditionalChinese believe that agentleman should be able to die for his friends.^中国传统认为,士为知己者死。/(真正的绅士能够为朋友去死)。
To build upfriendship needs the efforts onboth sides.^建立友谊需要双方的努力。
People like tomake friends with those whohave similar interests.^人们通常和有相似兴趣的人交朋友。
Pouring outtroubles to friends is a goodway of easing off pressure.^向朋友倾诉烦恼是减轻压力的一个好方式。
A true friendwill not stand by when you arein trouble.^真正的朋友不会在你有困难的时候袖手旁观。
Infriendship,loyalty may be the mostimportant thing.^在友情里,忠诚最重要。
Friendship is acomfy situation like home.^友情就像家庭一样给人带来舒适。
Friendship is aninner relationshipcombining trust, support, communication, loyalty andunderstanding.^友谊是包含信任、支持、沟通、忠诚和理解的深层(内部)关系。
I treasure thefriendship of a friend inneed.^我珍视患难中的友情。
A true friendwill always be there when youneed a shoulder to lean on.^真正的朋友是在你需要肩膀依靠的时候,他总在你身边。
The only way tohave a friend is to be one.^获得朋友的唯一方法是要先成为别人的朋友。
For me,friendship is one of the mostvaluable possessions in the world.^对我来说,友情是世界上最珍贵的财富之一。
The traditionalChinese believe that agentleman should be able to die for his friends.^中国传统认为,士为知己者死。/(真正的绅士能够为朋友去死)。
To build upfriendship needs the efforts onboth sides.^建立友谊需要双方的努力。
People like tomake friends with those whohave similar interests.^人们通常和有相似兴趣的人交朋友。
Pouring outtroubles to friends is a goodway of easing off pressure.^向朋友倾诉烦恼是减轻压力的一个好方式。
A true friendwill not stand by when you arein trouble.^真正的朋友不会在你有困难的时候袖手旁观。
Infriendship,loyalty may be the mostimportant thing.^在友情里,忠诚最重要。
Friendship is acomfy situation like home.^友情就像家庭一样给人带来舒适。
Friendship is aninner relationshipcombining trust, support, communication, loyalty andunderstanding.^友谊是包含信任、支持、沟通、忠诚和理解的深层(内部)关系。