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中国城镇化的进程中,城镇居民的增多也导致在公园休闲的人口增多,研究也证实中国社区的环境条件会影响居民参加健走的行为(23)。但是,目前很少有研究涉及中国公园的使用现状,少部分相关研究也只是主要研究老年人在公园健身运动的种类和方式,和公园的空间布局描述;此外,研究方法也多以问卷调查形式开展,也没有确切定量分析方法和工具评估公园使用者的活动强度(24-27)。为了去了解中国居民利用公园进行体育运动的情况,评估居民在公园的活动强度 展开
中国城镇化的进程中,城镇居民的增多也导致在公园休闲的人口增多,研究也证实中国社区的环境条件会影响居民参加健走的行为(23)。但是,目前很少有研究涉及中国公园的使用现状,少部分相关研究也只是主要研究老年人在公园健身运动的种类和方式,和公园的空间布局描述;此外,研究方法也多以问卷调查形式开展,也没有确切定量分析方法和工具评估公园使用者的活动强度(24-27)。为了去了解中国居民利用公园进行体育运动的情况,评估居民在公园的活动强度 展开
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In America, park is the residents to participate in sports common sites, the park is often open to the public free of charge, play an important role in accelerating the residents in sports (14,15). Therefore, the characteristics of populationcharacteristics and park users understanding helps to promote residents leisure sports activities. Some studies have found, characteristics and parks and recreation facilities condition and resident Park crowd whether to participate in the leisure sports activities are highly related to. (16-22) which, in the population characteristics, USA park users more men than the elderly, adults and childrenand adolescents, while men than women and children and adult activities in thepark in the stronger (19-20). Parks facilities, the study confirmed that the park's size, facilities quality and park open or not and park use rate of the relevant. (21-22)
China 's urbanization, increase urban residents also leads to increased in theparks and recreation of the population, the study also confirmed that the Chinese community environmental conditions will affect the residents to participate inwalking behavior (23). However, there have been few studies involving Chinesepark use present situation, types and methods of less relevant research is justthe main study old man in the park to exercise the space layout and parkdescription; in addition, research methods are in the form of a questionnaire survey carried out, nor the activity intensity of methods and tools to evaluate thepark user analysis the exact quantitative (24-27). In order to understand Chineseresidents using the park for sports, assessment of residents in the activity intensity of the park
China 's urbanization, increase urban residents also leads to increased in theparks and recreation of the population, the study also confirmed that the Chinese community environmental conditions will affect the residents to participate inwalking behavior (23). However, there have been few studies involving Chinesepark use present situation, types and methods of less relevant research is justthe main study old man in the park to exercise the space layout and parkdescription; in addition, research methods are in the form of a questionnaire survey carried out, nor the activity intensity of methods and tools to evaluate thepark user analysis the exact quantitative (24-27). In order to understand Chineseresidents using the park for sports, assessment of residents in the activity intensity of the park