a low sunset wind
a high sunset nice weather
grey sky in the morning wind
bright yellow sunset fine weather
red sunset rain and /or wind
dark blue sky fine weather
light blue sky nice weather
a low sunset
a high sunset
grey sky in the morning
bright yellow sunset
red sunset
dark blue sky
light blue sky 这些是左边部分
nice weather
fine weather
rain and /or wind
fine weather
nice weather这些是右边部分,需要将两边部分连线。初学提问,格式上传出错了,请谅解。 展开
a high sunset nice weather
grey sky in the morning wind
bright yellow sunset fine weather
red sunset rain and /or wind
dark blue sky fine weather
light blue sky nice weather
a low sunset
a high sunset
grey sky in the morning
bright yellow sunset
red sunset
dark blue sky
light blue sky 这些是左边部分
nice weather
fine weather
rain and /or wind
fine weather
nice weather这些是右边部分,需要将两边部分连线。初学提问,格式上传出错了,请谅解。 展开
a low sunset——fine weather
a high sunset——nice weather
grey sky in the morning——wind
bright yellow sunset—— fine weather
red sunset—— nice weather
dark blue sky—— rain and /or wind
light blue sky——nice weather
a high sunset——nice weather
grey sky in the morning——wind
bright yellow sunset—— fine weather
red sunset—— nice weather
dark blue sky—— rain and /or wind
light blue sky——nice weather