论文1.Yongjian Li, Weifeng Huang, Shuangfu Suo, Ying Liu, Yuming Wang. Cavitation in mechanical seal and its effects on sealing performance. 2010 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2010.
2.Yongjian Li, Haosheng Chen, Jiadao Wang, Darong Chen. Effect of grooves on cavitation around the body of revolution. Journal of Fluids engineering – transactions of the ASME, 132(1): 11301(1-7), 2010
3.Y.J. Li, H. S. Chen, D. R. Chen, J. D. Wang. Effect of Micro/Nano-Particles in Cavitation Erosion. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9(2): 783-787, 2009
4.Y. Li, Z. Xu, H. Chen, J. Wang, D. Chen. Effect of transverse surface topography on cavitation erosion. CIST 2008 & ITS-IFToMM 2008, Beijing, China, September, 2008.
5.李永健, 陈皓生, 陈大融, 汪家道. 表面形貌对磁盘-磁头间隙润滑影响的数值分析. 清华大学学报, 45(11): 1493-1497, 2005.
6.李永健, 陈皓谈凯生, 陈大融, 汪家道. 添加碳纳米管的液体石蜡流变特性研究. 润滑与密封, (4): 6-8&11, 2005.
7.王玉明, 黄厅侍滑伟峰, 李永健. 核电站一回路用机械密封. 摩擦学学报, 31(4): 408-416, 2011
8.Yi Xie, Shuangfu Suo, Yongjian Li, Fangjun Ge, Yuming Wang. Mechanical seal face texturing by the acousto-optic Q-switched pulsed Nd: YAG laser. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 314-316: 1948-1954, 2011 (2011 International conference on advanced design and manufacturing engineering, Guangzhou, China, 2011)
9.H S Chen, J D Wang, Y J Li, D R Chen. Effect of hydrodynamic pressures near solid surfaces in the incubation stage of cavitation erosion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part j-Journal of Engineering Tribology, 222(J4): 523-531, 2008
10.Chen Haosheng, Li Yongjian, Chen Darong, Wang Jiadao. Experimental and numerical investigations on development of cavitation erosion pits on solid surface. Tribology Letters, 26(2): 153-159, 2007
11.陈皓生, 李永健, 陈大融, 汪扮腊家道. 规则形貌作用下非牛顿流体润滑的数值分析. 机械工程学报, 43(8): 48-52, 2007.
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