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在星期天早上六点钟当我徒步到达山顶朝着车站走下去的时候下起了很大的雨,在这个时候,没有什么车辆也没有什么行人在眼前
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It
was
raining
heavily
when
was
walking
up
to
hill
towards
the
station
at
six
on
a
sunday
morning
,At
this
early
hour
there
wasn't
much
traffic
and
there
were
not
many
people
in
sight.
在某个周日早晨,当我醒来望向车站的时候,外面下着好大的雨,而在这早些的时段,路上不是很多车且不行人也不太多。
was
raining
heavily
when
was
walking
up
to
hill
towards
the
station
at
six
on
a
sunday
morning
,At
this
early
hour
there
wasn't
much
traffic
and
there
were
not
many
people
in
sight.
在某个周日早晨,当我醒来望向车站的时候,外面下着好大的雨,而在这早些的时段,路上不是很多车且不行人也不太多。
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当我走向山坡面对着第6站台的时候雨下得很大,在一小时前这儿交通舒畅,没有多少人在视线之内。
<O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,好久都没翻译过了,试试。>
<O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,好久都没翻译过了,试试。>
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