问题的英文读音
1个回答
展开全部
问题
(需回答的题目)
question;
problem:
解答问题
solve
a
problem
提问题
ask
a
question
(需研究解决的矛盾等)
problem;
matter:
问题的关键
the
heart
of
the
matter;
key
to
the
question;
key
to
the
solution
of
a
question
问题的实质
essence
of
the
problem
(question)
问题成堆
a
satchel
(a
batch)
of
questions
难问题
a
troublesome
problem
共同关心的问题
questions
of
common
interest
关键问题
a
key
problem
思想问题
an
ideological
problem
悬而未决的问题
an
outstanding
issue
原则问题
a
question
of
principle;
a
matter
of
principle
枝节问题
minor
issue
(事故或意外)
trouble;
mishap;
sth.
wrong:
解决麻烦问题的能手
troubleshooter
没出什么问题
without
any
mishap
那机器有点问题。
Something
is
wrong
with
the
machine.
(重要之点)
the
point;
the
thing:
问题不在这里。
That
is
not
the
point.
(需回答的题目)
question;
problem:
解答问题
solve
a
problem
提问题
ask
a
question
(需研究解决的矛盾等)
problem;
matter:
问题的关键
the
heart
of
the
matter;
key
to
the
question;
key
to
the
solution
of
a
question
问题的实质
essence
of
the
problem
(question)
问题成堆
a
satchel
(a
batch)
of
questions
难问题
a
troublesome
problem
共同关心的问题
questions
of
common
interest
关键问题
a
key
problem
思想问题
an
ideological
problem
悬而未决的问题
an
outstanding
issue
原则问题
a
question
of
principle;
a
matter
of
principle
枝节问题
minor
issue
(事故或意外)
trouble;
mishap;
sth.
wrong:
解决麻烦问题的能手
troubleshooter
没出什么问题
without
any
mishap
那机器有点问题。
Something
is
wrong
with
the
machine.
(重要之点)
the
point;
the
thing:
问题不在这里。
That
is
not
the
point.
已赞过
已踩过<
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