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2022-06-26 · TA获得超过5423个赞



  The summer vacation is coming soon, I don't mention how happy mood. I silently wondering in my mind, what are the things to hurry up to do this summer vacation, what fun to have a good time in the summer vacation. In this, I made a summer vacation.

  Play games online

  Nervous learning is over. Of course want to relax, hall and soaplands didn't play QQ for a long time, this summer vacation, I must play with a ball, if you want to one-on-one hit with me, then let sgo.

  Go on a picnic

  I think, for the children in the city, picnic should be very fresh. Take to eat, pot, put on shoes in the wild to the air is fresh, eating cooked their own things, the feeling is all star hotel can than rice.

  To save money

  My New Year's money is almost 5000 multivariate, but is not a "safe" structure to only. So while this opportunity in the summer, I have to deposit your money with the bank. And after such as Banks and interest, really kill two birds with one stone!

  Watching TV

  Have didn't watch TV for a long time, turn on the TV, transferred to the children's channel, produce many good-looking animation show in front of me, it is not the real world, but colorful animation world.

  Published thesis

  In the summer vacation is one of the published thesis's most important to me. New composition online, turned on the computer to pupils looked at one I published essay, psychological to mention how happy. Tell you a good news, I will soon be upgraded to personality writer. Haha,, envy...


  Today is our holiday on the fourth day, my mother let me thoroughly play for four days, I feel great. After thorough played, starting today I should study hard. Today my mother and I sat on the sofa to discuss for my summer vacation plan, plan is as follows:

  At nine o 'clock every morning to start learning, learning contents are: read grade three of the thirty minutes of the day to recite, learn ten English words, write an hour.than play games practice copybook (a), study primary school grade three aoshu 15 minutes, watching English cartoon episode.

  At four o 'clock in the afternoon began to learn, learning content: in the Cambridge children's English learning with my mother half an hour, half an hour reading classics, a diary, summer vacation homework Chinese, maths every two pages (after the summer vacation homework about on August 1, preview new lesson three grade).

  Back to the square to play, in the evening, my mother read a story, I repeat the story.

  Other free time to arrange, can draw, playing electronic organ, doing scientific experiments, play computer, watch TV, play with children, and so on.

  I will consciously execution plan, such as not according to plan, all the free time of the summer vacation will be mother voluntary deprived.


  Summer vacation life started, but I cannot easily as before without the burden of summer, because summer vacation is over, I'm a is about to rise to the students of grade five, so I set a plan for my summer vacation life:

  1, 6:30 in the morning get up early to read half an hour, preview the new text or back the analects of Confucius; Around 7:00 do 50 sit-ups; About wash finished breakfast at 7:30.

  2, noon after breakfast go to practice table tennis hall; Go home and watch will reference books to have lunch at noon; After eating lunch 1:00 PM slept nap.

  3, get up at 2:00 p.m., practice a copybook and mental arithmetic calculate a mouth; Then do five pages summer vacation life guidance or to write a diary; Finish the homework after playing for an hour or so of computers (in order to protect my eyesight, I strive to control within 1 hour). Then downstairs and partners sliding plate or play games. Eat dinner around 6:30.

  4 at 7:00, go to the bookstore reading a book; Around 8:30 to go home to eat fruit, take a shower, sleep around 9:00 see will book.

  5, the holidays I get your homework done fast and good, to increase the level of writing, I will try to read more books, we mark the good word and write a book, to enrich my knowledge of reading, to improve my writing level, strive for more than a few articles.

  6, during the vacation I will take an active part in activities beneficial to their healthy, do a good job in the school organization's "sunshine helpage" "four DE practice" citizen moral construction activities, to help the old man how do something good.

  Ready to plan, now just according to the practice of the plan, hope every children want to like me a reasonable plan to their summer vacation, every day is not a waste of the time.

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