英语词语的搭配关系与汉语有较大差别,比如,英语词语可以同两个以上的词搭配,相应的汉语词语却无法实现。有效的解决办法之一是根据原义和汉语搭配习惯把该词相应地译成两个词,然后分别同原来的两个(或更多)搭配对象组成词组。 经典例题:This military maneuver strained the government’s principles as well as their budgets. 参考译文: 这种军事演习使政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。
经典例题: The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their speedy economic evelopment. 参考译文 中国人以他们的经济发展速度感到自豪,这是无可非议的。
经典例题: e law of universal gravitation states that every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
参考译文: 万有引力定律,宇宙中每个质点都以一种力吸引其他各个质点。这种力与各质点的`质量的乘积成正比,与它们之间距离的平方成反比。
经典例题: The research work is being done by a small group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve the health of the human race.
参考译文: 一小部分富有想像力和敬业精神的科学家正在进行这项研究,他们专门研究从各种海洋动物中提取能增进人类健康的物质。
经典例题: He was very clean. His mind was open. 参考译文: 他为人单纯而坦率。
经典例题: There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the South.参考译文: 从全国各地来的人中有许多是南方人。
;2024-12-15 广告