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In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains.In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders ,dry and white in the sun,and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels.Troops went by the houose and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees.The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze ,falling and the soliders marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.
海明威的A Farewell To Arms (永别了武器)
(英文介绍)Ernest Hemingway was born on 21st July 1899 in Oak Park, Chicago.
The second of six children. He was born at eight o'clock in the south front bedroom of 439 North Oak Park Avenue. His grandfather's house.
He weighed a healthy nine and a half pounds and measured enty three inches tall.
At seven weeks old he was taken to Bear Lake, to the shorefront property that his father, Dr Ed Hemingway had purchased the summer before.
It was not until October 1st, on his parent's third wedding anniversary that he was christened, Ernest Miller Hemingway at the First Congregational Church.
In his first year he experienced the pleasures of life on the shore at Bear Lake and at three he had caught his first fish. His mother described him at three and a half years of age as:
" Ernest Miller is a little man - no longer lazy - dresses himself pletely and is a good helper for his father. He wears suspenders just like Papa. Is very proud to be a member of Agassiz (a nature study group anised by his father). He counts up to 100, can spell by ear very well. He likes to build cannons and forts with building blocks. He collects cartoons of the Russo-Japanese War. He loves stories about Great Americans - can give you good sketches of all the great men of American History"
He sounded, even then, like an exceptional child.
When Hemingway was six, his grandfather died and the Hemingway family left his grandfather's house (and the house Ernest Hemingway was born in) and moved to a corner lot at 600 North Kenilworth Avenue and Iowa Street. It was an eight bedroomed, three storey house, with an office for his father, where he could conduct his medical business.
It was a strict household, no enjoyment was to be taken on Sunday, the Lord's day. This was to be spent in church and pursuing religious interests. Disobedience was punished by a few lashes from a razor strap administered by Hemingway's father, or a hairbrush from his mother.
Ernest's mother taught all her children music and creativity and took them to concerts, art galleries and operas.
Ernest's father taught his children to love nature. To build fires, to cook in the open, how to use an axe, how to tie wet and dry flies, how to make bullets, how to prepare birds and *** all animals for mounting. He insisted on the proper handling of guns, rods and tackle and he taught Ernest physical courage and endurance.
Ernest's winters were spent in Chicago, his summers at Bear Lake.
It was on his elve birthday he was given a present of a single barrel 20 gauge shotgun. Ernest loved to dramatize everything. He made up stories in which he was invariably the swashbuckling hero.
He was also now singing regularly at the Third Congregational Church and was making his first attempts at writing.
On reaching adolescence Ernest had developed into a 'well rounded' young man. 'Afraid of nothing' appeared to be his motto. He loved nature and he sought scrupulously to uphold the code of physical courage and endurance and he had a determination to 'do things properly'.
He attended high school at The Oak Park and River Forest Township High School. Academically he was good at English but uninterested in most other subjects. He learnt to box and it was said there was a streak of bully in his nature, after he learnt the power of his fists. He took up canoeing and he wrote articles for the school's weekly newspaper.
海明威(1899—1961),美国小说家。1954年获诺贝尔文学奖。曾参加第一次世界大战,后担任驻欧洲记者,并以记者身份参加了第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。晚年患多种疾病,精神抑郁, 1961年自杀。他的早期长篇小说《太阳照样升起》(1927)、《永别了,武器》(1927)成为表现美国“迷惘的一代”的主要代表作。20 年代是海明威文学创作的早期,他写出了《在我们的时代里》、《春潮》、《没有女人的男人》和长篇小说《太阳照样升起》、《永别了,武器》等作品。这一时期,正值西方世界沉沦为爱略特在社会崩溃背后所看到的荒原时期,长篇小说《太阳照样升起》就是写战后一群流落欧洲的青年的生活情景以及他们精神世界的深刻变化。 《永别了,武器》是海明威的代表作。他以反对帝国主义战争为主题,揭示了“迷惘的一代”出现的历史原因,控诉了战争毁灭人的理想和幸福,戕害人们的心灵,并使千百万无辜生命因此涂炭。40 年代,他根据在非洲的见闻和印象写了《非洲的青山》、《乞力马扎罗山的雪》,还发表了《法兰西斯·玛贝康短暂的幸福》。1932年发表了《午后之死》,尊奉美国建筑师罗德维希的名言“越少,就越多”,使作品趋于精炼,缩短了作品与读者之间的距离,提出了“冰山原则”,只表现事物的八分之一,使作品充实、含蓄、耐人寻味。 30、40年代,他塑造了摆脱迷惘、悲观,为人民利益英勇战斗和无畏牺牲的反法西斯战士形象《第五纵队》和长篇小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》,《丧》是一部承前启后的重要作品。这部作品是海明威中期创作中思想性最强的作品之一,在相当程度上克服和摆脱了孤独、迷惘与悲泣的情绪,把个人融入到社会中,表现出为正义事业而献身的崇高精神。二战后,海明威创作进入晚期,其代表作为《老人与海》,由于小说中体现了人在“充满暴力与死亡的现实世界中”表现出来的勇气而获得1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。
In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains.In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders ,dry and white in the sun,and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels.Troops went by the houose and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees.The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze ,falling and the soliders marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.
海明威的A Farewell To Arms (永别了武器)
(英文介绍)Ernest Hemingway was born on 21st July 1899 in Oak Park, Chicago.
The second of six children. He was born at eight o'clock in the south front bedroom of 439 North Oak Park Avenue. His grandfather's house.
He weighed a healthy nine and a half pounds and measured enty three inches tall.
At seven weeks old he was taken to Bear Lake, to the shorefront property that his father, Dr Ed Hemingway had purchased the summer before.
It was not until October 1st, on his parent's third wedding anniversary that he was christened, Ernest Miller Hemingway at the First Congregational Church.
In his first year he experienced the pleasures of life on the shore at Bear Lake and at three he had caught his first fish. His mother described him at three and a half years of age as:
" Ernest Miller is a little man - no longer lazy - dresses himself pletely and is a good helper for his father. He wears suspenders just like Papa. Is very proud to be a member of Agassiz (a nature study group anised by his father). He counts up to 100, can spell by ear very well. He likes to build cannons and forts with building blocks. He collects cartoons of the Russo-Japanese War. He loves stories about Great Americans - can give you good sketches of all the great men of American History"
He sounded, even then, like an exceptional child.
When Hemingway was six, his grandfather died and the Hemingway family left his grandfather's house (and the house Ernest Hemingway was born in) and moved to a corner lot at 600 North Kenilworth Avenue and Iowa Street. It was an eight bedroomed, three storey house, with an office for his father, where he could conduct his medical business.
It was a strict household, no enjoyment was to be taken on Sunday, the Lord's day. This was to be spent in church and pursuing religious interests. Disobedience was punished by a few lashes from a razor strap administered by Hemingway's father, or a hairbrush from his mother.
Ernest's mother taught all her children music and creativity and took them to concerts, art galleries and operas.
Ernest's father taught his children to love nature. To build fires, to cook in the open, how to use an axe, how to tie wet and dry flies, how to make bullets, how to prepare birds and *** all animals for mounting. He insisted on the proper handling of guns, rods and tackle and he taught Ernest physical courage and endurance.
Ernest's winters were spent in Chicago, his summers at Bear Lake.
It was on his elve birthday he was given a present of a single barrel 20 gauge shotgun. Ernest loved to dramatize everything. He made up stories in which he was invariably the swashbuckling hero.
He was also now singing regularly at the Third Congregational Church and was making his first attempts at writing.
On reaching adolescence Ernest had developed into a 'well rounded' young man. 'Afraid of nothing' appeared to be his motto. He loved nature and he sought scrupulously to uphold the code of physical courage and endurance and he had a determination to 'do things properly'.
He attended high school at The Oak Park and River Forest Township High School. Academically he was good at English but uninterested in most other subjects. He learnt to box and it was said there was a streak of bully in his nature, after he learnt the power of his fists. He took up canoeing and he wrote articles for the school's weekly newspaper.
海明威(1899—1961),美国小说家。1954年获诺贝尔文学奖。曾参加第一次世界大战,后担任驻欧洲记者,并以记者身份参加了第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。晚年患多种疾病,精神抑郁, 1961年自杀。他的早期长篇小说《太阳照样升起》(1927)、《永别了,武器》(1927)成为表现美国“迷惘的一代”的主要代表作。20 年代是海明威文学创作的早期,他写出了《在我们的时代里》、《春潮》、《没有女人的男人》和长篇小说《太阳照样升起》、《永别了,武器》等作品。这一时期,正值西方世界沉沦为爱略特在社会崩溃背后所看到的荒原时期,长篇小说《太阳照样升起》就是写战后一群流落欧洲的青年的生活情景以及他们精神世界的深刻变化。 《永别了,武器》是海明威的代表作。他以反对帝国主义战争为主题,揭示了“迷惘的一代”出现的历史原因,控诉了战争毁灭人的理想和幸福,戕害人们的心灵,并使千百万无辜生命因此涂炭。40 年代,他根据在非洲的见闻和印象写了《非洲的青山》、《乞力马扎罗山的雪》,还发表了《法兰西斯·玛贝康短暂的幸福》。1932年发表了《午后之死》,尊奉美国建筑师罗德维希的名言“越少,就越多”,使作品趋于精炼,缩短了作品与读者之间的距离,提出了“冰山原则”,只表现事物的八分之一,使作品充实、含蓄、耐人寻味。 30、40年代,他塑造了摆脱迷惘、悲观,为人民利益英勇战斗和无畏牺牲的反法西斯战士形象《第五纵队》和长篇小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》,《丧》是一部承前启后的重要作品。这部作品是海明威中期创作中思想性最强的作品之一,在相当程度上克服和摆脱了孤独、迷惘与悲泣的情绪,把个人融入到社会中,表现出为正义事业而献身的崇高精神。二战后,海明威创作进入晚期,其代表作为《老人与海》,由于小说中体现了人在“充满暴力与死亡的现实世界中”表现出来的勇气而获得1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。
2024-04-03 广告
2024-04-03 广告