1、他成为英国戏剧界让人头痛的天才。He became known as the enfant terrible of British theater.
2、首先,必须将头痛分为几个类型。It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.
3、症状包括低烧、头痛和食欲不振。Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite.
4、拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.
5、姿势不当会导致颈部疼痛、头痛和呼吸困难。Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems.
6、这类头痛多是血压升高的征兆。These headaches were most suggestive of raised blood pressure.
7、尼克出现头痛时脾气就变得很差,甚至还会动粗。When his headaches developed Nick became bad-tempered and even violent.
8、国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。The King's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion.