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2009-03-23 · TA获得超过455个赞
After Mom died,I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work.He was frail and moved slowly,but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me,along with an unsigned note reading,“Drink your juice.”Such a gesture,I knew,was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love.In fact,I remember,as a kid I had questioned Mom“Why doesn't Dad love me!”Mom frowned.“Who said he doesn't love you!”“Well,he never tells me,”I complained.“He never tells me either,”she said,smiling.“But look how hard he works to take care of us,to buy us food and clothes,and to pay for this house.That's how your father tells us he loves us.”Then Mom held me by the shoulders and asked,“Do you understand!”


I nodded slowly.I understood in my head,but not in my heart.I still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me.Dad owned and operated a small scrap.metall business,and after school I often hung around while he worked.I always hoped he'd ask me to help and then praise me for what I did.He never asked.His tasks were too dangerous for a young boy to attempt,and Mom was already worried enough that he'd hurt himself.Dad hand fed scrap steel into a device that chopped it as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs.The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors,with blades thicker than my father's body.If he didn't feed those terrifying blades just right,he risked serious injury.


“Why don't you hire someone to do that for you!”Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment.“Why don't you hire a cook!”Dad asked,giving her one of his rare smiles.Mom straig htened and put her hands on her hips.“What's the matter,Ike!Don't you like my cooking!”“Sure I like your cooking But if I could afford a helper,then you could afford a cook”Dad laughed,and for the first time I realized that my father had a sense of humor.The chopping machine wasn't the only hazard in his business.He had an acetylene torch for cutting thick steel plates and beams.To my ears the torch hissed louder than a steam locomotive,and when he used it to cut through steel,it blew off thousands of tiny pieces of molten metal that swarmed around him like angry fireflies.


Many years later,during my first daily visit,after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me,I walked over,hugged him and said,“I love you,Dad.”From then on I did this every morning.My father never told me how he felt about my hugs,and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.Then one morning,pressed for time,I drank my juice and made for the door.


Dad stepped in front of me and asked,“Well!”“Well what!”I asked,knowing exactly what.“Well!”he repeated,crossing his arms and looking everywhere but at me.I hugged him extra hard.Now was the right time to say what I'd always wanted to.“I'm fifty years old,Dad,and you've never told me you love me.”My father stepped away from me.He picked up the empty juice glass,washed it and put it away.“You've told other people you love me.”I said,“but I've never heard it from you.”Dad looked uncomfortable.Very uncomfortable.I moved closer to him.“Dad,I want you to tell me you love me.”Dad took a step back,his lips pressed together.He seemed about to speak,then shook his head.“Tell me”I shouted. “All right I love you”Dad finally blurted,his hands fluttering like wounded birds.And in that instant something occurred that I had never seen happen in my life.His eyes glistened,then overflowed.


I stood before him,stunned and silent.Finally,after all these years,my heart joined my head in understanding.My father loved me so much that just saying so made him weep,which was something he never,ever wanted to do,least of all in front of family.Mom had been right.Every day of my life Dad had told me how much he loved me by what he did and what he gave.“I know,Dad,”I said.“I know.”And now at last I did.

2009-03-20 · TA获得超过244个赞

Dear son...
The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me …
If I get dirty when eating… if I can not dress… have patience.
Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.
If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things thousand and one
times… do not interrupt me… listen to me
When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep…
When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…
Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath…
When yousee my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your

mocking smile…
I taught you how to do so many things… to eat good, to dress well… to confront life…
When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our
conversation… let me have the necessary time to remember… and if I cannot do it,
do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my
conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me…
If ever I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need
to and when not.
When my tired legs do not allow me walk...
… give me your hand… the same way I did when you gave your first steps.
And when someday I say to you that I do not want to live any more…
that I want to die… do not get angry… some day you will understand…
Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.
Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always wanted
the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you..
You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You
must be next to me, try to understand me and to help me as I did it when
you started living.
Help me to walk… help me to end my way with love and patience. I will
pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.
I love you son…
Your father
When love beckons you,follow him,though his ways are hard and steep.And when his wings enfold you,yield to him,though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.And when he speaks to you,believe in him,though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.Even as he is for our growth so is he for your pruning.Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,so shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth,
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart,and in that knowledge become a fragment of life's heart.But if,in your fear,you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,into the seasonless world where you shall laugh,but not all of your laughter,and weep,but not all of your tears.Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.Love possesses not would it be possessed,for love issufficient unto love.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.But if you love and have desires,let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love.
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart.
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2009-03-20 · TA获得超过1213个赞
No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you!--

In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.

After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.

He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging through the ruins.

As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It s too late! They re all dead! You can t help!

Go home! Come on, face reality, there s nothing you can do!"

To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You re in danger. We ll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now?"

The police came and said, "You re angry, anxious and it s over. You re endangering others. Go home. We ll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now?" No one helped.

Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son s voice. He screamed his son s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!?! It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told em that if you were alive, you d save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What s going on in there? How is it?" the father asked.

"There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us."

"Come out, boy!"

"No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you ll always be there for me!"






当这位父亲正在挖掘时,其他束手无策的学生家长赶到现场,揪心地叫着:"我的儿子呀!" "我的女儿呀!"一些好意的家长试图把这位父亲劝离现场,告诉他"一切都太迟了!"他们全死了!"这样做没用的","回去吧,这样做只会使事情更糟"。面对种种劝告,这位父亲的回答只有一句话:"你们愿意帮我吗?"然后继续进行挖掘工作,在废墟中寻找他的儿子。


警察赶到现场,对他说:"你现在又气又急,该结束了,你在危及他人,回家吧!我们会处理一切的。"这位父亲依旧回答:"你们愿意帮我吗?" 然而,人们无动于衷。


他挖掘了8小时,--12小时,24小时,36小时--38小时后,父亲推开了一块巨大的石头,听到了儿子的声音。父亲尖叫着:"阿曼德!"儿子的回音听到了:"爸爸吗?是我,爸,我告诉其他的小朋友不要着急。我告诉他们如果你活着,你会来救我的。如果我获救了,他们也就获救了。你答应过我, 不论发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边, 你做到了,爸!"




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2009-03-20 · TA获得超过8万个赞
His four-year-old that year, one eye was hit by a stone fly, then profusely. Sent to the hospital, the doctor shook his head, saying that too much trauma can not heal, and give children only with a number of simple syrup.

Father did not give up, holding a child at the time of ophthalmic medicine to the best of Shanghai, but Shanghai's Doctor and thoroughly crush his father's hope that they firmly said: "The eyes of not forensic."

Father took to the streets with children, can not help but feel sadness welling up, sitting in the street crying掩面. Ignorance of the children asked: "Father, how can you cry?"

Six-year-old son when the right eye had been white, and very ugly. He asked his father: "Why is my eye color are white?"

Father speechless.

Father knows, kids eyes will only pay the cost of his life, he to do anything difficult than other people.

Father in a granite factory job, is responsible for the shipment. That year, his workshop had an accident, in hoisting a piece of granite about five tons, the chain suddenly breaking, smashing at the heap material, passing the same gravel as the bullets hit him in the face. Front of him suddenly one black, nothing less than a watch. Sent to the hospital, his eye was injured than they have to light some of the other eye would not be affected much. But he refused treatment! Requested him to the factory, he does not look only eye injury, medical expenses can put paid to him. Why did he ask the factory to do so, he said want to use the money to give his son an artificial eye fitted. The factory of course, can not accept this proposal, insisting that he went to hospital for treatment only eye injury.

He still refused. The factory in order to avoid the worries, so that he wrote the book to guarantee to the effect that if the eyes are blind, and the factory did not have any relationship, he really wrote. Many people think him crazy, he did not give any explanation.

Twenty years later, the father has opened a embroidery factory, people are calling him one-eyed director. His son is very handsome, are people with disabilities do not see the slightest. That year, the kids and a pretty girl to get married, wedding, someone asked the bride: "You care about him only one eye吗?" The bride said: "Although he is only one eye, but he more than the normal side . "and the groom said with a smile:" Since I have only one eye, so the same as the hunter aimed at her. "everyone was the couple's verbal laugh.

At my son's wedding, the elderly father drunk. He pokes his one blind, the friends and family said: "you know my eyes then why not governance?"

The elderly, said: "In the past, usually ask my son, why their eyes are white. My son had pulled around, pointing their own blind, said that the son, the father the same way, This is called genetic."

People listened to, all stare blankly at it!












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