<select id="selectByTCR" resultType="com.securityeva.model.CommonType" parameterType="Map">
SELECT we.safeTypeId,COUNT(safeTypeId) as safeTypeId,com.name from se_weak_analysis we,se_common_type com where
riskLevel=#{riskLevel} and we.safeTypeId=com.id and infosysId=(select id from se_info_sys
where id in(select infosysId from se_report where uploadTime between
#{beginTime} and #{endTime} GROUP BY infosysId) and netTypeId=#{netTypeId}
GROUP BY netTypeId) GROUP BY safeTypeId;
</.select> 展开
SELECT we.safeTypeId,COUNT(safeTypeId) as safeTypeId,com.name from se_weak_analysis we,se_common_type com where
riskLevel=#{riskLevel} and we.safeTypeId=com.id and infosysId=(select id from se_info_sys
where id in(select infosysId from se_report where uploadTime between
#{beginTime} and #{endTime} GROUP BY infosysId) and netTypeId=#{netTypeId}
GROUP BY netTypeId) GROUP BY safeTypeId;
</.select> 展开
<select id="selectByTCR" resultType="com.securityeva.model.CommonType" parameterType="Map">
SELECT we.safeTypeId,COUNT(safeTypeId) as safeTypeId,com.name
from se_weak_analysis we,se_common_type com
where riskLevel=#{riskLevel}
and we.safeTypeId=com.id
and infosysId in ( select id
from se_info_sys
where id in(
select infosysId
from se_report
where uploadTime between#{beginTime}
and #{endTime}
GROUP BY infosysId )
and netTypeId=#{netTypeId}
GROUP BY netTypeId)
GROUP BY safeTypeId
<select id="selectByTCR" resultType="com.securityeva.model.CommonType" parameterType="Map">
SELECT we.safeTypeId,COUNT(safeTypeId) as safeTypeId,com.name
from se_weak_analysis we,se_common_type com
where riskLevel=#{riskLevel}
and we.safeTypeId=com.id
and infosysId in ( select id
from se_info_sys
where id in(
select infosysId
from se_report
where uploadTime between#{beginTime}
and #{endTime}
GROUP BY infosysId )
and netTypeId=#{netTypeId}
GROUP BY netTypeId)
GROUP BY safeTypeId