东方神起《I’ll be there》的歌词及中文翻译?
You and I must make a pact :你和我必须订立一个协议,
We must bring salvation back 我必须找回救援,
Where there is love 哪里有爱
I'll be there 我就在哪里
I'll reach out my hand to you我想你伸出双手
I have faith in all you do 我坚信你所做 的一切
Just call my name 呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
Trey : I'll be there to comfort you我就在那里让你高兴
I'll build my world of dreams around you 围绕着你我建造梦的世界
I'm so glad I found you yeah 我欣喜万分找到了你
I'll be there with a love so strong 我就在那里充满了爱意
I'll be your strength 我让你充满力量
You know I'll keep holding on 你知道我会一直坚持下去
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter 让我用欢乐和笑声充满你的心
Togetherness well it's so long after 多么期待冲锋的喜悦
Just call my name 呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
I'll be there to protect you我会在那里保护你
With an unselfish love that respect you 用无私的爱尊敬你
Just call my name呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
Trey : I'll be there to comfort you 我就在那里让你高兴
I'll build my world of dreams around you 围绕着你我建造梦的世界
I'm so glad I found you yeah 我欣喜万分找到了你
I'll be there with a love so strong 我就在那里充满了爱意
I'll be your strength 我让你充满力量
You know I'll keep holding on 你知道我会一直坚持下去
Baby yet you ever find someone new 宝贝你曾经找了另一个人
I know she better be good to you 我知道他最好对你更好
'Cause if she doesn't 因为如果他不,
Then I'll be there 我就会在那里
Don't you know baby yeah yeah 难道你不知道吗?贝贝宝贝?
I'be there, I'll be there 我就在那里我就在那里
Just call my name 呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
I'll be there baby 我就在那里宝贝
You know I'll be there 你知道哦我就在那里
Just call my name 只要你呼唤我的名字
Then I'll be there 我就在那里
Just look over your shoulder 只要超你肩膀旁边看
Just call my name 只要你呼唤我名字
And I'll be there我就会在那里
We must bring salvation back 我必须找回救援,
Where there is love 哪里有爱
I'll be there 我就在哪里
I'll reach out my hand to you我想你伸出双手
I have faith in all you do 我坚信你所做 的一切
Just call my name 呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
Trey : I'll be there to comfort you我就在那里让你高兴
I'll build my world of dreams around you 围绕着你我建造梦的世界
I'm so glad I found you yeah 我欣喜万分找到了你
I'll be there with a love so strong 我就在那里充满了爱意
I'll be your strength 我让你充满力量
You know I'll keep holding on 你知道我会一直坚持下去
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter 让我用欢乐和笑声充满你的心
Togetherness well it's so long after 多么期待冲锋的喜悦
Just call my name 呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
I'll be there to protect you我会在那里保护你
With an unselfish love that respect you 用无私的爱尊敬你
Just call my name呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
Trey : I'll be there to comfort you 我就在那里让你高兴
I'll build my world of dreams around you 围绕着你我建造梦的世界
I'm so glad I found you yeah 我欣喜万分找到了你
I'll be there with a love so strong 我就在那里充满了爱意
I'll be your strength 我让你充满力量
You know I'll keep holding on 你知道我会一直坚持下去
Baby yet you ever find someone new 宝贝你曾经找了另一个人
I know she better be good to you 我知道他最好对你更好
'Cause if she doesn't 因为如果他不,
Then I'll be there 我就会在那里
Don't you know baby yeah yeah 难道你不知道吗?贝贝宝贝?
I'be there, I'll be there 我就在那里我就在那里
Just call my name 呼唤我的名字
And I'll be there 我就在那里
I'll be there baby 我就在那里宝贝
You know I'll be there 你知道哦我就在那里
Just call my name 只要你呼唤我的名字
Then I'll be there 我就在那里
Just look over your shoulder 只要超你肩膀旁边看
Just call my name 只要你呼唤我名字
And I'll be there我就会在那里
I’ll be there (音译)
Hero: a zu ki you mei , da ki she mei
ha day na ki mi qi nu ka na ta ni
Xaih: da lei mo ga , hei ga yi day hi lu
mi la yi ga , a lu you , oh yeh~~
Max: ku lu she mi wa , you wu ki tou
she em ji zu wo ta , mei su ta mei ni
Micky: a ta ei la lei ta en na to find m
y way
U-know: o sou lei zu ni you ku ,
gou wi you wi li du
yi zu no hi ka ~~
(合): I'll be there , na mi da no mo kou
o wei
Xiah: wu em mei yi sa ei mo ku ei day
you kei lu ki yi dou
(合): to be shining days
ta lu li zu ku ma day
Hero: nei ga yi wa da yi she wo
ka kei lu kei you ku yi ma
ka zei no you ni
Micky: a yi she a wu , you lou kou bi
qi you wu wo mo tou mei da da ga wu
Max: ku ta ei wa dou gou ni mu
na yi ka la , a she ya dou da gei wu
she em ji day lu , dou kou ma day mo~~
(合): I'll be there
ki day ki za la yi em da
U-know: she ka la wu a wa say
ka na ei na lei bu su bi day , wo ~~
(合): to be shining days
a na ta tou tou mo li
Xiah: say ga yi wa yi dou zu ni
mu su ba nei day you ku yi man
so na no you ni
(合): hi ka yi mu zu mei day
kou kou lou
Max: ka sa mei nu tu ki
Micky: day a ei lu no da lou o ~~
Max: su ~~you mei ni tou dou ku ba show
, wo ~~
Hero: mi zu ga , na mi day no mu
kou hou wei~~
Xiah: o wu mei yi sa ei mu
gou wei day you gei lu gi yi dou , wo ~~
(合): I 'll be there
I 'll be there for you everyday~~
Hero: nei ga yi wa da yi she wo
ga kei nu kei day you ku yi man ~~
Xiah: I 'll be there fou you ~
[�2�2�3�8] �0�7�9�3 �2�1�2�3�3�9 �8�9�9�7�2�1�3�7 �8�1 �6�5�9�1�7�9 �3�1�0�5 �2�2�2�3 �3�1�4�5 �9�5
[Hero] 我都知道 是你 在我疲惫孤独的时候
[�2�7�2�3] �3�6�2�5�3�5�7�9 �9�5�0�3 �3�5�2�5�3�5�0�1 �8�3 �8�9 �7�8�2�3 �3�3�2�5�3�9 �1�7�9�1....
[Xiah] 为我笑 偶尔也为我哭 一直陪在我身边的人....
[�4�5�7�6] Thanks for everything & Thanks U here �8�9 �2�1�0�5�7�9 �2�3�3�2 �3�2�3�1 �8�9�9�7�7�5
[Max]Thanks for everything & Thanks U here 太过柔弱娇小的你
[�0�4�5�5] �8�9 �3�1�6�7 �8�5�9�3�6�9�8�9 �0�9 �8�9 �5�3 �1�7�9�6
[Micky] 为了我而祈祷的心 深深的爱
[�3�9�8�5] �8�9�7�5 �1�9�2�3 �8�9�4�7�8�9 �8�9�9�7�7�5 �3�3�3�7 �7�9�0�3�3�1 �1�7�9�1....
[U-know] 我有让我满足的你 我感谢的人....
[All] �8�9�9�3�3�9(�8�9�9�5 �9�3�7�9�1�9) �8�5 �2�3�0�7�9�9�9�3 �0�6 �7�5�3�7
[All] 没错(留下你)我哪里都去不了
[�4�5�7�6] �0�1�3�1 �3�8�2�3�3�9 �8�9 �2�5�3�5, �8�9�0�1 �7�9�0�3�3�3�3�5 �2�1�2�3�3�9
[Max] 每天握着的我的手 我懂得那种感谢
[All] �4�9�3�3 �8�9�9�5�4�9�0�3(�6�0�1�8 �7�8�2�3�0�7) �0�5�0�5�0�7�3�9 �8�9�9�7�7�5
[All] 就像开始那时候一样(一直在身边)为我停留的你
[�2�2�3�8] �8�9 �2�1�3�6�6�9�7�9 �2�9�1�1�1�9 �6�1�0�9 �8�1�3�5 �8�9�0�5�3�5�4�7�9�3 �7�1�1�7 �9�3�0�3�3�9
[Hero]太珍贵太美丽了 连我落下的眼泪都表示感谢
[�0�4�5�5] Thanks for everything & Thanks U here �2�3�5�5�3�1 �2�9�7�5, �6�0�1�8 �7�1�7�6�6�9�7�5
[Micky]Thanks for everything & Thanks U here 不会生病 永远健康地
[�4�5�7�6] �1�7�7�3�3�5 �8�9�9�7 �1�1 �3�1�2�3 �3�0 �0�5�4�1�0�1 �8�3�0�7 �7�3�2�1�3�1 �8�9�9�5 �3�1�6�7 �8�5�9�3�6�7 �7�9�0�3�3�1 �1�7�9�1...
[Max] 在你渐渐变红的脸颊上轻吻着 为了可爱的你而祈祷 我感谢的人...
[All] �8�9�9�3�3�9(�8�9�9�5 �9�3�7�9�1�9) �8�5 �2�3�0�7�9�9�9�3 �0�6 �7�5�3�7
[All] 没错(留下你)我哪里都去不了
[�3�9�8�5] �0�1�3�1 �3�8�2�3�3�9 �8�9 �2�5�3�5, �8�9�0�1 �7�9�0�3�3�3�3�5 �2�1�2�3�3�9
[U-know] 每天握着的我的手 我懂得那种感谢
[All] �4�9�3�3 �8�9�9�5�4�9�0�3(�6�0�1�8 �7�8�2�3�0�7) �0�5�0�5�0�7�3�9 �8�9�9�7�7�5
[All] 就像开始那时候一样(一直在身边)为我停留的你
[�2�7�2�3] �8�9 �2�3�0�5�9�6�7�9 �6�8�1�6�6�7 �6�1�0�9 �8�1�3�5 �8�9�0�5�3�5�4�7�9�3 �7�1�1�7 �9�3�0�3�3�9
[Xiah] 太美丽太幸福了 连我落下的眼泪都表示感谢
[All] (�2�3�8�1�3�9) �8�9 �0�9�2�2�2�7 [All] (�8�5�8�3�3�7) [�4�5�7�6] �8�9�9�7�1�7�3�3�9�9 �7�5..
[All] (知道吗) 我的心里 [All] (感觉到了吧) [Max]只有你
[�0�4�5�5] �8�9�9�3�1�9 �6�8�1�6�6�9�3�7 [�4�5�7�6] �8�1 �8�9�9�5 �6�6�6�7 �3�6�3�5�8�3�3�9
[Micky] 所以很幸福吧 [Max] 我会向着你微笑
[�2�2�3�8] �9�1�0�3�3�9 �8�9�9�7�3�5 �9�7�2�1�6�3 �2�7�7�1
[Hero] 我听到了 你温暖的呼吸
[�2�7�2�3] �3�3�0�4�7�5 �7�5�8�3�3�3 �8�9�9�7 �2�5�8�9 �7�1�2�5 �3�3�8�3�3�9
[Xiah] 如此地靠近 我会抱着你的肩膀
[All] I'll be there ([�2�7�2�3] I'll be there) I'll be there for U everyday
[All] I'll be there ([�2�7�2�3] I'll be there) I'll be there for U everyday
[�2�2�3�8] �8�9 �2�1�5�6�6�9�7�9 �2�1�3�6�6�3 �1�7�9�6 �7�5�0�9�4�5 �3�9 �8�9�9�5 �3�1�6�7
[Hero] 为了让我懂得深情而珍贵的爱情的你
[�2�7�2�3] I'll be there for U
[Xiah] I'll be there for U
Hero: a zu ki you mei , da ki she mei
ha day na ki mi qi nu ka na ta ni
Xaih: da lei mo ga , hei ga yi day hi lu
mi la yi ga , a lu you , oh yeh~~
Max: ku lu she mi wa , you wu ki tou
she em ji zu wo ta , mei su ta mei ni
Micky: a ta ei la lei ta en na to find m
y way
U-know: o sou lei zu ni you ku ,
gou wi you wi li du
yi zu no hi ka ~~
(合): I'll be there , na mi da no mo kou
o wei
Xiah: wu em mei yi sa ei mo ku ei day
you kei lu ki yi dou
(合): to be shining days
ta lu li zu ku ma day
Hero: nei ga yi wa da yi she wo
ka kei lu kei you ku yi ma
ka zei no you ni
Micky: a yi she a wu , you lou kou bi
qi you wu wo mo tou mei da da ga wu
Max: ku ta ei wa dou gou ni mu
na yi ka la , a she ya dou da gei wu
she em ji day lu , dou kou ma day mo~~
(合): I'll be there
ki day ki za la yi em da
U-know: she ka la wu a wa say
ka na ei na lei bu su bi day , wo ~~
(合): to be shining days
a na ta tou tou mo li
Xiah: say ga yi wa yi dou zu ni
mu su ba nei day you ku yi man
so na no you ni
(合): hi ka yi mu zu mei day
kou kou lou
Max: ka sa mei nu tu ki
Micky: day a ei lu no da lou o ~~
Max: su ~~you mei ni tou dou ku ba show
, wo ~~
Hero: mi zu ga , na mi day no mu
kou hou wei~~
Xiah: o wu mei yi sa ei mu
gou wei day you gei lu gi yi dou , wo ~~
(合): I 'll be there
I 'll be there for you everyday~~
Hero: nei ga yi wa da yi she wo
ga kei nu kei day you ku yi man ~~
Xiah: I 'll be there fou you ~
[�2�2�3�8] �0�7�9�3 �2�1�2�3�3�9 �8�9�9�7�2�1�3�7 �8�1 �6�5�9�1�7�9 �3�1�0�5 �2�2�2�3 �3�1�4�5 �9�5
[Hero] 我都知道 是你 在我疲惫孤独的时候
[�2�7�2�3] �3�6�2�5�3�5�7�9 �9�5�0�3 �3�5�2�5�3�5�0�1 �8�3 �8�9 �7�8�2�3 �3�3�2�5�3�9 �1�7�9�1....
[Xiah] 为我笑 偶尔也为我哭 一直陪在我身边的人....
[�4�5�7�6] Thanks for everything & Thanks U here �8�9 �2�1�0�5�7�9 �2�3�3�2 �3�2�3�1 �8�9�9�7�7�5
[Max]Thanks for everything & Thanks U here 太过柔弱娇小的你
[�0�4�5�5] �8�9 �3�1�6�7 �8�5�9�3�6�9�8�9 �0�9 �8�9 �5�3 �1�7�9�6
[Micky] 为了我而祈祷的心 深深的爱
[�3�9�8�5] �8�9�7�5 �1�9�2�3 �8�9�4�7�8�9 �8�9�9�7�7�5 �3�3�3�7 �7�9�0�3�3�1 �1�7�9�1....
[U-know] 我有让我满足的你 我感谢的人....
[All] �8�9�9�3�3�9(�8�9�9�5 �9�3�7�9�1�9) �8�5 �2�3�0�7�9�9�9�3 �0�6 �7�5�3�7
[All] 没错(留下你)我哪里都去不了
[�4�5�7�6] �0�1�3�1 �3�8�2�3�3�9 �8�9 �2�5�3�5, �8�9�0�1 �7�9�0�3�3�3�3�5 �2�1�2�3�3�9
[Max] 每天握着的我的手 我懂得那种感谢
[All] �4�9�3�3 �8�9�9�5�4�9�0�3(�6�0�1�8 �7�8�2�3�0�7) �0�5�0�5�0�7�3�9 �8�9�9�7�7�5
[All] 就像开始那时候一样(一直在身边)为我停留的你
[�2�2�3�8] �8�9 �2�1�3�6�6�9�7�9 �2�9�1�1�1�9 �6�1�0�9 �8�1�3�5 �8�9�0�5�3�5�4�7�9�3 �7�1�1�7 �9�3�0�3�3�9
[Hero]太珍贵太美丽了 连我落下的眼泪都表示感谢
[�0�4�5�5] Thanks for everything & Thanks U here �2�3�5�5�3�1 �2�9�7�5, �6�0�1�8 �7�1�7�6�6�9�7�5
[Micky]Thanks for everything & Thanks U here 不会生病 永远健康地
[�4�5�7�6] �1�7�7�3�3�5 �8�9�9�7 �1�1 �3�1�2�3 �3�0 �0�5�4�1�0�1 �8�3�0�7 �7�3�2�1�3�1 �8�9�9�5 �3�1�6�7 �8�5�9�3�6�7 �7�9�0�3�3�1 �1�7�9�1...
[Max] 在你渐渐变红的脸颊上轻吻着 为了可爱的你而祈祷 我感谢的人...
[All] �8�9�9�3�3�9(�8�9�9�5 �9�3�7�9�1�9) �8�5 �2�3�0�7�9�9�9�3 �0�6 �7�5�3�7
[All] 没错(留下你)我哪里都去不了
[�3�9�8�5] �0�1�3�1 �3�8�2�3�3�9 �8�9 �2�5�3�5, �8�9�0�1 �7�9�0�3�3�3�3�5 �2�1�2�3�3�9
[U-know] 每天握着的我的手 我懂得那种感谢
[All] �4�9�3�3 �8�9�9�5�4�9�0�3(�6�0�1�8 �7�8�2�3�0�7) �0�5�0�5�0�7�3�9 �8�9�9�7�7�5
[All] 就像开始那时候一样(一直在身边)为我停留的你
[�2�7�2�3] �8�9 �2�3�0�5�9�6�7�9 �6�8�1�6�6�7 �6�1�0�9 �8�1�3�5 �8�9�0�5�3�5�4�7�9�3 �7�1�1�7 �9�3�0�3�3�9
[Xiah] 太美丽太幸福了 连我落下的眼泪都表示感谢
[All] (�2�3�8�1�3�9) �8�9 �0�9�2�2�2�7 [All] (�8�5�8�3�3�7) [�4�5�7�6] �8�9�9�7�1�7�3�3�9�9 �7�5..
[All] (知道吗) 我的心里 [All] (感觉到了吧) [Max]只有你
[�0�4�5�5] �8�9�9�3�1�9 �6�8�1�6�6�9�3�7 [�4�5�7�6] �8�1 �8�9�9�5 �6�6�6�7 �3�6�3�5�8�3�3�9
[Micky] 所以很幸福吧 [Max] 我会向着你微笑
[�2�2�3�8] �9�1�0�3�3�9 �8�9�9�7�3�5 �9�7�2�1�6�3 �2�7�7�1
[Hero] 我听到了 你温暖的呼吸
[�2�7�2�3] �3�3�0�4�7�5 �7�5�8�3�3�3 �8�9�9�7 �2�5�8�9 �7�1�2�5 �3�3�8�3�3�9
[Xiah] 如此地靠近 我会抱着你的肩膀
[All] I'll be there ([�2�7�2�3] I'll be there) I'll be there for U everyday
[All] I'll be there ([�2�7�2�3] I'll be there) I'll be there for U everyday
[�2�2�3�8] �8�9 �2�1�5�6�6�9�7�9 �2�1�3�6�6�3 �1�7�9�6 �7�5�0�9�4�5 �3�9 �8�9�9�5 �3�1�6�7
[Hero] 为了让我懂得深情而珍贵的爱情的你
[�2�7�2�3] I'll be there for U
[Xiah] I'll be there for U