一首英文歌 女声

女声,旋律缓慢,我只记得一小段歌词butiwant(to)waitingforyou,百度半天只找到一点相似的。但是不是那首。冰天雪地,裸体跪求啊啊啊啊!!!是一个黑人女... 女声,旋律缓慢,我只记得一小段歌词but i want (to)waiting for you,百度半天只找到一点相似的。但是不是那首。冰天雪地,裸体跪求啊啊啊啊!!!
 我来答
2015-06-25 · 总有一首歌、一段话、一本书,触动你的内心深处!
采纳数:4620 获赞数:6826

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Hello, You Beautiful Thing - Jason Mraz
Fall out of bed
and catch a fading star

Fancy I woke up before my alarm
Brought my mind through my eyes
It's the best I can do
Before it's automatic,
hand it over, turn it to you
Though her smile when it happened,
almost as if it was magic
It means there's a god
somewhere and he's laughing
And I shuffle my slipperless toes
to the kitchen
Still low to the ground,
but high on living
And I know, I know,

it's gonna be a good day

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

Waking up, I stretch my body
and acknowledge some aches
It must be something
I did yesterday

Pour a cup of liquid gold,
'cause my enginge's still cold

but in a minute everything's gonna change
'Cause I know, I know,

it's gonna be a good day

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

Oh this is what I've been waiting for
(this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh this is what I've been waiting for

(this is what I've been waiting for)

Looking out from a cul de sac
watching the band
of the Earthtake the plaque
of the night from the dirt
I can see from the depths
of my readjustinize
of reflection of yes's
and that ever changing sky
But why do bad dreams
linger long after I awake?

I don't need no seance
of violent pian replay

And I feel quite foolish sometimes
when I pray
But my thoughts are all
I've got so I try to make them brave
And I know, I know,

it's gonna be a good day

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

oh this is what I've been waiting for
(this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh this is what I've been waiting for
(this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh this is what I've been waiting for
(this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh this is what I've been waiting for


And I know, I know,

it's gonna be a good day

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing
不好意思不是这首啊,歌词中有but i want (to)waiting for you
不好意思不是这首啊,歌词中有but i want (to)waiting for you
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