Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
# Visual Studio 2005
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Entity", "..\Entity\Entity.csproj", "{9ADE0D76-3DE7-40C3-AA9F-2C6B201D5CFD}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Sqldbconn", "..\Sqldbconn\Sqldbconn.csproj", "{965ABA45-CE95-40A5-98D9-DC7EB9B6AB2E}"
Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "C:\...\tb0601955_web\", ".", "{82CEB0A6-A46B-4EE0-A5A9-3C762BF804B8}"
ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject
ProjectReferences = "{9ADE0D76-3DE7-40C3-AA9F-2C6B201D5CFD}|Entity.dll;"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/tb0601955_web"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = "..\tb0601955_web\"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "PrecompiledWeb\tb0601955_web\"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = "true" 展开
# Visual Studio 2005
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Entity", "..\Entity\Entity.csproj", "{9ADE0D76-3DE7-40C3-AA9F-2C6B201D5CFD}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Sqldbconn", "..\Sqldbconn\Sqldbconn.csproj", "{965ABA45-CE95-40A5-98D9-DC7EB9B6AB2E}"
Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "C:\...\tb0601955_web\", ".", "{82CEB0A6-A46B-4EE0-A5A9-3C762BF804B8}"
ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject
ProjectReferences = "{9ADE0D76-3DE7-40C3-AA9F-2C6B201D5CFD}|Entity.dll;"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/tb0601955_web"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = "..\tb0601955_web\"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "PrecompiledWeb\tb0601955_web\"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = "true" 展开
Solution Explorer points to the CSolution object indicating that it is part of the T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsHierarchy.
When the solution is opened in Visual Studio, an entry is made for the solution file (Solution1.sln) in the running document table (RDT). The solution file contains information persisted for the solution which includes Project1 as shown in Solution Explorer. (Information relating to the specific project items and the project itself are contained in Project1's text-based project file. If an element of the project is opened for editing, there is an entry for the project file in the RDT.)
The context menu displayed when the user right-clicks the solution node contains an entry for Solution Notes (not shown in the diagram). From this menu, the user can select either Add New Solution Note or View Solution Notes. Selecting one of these options opens the Solution Notes window. The Solution Notes window contains the following three links:
Note Name—The name of the note. The note can be renamed or deleted in the Solution Notes window by right-clicking the name field, or renamed in theProperties window.
Issue—This field was added programmatically by the implementation in the sample and can be set to TRUE (to indicate that there are issues in the solution that need to be addressed) or False.
Shared—If this field is set to TRUE, the note can be viewed by other users and is stored with the Note Name as a name-value pair in the .sln file. If it is set to false, the note is not shared with other users and the contents of the note are stored with other private user options in the .suo file.
Selecting one of the notes in the Solution Notes window causes the properties for that note to be displayed in the Properties window. The properties shown in the three fields of the Solution Notes window can be changed in the Properties window. In addition to the three fields described above, the Properties window also contains the size of the note consisting of the number of characters in the note.
The class CNoteToolWin implements the Solution Notes window. It is contained within the class CSlnExtPkg that is the class for the Solution Extender Window. When Add New Solution Note or View Solution Notes is selected from the solution menu, a call is made to CSlnExtPkg to open the Solution Notes window.
At the same time, a call is made to CSlnNote. This opens the standard text editor to view the text of the note, or to allow a new note to be written, by calling the CreateDocumentWindow method and passing in the MKDocumentString for the document to be loaded into the window. By specifying theAltDocData flag (CDW_fAltDocData) in this call instead of RDTDocData, you indicate to the environment that you are loading a subset of the RDTDocDatadocument into the text buffer.
This is important because the entry in the RDT is for the entire solution file. If RDTDocData is called, the .sln file is loaded into the editor rather than the subset of the solution that is the note. This results in an error condition because the same document (in this case the solution file) cannot have two entries in the RDT, indicating that the same document was opened in two different editors.
Solution Explorer points to the CSolution object indicating that it is part of the T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsHierarchy.
When the solution is opened in Visual Studio, an entry is made for the solution file (Solution1.sln) in the running document table (RDT). The solution file contains information persisted for the solution which includes Project1 as shown in Solution Explorer. (Information relating to the specific project items and the project itself are contained in Project1's text-based project file. If an element of the project is opened for editing, there is an entry for the project file in the RDT.)
The context menu displayed when the user right-clicks the solution node contains an entry for Solution Notes (not shown in the diagram). From this menu, the user can select either Add New Solution Note or View Solution Notes. Selecting one of these options opens the Solution Notes window. The Solution Notes window contains the following three links:
Note Name—The name of the note. The note can be renamed or deleted in the Solution Notes window by right-clicking the name field, or renamed in theProperties window.
Issue—This field was added programmatically by the implementation in the sample and can be set to TRUE (to indicate that there are issues in the solution that need to be addressed) or False.
Shared—If this field is set to TRUE, the note can be viewed by other users and is stored with the Note Name as a name-value pair in the .sln file. If it is set to false, the note is not shared with other users and the contents of the note are stored with other private user options in the .suo file.
Selecting one of the notes in the Solution Notes window causes the properties for that note to be displayed in the Properties window. The properties shown in the three fields of the Solution Notes window can be changed in the Properties window. In addition to the three fields described above, the Properties window also contains the size of the note consisting of the number of characters in the note.
The class CNoteToolWin implements the Solution Notes window. It is contained within the class CSlnExtPkg that is the class for the Solution Extender Window. When Add New Solution Note or View Solution Notes is selected from the solution menu, a call is made to CSlnExtPkg to open the Solution Notes window.
At the same time, a call is made to CSlnNote. This opens the standard text editor to view the text of the note, or to allow a new note to be written, by calling the CreateDocumentWindow method and passing in the MKDocumentString for the document to be loaded into the window. By specifying theAltDocData flag (CDW_fAltDocData) in this call instead of RDTDocData, you indicate to the environment that you are loading a subset of the RDTDocDatadocument into the text buffer.
This is important because the entry in the RDT is for the entire solution file. If RDTDocData is called, the .sln file is loaded into the editor rather than the subset of the solution that is the note. This results in an error condition because the same document (in this case the solution file) cannot have two entries in the RDT, indicating that the same document was opened in two different editors.