
 我来答
2022-06-11 · TA获得超过5292个赞


  Hello, everyone, please allow me to introduce myself with a minute let you know me, know me and accept me. I come from Shandong, xxx, 20-year-old, my hometown Qilu earth gave me a straightforward character, and yet steady, and later the city of Nanjing travel long distances to school.

  As one saying goes: "Ten years out of sharpening sharp, sword-jun to knowledge only pending." Zaikuzailei, I am willing to try, "eat life of hardship, Fang Wei Ren Exalted", in later school life, I will definitely be one to make their own efforts, but had a substantial significance of post-secondary life. Student life in the future please give more concern, a simple self-introduction is completed, thank you!


  Hello, my name is XXX. I graduated from Meishan road middle school in XX district.

  I have loved literature since I was a child. For me, compared with the wonderful symbol numbers and changeable geometry figures in science, I prefer the humanistic atmosphere in literature.

  When nobody is around, I like to read quietly, immerse myself in or even indulge in that famous literary work. The rich humanistic atmosphere in the book is refreshing, which makes me sink into it and unable to extricate myself. I don't know if Lao can feel that way when he heard Wang Xiaoyu's voice of storytelling like the sound of nature?

  However, too much book as a friend, but let me ignore the real interpersonal communication, in the face of unfamiliar environment and strangers, I will appear too silent and even dull because I am at a loss, which is my biggest disadvantage.

  Of course, like Akita, I have been trying to change myself. Although it is difficult, I will try my best.

  So in the next three years of high school, I hope I can get some precious friendships as well as good results! Thank you!


  Hello everyone, my name is XXX, XX years old this year. From today on, I became a junior high school student.

  Just graduated from primary school, I experienced the separation of classmates for the first time. I was more or less worried, afraid of losing friends, and the strange environment made me a little nervous. "Don't worry about the way ahead, no one knows you." I didn't understand this sentence before. Now I know that I should be brave and happy to accept the new life, because I see that my junior high school life has come with my enthusiastic classmates and friendly teachers who will accompany me. I hope that I can become good friends with you and help each other in the future study and life , encourage each other.

  I will try my best to be a qualified student in junior high school. This is a real me - XXX!

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