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2022-06-11 · TA获得超过5453个赞




  I went to the zoo with my dad today, and I was so happy because I could see a lot of animals and wonder what I saw. Listen to me slowly.

  Go abroad to study network came to la today, at the gate of the zoo is there are more cars than people, we can't find a parking space, also good my dad again behind a tree to find a parking space, my father bought the ticket will be in after,. I first came to the amusement park, see a roller coaster, pirate ship, etc., I want to play a roller coaster, but more difficult to imagine, and then I went to the pirate ship, see the 90 - degree swing, a see can't play, did not even play play foot soft la-la-la, I came to the faunal region, I saw a little rabbit, I went to buy some hello rabbit food, me! The first feed grass to a small white rabbit, it has long ears, red eyes, a small triangular nose, and small mouth, very cute! It is the most lovely on the body of the white fluffy white hair, feels soft, but touch it to wash their hands, or "virus" will "invasion" of our body, make us sick, I also see! The cows, horses, birds, tigers, lions, monkeys and other animals, but the most interesting should calculate guru is feed the fish. I bought a bag of feed the fish food, when I stand in front of goldfish, I'm Sarah some food into the water, a large group of fish to me here, I think they like those in strong rob food fish synchronized swimming athletes, one down on the surface of the water, into the water. Sometimes you might see a crowd of them jumping around! So I played in the zoo for hours and I should go home.

  I bid farewell to my friends in the zoo with my heart, and I wave goodbye to my friend in the zoo, and bring back the happy heart and the happy heart.


  The summer vacation was 56 days long, and in the long 56 days, there were happy, unforgettable and sad things, and they became the flowers that were so gorgeous that they described my story. In the sea of flowers, I roam freely, leaning down to listen to a flower...

  It was the morning of a strange cloud in the sky, and our family sat on a train bound for Beijing. I am looking forward to the beauty of Beijing; Imagine going to tsinghua and Peking University. Looking forward to climbing the Great Wall to see the magnificent and magnificent mountains of the motherland. Longing for the bird's nest and the water cube to watch the lights of the night. In my wildest dreams, I gradually entered into the fragrance of dreams.

  A misty, I heard the flight attendant say: "the passengers, Beijing west station arrived." As I set foot on the first foot of Beijing, I felt a tingling sensation in my heart, leaving the fatigue of the train in the clouds.

  We first came to Beijing's tiananmen square, saw chairman MAO's portrait hangs high, also saw the people's heroes monument, it high up, in the above records the history of our Chinese people's Anti-Japanese War. He also went to chairman MAO's memorial hall, a full hour line, and then he turned and went through security to get in. The first thing that comes into view is a huge statue of chairman MAO, and then chairman MAO lies quietly in the crystal sarcophagus, where he looks so loving and peaceful and covered with the red flag of the party. At the moment, the admiration for chairman MAO is filled with admiration. Just a quick look and then a hurried walk.

  Again we came to the Great Wall, badaling, as the saying goes, "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall" as the tourist team, we started a long climb "steps", I see the Great Wall of magnificent structure, can't help but sigh, the wisdom of the ancients; The sight on both sides of the landscape, the mountains and rivers of the motherland are not so beautiful. We came to the place where meng jiangnu wept over the Great Wall and felt the cruel and helpless oppression of the feudal society.

  Finally, we came to tsinghua university, where we felt a strong book smell, and the place where tsinghua had stopped cycling was a sea of bicycles. The teaching building, office building, dormitory building is tall and big, there must be a sense of superiority in it. Tsinghua also has a lotus pond, and there is a big, crooked willow tree, which will be happy to read and study in such an environment. When I saw tsinghua, I didn't want to study hard and waste precious time.

  Beijing -- our capital is very large, much more than that, and there are many places of interest. The memory of this trip to Beijing is very deep and unforgettable!


  Finally, I hope to have a long vacation. The weather is hot, but I feel cool in my heart when I think of it. But it was a long time, and only a few days of fun, and my mom and dad asked me to go to the children's park again and again. Hey, there's no way. Let's go.

  Wow, it's so hot! The hot sun is grilling the earth, and the heat waves from the tarmac are stifling. The pedestrians in the street is also much less than usual, occasionally to see a few and I age children riding the bike, weakly I think they had the same experience with me. While walking, I heard someone call me. Looking back, it turned out that zhao Yang, hunched over in his back, was walking slowly towards me, carrying the electronic organ, and seeing him sweating, he asked, "where are you going?" "Oh, where else? He patted him said: "every day to learn electronic organ bai, union with that boring 'dao, re, mi, didn't even have time to play, really tired." "Isn't it, I also pretty bad, mother partial forced me to children learning to paint, what famous painter counselling, harm I can't see cartoon city, wanted to have a holiday can easily for a while, but again...... alas, nervous than at school."

  I broke up with my classmates, and before I knew it, I came to the children's paradise. Already in class, the teacher is eagerly requirements and methods of the interpretation of character sketch, but I really don't want to hear, but finally had to crustily skin of head draw a. Drawing it, I thought, "what is the point of always doing this?" "I would put a necklace on his neck, and then he would put a pair of earrings on his ear..." As I drew it, my deskmate saw it and said, "teacher, you see jin jianxin wearing a necklace for the model and wearing earrings." The students laughed and the teacher shook his head at me. I glanced at her and hummed. At this moment, it was as if a man stood by the window. I froze. It was over.

  After school, I nervously returned home to wait. Unexpected is, however, my mother didn't beat and scold to me but abnormal said calmly, "you don't want to learn to calculate, why such a poor performance to parents face, after the summer vacation was in sixth grade, you should grow up, you should understand the parents hard." I saw the tears in my mother's eyes, the acid in my heart, I should not live up to my mother's expectations! But I really don't like painting! And zhao Yang has so many classmates like me


  I took part in a few meaningful activities during the summer vacation. Through this activity, let me experience the hard work of making money and not easy!

  I buy a newspaper on the first day: "I got up early, with the fastest speed to reconcile my things packed, I will happily out of the door, called TaoYaNi also, we with the feelings of a is full of joy to Simon in the paper, on the way we are very happy. When we put the newspapers apart, begin to set the papers, we have earnestly brightly colored paper sets together, after we put the newspapers set, found on the ground, there are two or three zhang section TaoYaNi immediately and I hurry up, we have apart just set good paper, each carefully again to turn over again, the results of a no more and no less, only one person is missing one or two newspapers, it can put us under can be anxious that bad, I said, 'or we'll sell motionless... we are talking about."

  After a while, we finally proposed the same thing, but at this time it was half past seven and we hurried out of the door, and we were fighting for business... It was almost nine o 'clock when I finally sold the newspaper.

  We counted the money you earn, the in the mind very happy, because this is the first time that oneself earn money, although very hard, hot with smelly sweat, but we are still very happy, happy. Because only oneself know, the money that oneself make is very good!

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