英文作文A day I will never forget

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2022-11-02 · TA获得超过5632个赞
I bought an exciting
or violent game during summer holiday. Eventually
I bought the game
"Grudge".Some of my friends said that this game would make you apart from the world of reality so that I bought it without considering. Last night
my parents and I couldn't help trying to play this game last night.While playing the game
we saw the lights turned off mysteriouly and the water was dripping on the ceiling.Suddenly
the ghost turned up from the television.Then
she dragged me to the game. I was extremely scared. I didn't know how to get out from the game. I contrived to call my parents to save me. However
it didn't work. There was just a narrow way to go through from the game of special mission mode.I set off my jounery now.During the special mission
I needed to save a girl that was in the hospital.I ran into the hospital.Fortuantely
I found her in the ward.We must got out from the stupid and horrible hospital. There was unlit and no body was alived.Suddenly
we heard the scary sound which was from the outside.We belived that the ghost was approaching us so that we hided under the bed.The ghost came in and tried to find us.We saw her walking out sluggishly so we standed out from the bed.Mysteriouly
the ghost went through from the wall and attacked her. I elbowed the ghost out of the way and ran to the safer place with her. While escaping
we found the key on the floor. I picked it up and used it to open the door. Finally
we got out from there.I had saved her and won the mission.I returned back to my world. My parents worried about me so much and throwed the game away. I didn't e up with the reason that why I came into this conceivable world. I just knew that I had experienced the most exciting activity in my life. Now
I wish that I could got into there again.I will never fet that moment. I am still waiting for going back to there again.
A day I will never fet Last year on my birthday
I was very glad.This day was very very special.And then I had a exciting experiences on this special day. That time
I invited my friends
my clas *** ates and my family to came my birthday party.We played some games.Suddenly
the bell was ring.I came to opened the door.Oh!My teacher Miss Wong was gave a persent to me.I was very surprised.My friends wanted to me to see what it it about this persent.Oh!I was very shocked.It was a CD.I very liked listened music.And then I can listen the music.This time
All the friends to gav me the parsents.Tommy gave me a book
Wendy gave me a pen
Mary gave me a bag
Gary gave me a pen.......And the big persent was a telephone.It was my Grandpa gave me.And all the family
clas *** ate and friends to support me
'Happy birthday'.And we sang the Christmas song.We were very glad and joyful on this day. Although the happy time was very fast
I never fet it.
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