有关雅安地震的英语作文 学校举行地震演练500字英语作文
英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的有关雅安地震的英语作文 学校举行地震演练500字英语作文,供大家参考:)
The earthquake happened in Sichuan Province, China Ya'an, the earthquake is very dangerous, the face of the earthquake, we should learn how to save themselves, in order to let everyone can protect themselves in the earthquake, our school held a fire drill and seismic safety evacuation.
早上晨会的时候,我们全部师生到操场上又进行了消防演练。体育组的曹老师问了我们几个关于防火知识问题,我们全体同学都正确的回答了,消防演练开始了,体育老师把可燃物品放在一个大铁盆子里,再点上火,这时,火就燃烧了起来,两千多个同学惊呼一声:“啊!”这时老师让几个六年级的哥哥姐姐把消防器打开摁下按钮对准大铁盆长摁开关,就喷出像雾一样的气体,只听“呲”的一声,火就扑灭了,老师又点了一些很旺的火,还没等我看清楚,那红红的火苗就被灭火器“呲”的一声给灭了,天上还留着许多“雾”在飘来飘去。到了第三节课时,我们正在上科学课的时候,校园里突然响起了尖锐刺耳的警报声, 随着一阵紧张的警报声,我们当时一下子很慌乱,科学林老师立即说:“不是真的地震,不要慌忙!赶快排队走!”我们就排着整齐队伍迅速向操场上跑。跑的过程中我们的队伍又乱了,有的同学还哈哈笑,我们又重新整理好队伍在空旷的操场上停了下来,现场一片静寂,正在这时听到我们福州市防空警报声也在不停地回荡……我们以为这是全市地震演练。
When the morning will, all our teachers and students to the playground and a fire drill. Sports group Cao teacher asked us a few questions about the fire protection knowledge, all of our classmates answer correctly, fire drills begin, sports teacher put combustible items in a big iron pot, and then lit a fire, the fire, burning up, more than two thousand students shout loudly: "ah!" When the teacher let some of the sixth grade brother sister put fire to open the press the button at the big iron pot of long press the switch, just like smog gases ejected, listen only "bared" sound, the fire extinguished, the teacher also had some very prosperous fire, and so I do not see, that the red flames are fire extinguishers "bared" sound to put out, the sky still has many "fog" in floating. In the third class, when we are science class, campus suddenly sounded the alarm sound shrill alarm sound, with a nervous, we were suddenly very panic, science teacher Lin immediately said: "not really earthquake, don't rush! Please line up to go!" We have a neat row team quickly to running on the playground. The running process of our team and messy, some students also laugh, we rearrange the good teams in the playground and stopped, the quiet, just then we heard Fuzhou City air-raid siren echoed in the non-stop...... We think that this is the city's earthquake drill.
Although the running back and forth very tired, however, the exercise than before, skilled movements, the speed faster than before, and our class discipline finally particularly well, praised the school brigade teacher, really make us happy.
The earthquake happened in Sichuan Province, China Ya'an, the earthquake is very dangerous, the face of the earthquake, we should learn how to save themselves, in order to let everyone can protect themselves in the earthquake, our school held a fire drill and seismic safety evacuation.
早上晨会的时候,我们全部师生到操场上又进行了消防演练。体育组的曹老师问了我们几个关于防火知识问题,我们全体同学都正确的回答了,消防演练开始了,体育老师把可燃物品放在一个大铁盆子里,再点上火,这时,火就燃烧了起来,两千多个同学惊呼一声:“啊!”这时老师让几个六年级的哥哥姐姐把消防器打开摁下按钮对准大铁盆长摁开关,就喷出像雾一样的气体,只听“呲”的一声,火就扑灭了,老师又点了一些很旺的火,还没等我看清楚,那红红的火苗就被灭火器“呲”的一声给灭了,天上还留着许多“雾”在飘来飘去。到了第三节课时,我们正在上科学课的时候,校园里突然响起了尖锐刺耳的警报声, 随着一阵紧张的警报声,我们当时一下子很慌乱,科学林老师立即说:“不是真的地震,不要慌忙!赶快排队走!”我们就排着整齐队伍迅速向操场上跑。跑的过程中我们的队伍又乱了,有的同学还哈哈笑,我们又重新整理好队伍在空旷的操场上停了下来,现场一片静寂,正在这时听到我们福州市防空警报声也在不停地回荡……我们以为这是全市地震演练。
When the morning will, all our teachers and students to the playground and a fire drill. Sports group Cao teacher asked us a few questions about the fire protection knowledge, all of our classmates answer correctly, fire drills begin, sports teacher put combustible items in a big iron pot, and then lit a fire, the fire, burning up, more than two thousand students shout loudly: "ah!" When the teacher let some of the sixth grade brother sister put fire to open the press the button at the big iron pot of long press the switch, just like smog gases ejected, listen only "bared" sound, the fire extinguished, the teacher also had some very prosperous fire, and so I do not see, that the red flames are fire extinguishers "bared" sound to put out, the sky still has many "fog" in floating. In the third class, when we are science class, campus suddenly sounded the alarm sound shrill alarm sound, with a nervous, we were suddenly very panic, science teacher Lin immediately said: "not really earthquake, don't rush! Please line up to go!" We have a neat row team quickly to running on the playground. The running process of our team and messy, some students also laugh, we rearrange the good teams in the playground and stopped, the quiet, just then we heard Fuzhou City air-raid siren echoed in the non-stop...... We think that this is the city's earthquake drill.
Although the running back and forth very tired, however, the exercise than before, skilled movements, the speed faster than before, and our class discipline finally particularly well, praised the school brigade teacher, really make us happy.