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2023-01-13 · TA获得超过641个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】在学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是 为大家精心整理的关于家庭英语作文【四篇】,欢迎大家阅读。


  in the growing field of happiness research, one thing is overwhelmingly clear. people who are socially engaged are more likely to be happy—and less likely to be depressed—than those who aren't.

  in fact, time magazine poll found that the four most significant sources of happiness—children (77 percent), friendships (76 percent), contributing to the lives of others (75 percent), and spouse/partner (73 percent)—all involved spending meaningful time with other people.

  the problem: “we're so caught up with extraordinary work burdens, we don't have time to enjoy the people we love or contribute to the lives of others,” says post.

  that time crunch is quite real, says john de graaf, president of the public policy organization take back your time. “compared to 30 years ago, the average family now spends an extra 500 hours per year working outside the home.”

  we're also spending more time getting to work and back.

  “traffic is getting worse and we're not investing in mass transit,” says de graaf. “most of the data i've seen shows that we've doubled our average commute times in the past generation.”

  obviously, it depends on where you live—and where you work. those most impacted: affluent families who chose even larger homes over living closer to work, and younger families who are priced out of homes of any size closer to centers of employment.


  Young people are used to relying financially on their families

  The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates…… . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…… .

  In fact,…… . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that…… . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view.…… . It owes to…… .


  To give birth to children and raise them was difficult in the past and thiswas largely the result of the inadequate medical knowledge and equallyinadequate medical facilities in those days. Clearly it was because of thisdifficulty that families of former times tended to play it safe, producing a lotof offspring so as to guard against any possible loss. Of course, such a thingoccurs more frequently in an agricultural society than in an Industrialized oneas in an agricultural society extended families are the fashion. Times change.Most of us live now in an industrialized society where overpopulation is seenoftener as a bane than as a boon, and that is also why family planning is nowall the rage, particularly in populous countries. Family planning not only canstem the population growth, but can also provide the needed information forthose who want to start a family. To make their lives happier and moreharmonious, couples should subscribe to this kind of planning, avoidingunnecessary births of putting a limit on the number of their children, as it is,family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to planchildbirth. as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birthcontrol, but also to plan childbirth. The following is what I think we should doin regard to the promotion of family planning: 1) disseminate information onfamily planning and persuade people to scrap the traditional thinking that a boyis better than a girl and that having no heir is a shame: 2) regard populationproblems and the way to build a happy family as apart of the educational course:3) positively strive for support from government officials and leaders of aconsortium: 4) put continuous emphasis on the need to tie up the oviduct or thevas deferens for either sex. In a word, family planning rests with everycitizen, not merely with a few persons.


  If I have a choice between studying at home using computers and television or studying in a traditional school setting, I’d choose the traditional setting . Maybe it’s just what I’m used to ,but I don’t think that technology can replace teachers and classrooms.

  After all, technology can fail. Computers go down and computer programs crash. Televisions break, and the electricity can suddenly go off. In those situations, who's going to teach me? If I'm at school, and the television or the computers stop functioning, there's a teacher to step in and change the lesson plan. Teachers can draw on their teaching experience and be creative. Computers and televisions can't.

  I'd also miss the chance to interact with other students if I weren't going to school. I think learning to play and work with other people is one of the most important lessons we learn in school. It prepares us for life, and for working with other people. Being with other people also helps us discover who we are.

  Another concern I have about studying at home is getting distracted. It's strange, but I think being home alone is more distracting than being at school with a lot of people. At school, we're all focused on the same subjects. At home, it would be so easy to turn off the computer or the television and go do something else. I might tell myself that it's okay to play a computer game now and make up the study hours later. Chances are, I'd never make up the study hours.

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