1、需要30万吨谷类补充库存。Three hundred thousand tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks.
2、该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety.
3、全国各地的经销商持续抱怨汽车大量库存卖不出去。Dealers across the country continue to complain about huge stocks of unsold cars.
4、但是调查也显示,各公司正在减少库存,而没有生产新的产品。But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products.
5、医院和血库负责储存血液,并尽量保持足够的库存。Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand.
6、Rough Set理论在库存管理中的应用Application of Inventory Management based on Rough Set theory.
7、我使用Category类来保存库存信息。I use the Category class to hold inventory information.