4. 招聘系统数据录入、维护
5. 新员工入职培训(公司简介、考勤、薪资发放、绩效考核体系、福 利等项目介绍)
6. 员工培训记录录入、更新
7. 外训初期询价
8. 操作考勤系统、统计核对考勤纪录
9. 收集、录入月度绩效数值
10. 发放薪资保密条
11. 收集各部门的月度绩效数值
12. 协助办理离职员工行政物品的交接
13. 办理离职员工的:合同解除、社保公积金关系转移
14. 离职员工资料整理、归档、存放
15. 订餐、订票、订房、订水、收发信件
16. 办公用品保管、发放、盘库
17. 做好废品回收流水清册
18. 协助办理各类证照年检、更换
19. 依据派车单,调配车辆;必要时与分公司协调车辆
20. 相关人员出入境手续办理
21. 完成主管安排的工作
1、 根据政策及考勤计算、并发放员工工资。
2、 根据政策,计算并发放年末奖金及其他福利。
3、 员工考勤及加班时间审核及确认。
4、 根据社保机构政策,调整员工缴纳社保基数。 展开
5. 新员工入职培训(公司简介、考勤、薪资发放、绩效考核体系、福 利等项目介绍)
6. 员工培训记录录入、更新
7. 外训初期询价
8. 操作考勤系统、统计核对考勤纪录
9. 收集、录入月度绩效数值
10. 发放薪资保密条
11. 收集各部门的月度绩效数值
12. 协助办理离职员工行政物品的交接
13. 办理离职员工的:合同解除、社保公积金关系转移
14. 离职员工资料整理、归档、存放
15. 订餐、订票、订房、订水、收发信件
16. 办公用品保管、发放、盘库
17. 做好废品回收流水清册
18. 协助办理各类证照年检、更换
19. 依据派车单,调配车辆;必要时与分公司协调车辆
20. 相关人员出入境手续办理
21. 完成主管安排的工作
1、 根据政策及考勤计算、并发放员工工资。
2、 根据政策,计算并发放年末奖金及其他福利。
3、 员工考勤及加班时间审核及确认。
4、 根据社保机构政策,调整员工缴纳社保基数。 展开
4. Data-entry and maintenance of Recruitment system.
5. Introduction training for new staff (introduction of company, check on work attendance, performance appraisal system, welfare project and so on).
6. Inputting and update of record for staff training.
7. 看不懂什么意思???
8. Operating of check attendance system and collating of check attendance records.
9. Collecting and inputting monthly performance appraise data.
10. Granting of secret list of salary.
11. collecting of monthly performance appraise data of each department.
12. Assistance to transact the administrative goods’ hand over and take over for demission staff.
13. Releasing contracts and transferring the social accumulation fund for demission staff.
14. Collating, file and archiving of the demission staff’s information.
15. Reservation of meal, ticket, room and water, outgoing and incoming correspondence.
16. Storage, providing and checking of the office supplies.
17. Making list of waste recovery
18. Assistance to transact and replace licenses and annual inspects of every kinds.
19. Deployment vehicle according to the appointed note.
20. Transaction the Embarkation/Disembarkation of formalities for related people.
21. Accomplishing the tasks arranged by director.
1. Payment of staff salaries bases on the policies and attendance records.
2. Payment of bonus in end of the year and other welfare.
3. Auditing and checking the staff attendance and overtime work.
4. Adjusting the social assurance radix for staff according to policies of social assurance institute.
5. Introduction training for new staff (introduction of company, check on work attendance, performance appraisal system, welfare project and so on).
6. Inputting and update of record for staff training.
7. 看不懂什么意思???
8. Operating of check attendance system and collating of check attendance records.
9. Collecting and inputting monthly performance appraise data.
10. Granting of secret list of salary.
11. collecting of monthly performance appraise data of each department.
12. Assistance to transact the administrative goods’ hand over and take over for demission staff.
13. Releasing contracts and transferring the social accumulation fund for demission staff.
14. Collating, file and archiving of the demission staff’s information.
15. Reservation of meal, ticket, room and water, outgoing and incoming correspondence.
16. Storage, providing and checking of the office supplies.
17. Making list of waste recovery
18. Assistance to transact and replace licenses and annual inspects of every kinds.
19. Deployment vehicle according to the appointed note.
20. Transaction the Embarkation/Disembarkation of formalities for related people.
21. Accomplishing the tasks arranged by director.
1. Payment of staff salaries bases on the policies and attendance records.
2. Payment of bonus in end of the year and other welfare.
3. Auditing and checking the staff attendance and overtime work.
4. Adjusting the social assurance radix for staff according to policies of social assurance institute.