100悬赏求英语大神改错 100
• 各国的王子怎么也想不出办法来。就在这时一个波司王子走过来对国王说:我能做道你就把女儿嫁给我吗?虽然国王不愿意把女儿嫁给这个“黑人”,但也没办法,只好同意了。
• 那个王子走过去看着大象,突然从背后拿出一根针往大象屁股扎去!只见大象马上捂着屁股挑到河里了!国王没办法只好把大女儿嫁给了他。
• 等到二女儿出嫁时,国王想不能那么容易把女儿嫁了,于是就又出了一道题:谁要能让大象先点点头,在摇摇头,再点点头,然后再跳到河了,就把二女儿嫁他!
• 巧的是还是那头大象,可是各国王子费尽心思也想不出办法!最后又是那个波司王子走过来说:我要能做到是不是把二女儿也嫁给我啊?国王没办法只好同意。
• 波司王子走过去看了大象一会对大象说:你还认识我吗?大象点点头。那你还想象上次那样吗?大象摇了摇头。那你知道该怎么做吗?大象又点点头,然后就自己捂着屁股跳到河里了。 展开
• 各国的王子怎么也想不出办法来。就在这时一个波司王子走过来对国王说:我能做道你就把女儿嫁给我吗?虽然国王不愿意把女儿嫁给这个“黑人”,但也没办法,只好同意了。
• 那个王子走过去看着大象,突然从背后拿出一根针往大象屁股扎去!只见大象马上捂着屁股挑到河里了!国王没办法只好把大女儿嫁给了他。
• 等到二女儿出嫁时,国王想不能那么容易把女儿嫁了,于是就又出了一道题:谁要能让大象先点点头,在摇摇头,再点点头,然后再跳到河了,就把二女儿嫁他!
• 巧的是还是那头大象,可是各国王子费尽心思也想不出办法!最后又是那个波司王子走过来说:我要能做到是不是把二女儿也嫁给我啊?国王没办法只好同意。
• 波司王子走过去看了大象一会对大象说:你还认识我吗?大象点点头。那你还想象上次那样吗?大象摇了摇头。那你知道该怎么做吗?大象又点点头,然后就自己捂着屁股跳到河里了。 展开
•There was a king who had two daughters a long time ago,and the king decided to find the princes for his two daughters in a day because they were old enough to get married.And after the day arrived,the kind said to the coming prince "If you can pass the test which I make for you,then I will make my elder daughter marry you!"
Thereupon,the king ordered the guards to lead an elephant by the river,and then he said"I will make my elder daugher marry the one who can make the elephant jump into the river with its legs on its butt!"
Princes from different countries couldn`t come up with any idea to pass the test,and at that moment,a prince called Boss came by and then said to the king"If I pass your test,then would you make your elder daughter marry me?"Though the king wasn`t willing make his daughter marry this black guy,he didn`t have any idea but only to agree with it.
Boss walked around looking at the elephant,and then he stabed the needle which was from his back into the elephant`s butt!And then everyone saw the elephant jumped into the river with its legs on its butt!The king didn`t have any idea but only to make his elder daughter marry him.
And it was his second daughter`s turn to get married,so the king came up with the other test "I will make my second daughter marry the one who can let the elephant nod first,and then shake its head and next nod again and finally make it jump into the river!"after he thought that he wasn`t supposed to marry his daughter so easy.
And the elephant happened to be the original one ,so princes from different countries still couldn`t come up with any idea!In the end,it was still the prince called Boss that came by and then said to the king again"Would you make your second daughter marry me as well if I can pass your test?"The king still didn`t come up with any idea but only to agree with it.
The prince called Boss came up to the elephant and then asked it if it still remembered him,it nodded.And he asked it if it wanted to do the same thing that it did last time,it shook its head.Also,he asked the elephant "Do you know what you should do?",it nodded again,and it finally jumped into the river with its legs on its butt.
•There was a king who had two daughters a long time ago,and the king decided to find the princes for his two daughters in a day because they were old enough to get married.And after the day arrived,the kind said to the coming prince "If you can pass the test which I make for you,then I will make my elder daughter marry you!"
Thereupon,the king ordered the guards to lead an elephant by the river,and then he said"I will make my elder daugher marry the one who can make the elephant jump into the river with its legs on its butt!"
Princes from different countries couldn`t come up with any idea to pass the test,and at that moment,a prince called Boss came by and then said to the king"If I pass your test,then would you make your elder daughter marry me?"Though the king wasn`t willing make his daughter marry this black guy,he didn`t have any idea but only to agree with it.
Boss walked around looking at the elephant,and then he stabed the needle which was from his back into the elephant`s butt!And then everyone saw the elephant jumped into the river with its legs on its butt!The king didn`t have any idea but only to make his elder daughter marry him.
And it was his second daughter`s turn to get married,so the king came up with the other test "I will make my second daughter marry the one who can let the elephant nod first,and then shake its head and next nod again and finally make it jump into the river!"after he thought that he wasn`t supposed to marry his daughter so easy.
And the elephant happened to be the original one ,so princes from different countries still couldn`t come up with any idea!In the end,it was still the prince called Boss that came by and then said to the king again"Would you make your second daughter marry me as well if I can pass your test?"The king still didn`t come up with any idea but only to agree with it.
The prince called Boss came up to the elephant and then asked it if it still remembered him,it nodded.And he asked it if it wanted to do the same thing that it did last time,it shook its head.Also,he asked the elephant "Do you know what you should do?",it nodded again,and it finally jumped into the river with its legs on its butt.