海洋的英语小短文 15
The Sea
What do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, but when there’s a strong wind, it’s very rough. What else do you know about it?
Of course, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It’s really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.
When you swim in the sea, you feel that the water is salty.
At last, I tell you about the Dead Sea. Fish can’t live in it, because it’s dangerous. This sea is too salty.
The sea is nice, but sometimes it’s not good.
The Sea 海
The Sea! the Sea! the open Sea! 海啊!海啊!辽阔的大海!
The blue, the fresh, the ever free! 碧蓝,清新,永远地自由自在!
Without a mark, without a bound, 没有标志,没有境界,
It runneth the earth's wide regions 'round; 它围绕着大地;
It plays with the clouds; it mocks the skies; 与云彩嬉戏,向苍穹嘲弄;
Or like a cradled creature lies. 间或婴儿似地静躺在摇篮里。
I'm on the Sea! I'm on the Sea! 我在海上!我在海上!
I am where I would ever be; 这儿是我永远愿待的地方;
With the blue above, and the blue below, 上有蓝蓝的天,下有蓝蓝的海,
And silence wheresoe'er I go; 处处都是一片寂寞,
If a storm should come and awake the deep, 即使风浪将来唤醒大海,
What matter? I shall ride and sleep. 有甚么关系?驾舟,就寝皆由我。
I love (oh! how I love) to ride 我乐于(啊!我多么乐于)航行,
On the fierce foaming bursting tide, 在泡沫凶恶而崩裂的潮水上,
When every mad wave drowns the moon, 此时狂浪吞没了月影,
Or whistles aloft his tempest tune, 啸声高奏着风暴曲,
And tells how goes the world below, 倾诉底下的世界是何等模样,
And why the south-west blasts do blow. 西南风又为何而吹。
I never was on the dull tame shore 我从不留恋单调温驯的海岸,
but I lov'd the great Sea more and more, 只是愈来愈沉迷于海上,
And backwards flew to her billowy breast, 像鸟儿寻找母巢一般,
Like a bird that seeketh its mother's nest; 忽忙地飞回那涛涛巨浪的怀抱;
And mother she was, and is to me; 对我而言她就是慈母;
For I was born on the open Sea! 因为我生长在海上!
What do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, but when there’s a strong wind, it’s very rough. What else do you know about it?
Of course, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It’s really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.
When you swim in the sea, you feel that the water is salty.
At last, I tell you about the Dead Sea. Fish can’t live in it, because it’s dangerous. This sea is too salty.
The sea is nice, but sometimes it’s not good.
The Sea 海
The Sea! the Sea! the open Sea! 海啊!海啊!辽阔的大海!
The blue, the fresh, the ever free! 碧蓝,清新,永远地自由自在!
Without a mark, without a bound, 没有标志,没有境界,
It runneth the earth's wide regions 'round; 它围绕着大地;
It plays with the clouds; it mocks the skies; 与云彩嬉戏,向苍穹嘲弄;
Or like a cradled creature lies. 间或婴儿似地静躺在摇篮里。
I'm on the Sea! I'm on the Sea! 我在海上!我在海上!
I am where I would ever be; 这儿是我永远愿待的地方;
With the blue above, and the blue below, 上有蓝蓝的天,下有蓝蓝的海,
And silence wheresoe'er I go; 处处都是一片寂寞,
If a storm should come and awake the deep, 即使风浪将来唤醒大海,
What matter? I shall ride and sleep. 有甚么关系?驾舟,就寝皆由我。
I love (oh! how I love) to ride 我乐于(啊!我多么乐于)航行,
On the fierce foaming bursting tide, 在泡沫凶恶而崩裂的潮水上,
When every mad wave drowns the moon, 此时狂浪吞没了月影,
Or whistles aloft his tempest tune, 啸声高奏着风暴曲,
And tells how goes the world below, 倾诉底下的世界是何等模样,
And why the south-west blasts do blow. 西南风又为何而吹。
I never was on the dull tame shore 我从不留恋单调温驯的海岸,
but I lov'd the great Sea more and more, 只是愈来愈沉迷于海上,
And backwards flew to her billowy breast, 像鸟儿寻找母巢一般,
Like a bird that seeketh its mother's nest; 忽忙地飞回那涛涛巨浪的怀抱;
And mother she was, and is to me; 对我而言她就是慈母;
For I was born on the open Sea! 因为我生长在海上!
Sea turtles (Chelonioidea) are turtles found in all the world's oceans with the exception of the Arctic Ocean, and some species travel between oceans. The Flatback turtle is found solely on the northern coast of Australia. The Leatherback Sea Turtle is the largest, measuring six or seven feet (2 m) in length at maturity, and three to five feet (1 to 1.5 m) in width, weighing up to 1300 pounds (600 kg). Most other species are smaller, being two to four feet in length (0.5 to 1 m) and proportionally less wide. There are seven types of sea turtles: Kemp's Ridley, Flatback, Green, Olive Ridley, Leatherback, Loggerhead, and Hawksbill.
Different species are distinguished by varying anatomical aspects: for instance the prefrontal scales on the head, the number of and shape of scutes on the carapace, and the type of inframarginal scutes on the plastron. The Leatherback is the only sea turtle that does not have a hard shell, instead carrying a mosaic of bony plates beneath its leathery skin.
Sea turtles have an extraordinary sense of time and location. They are highly sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field and probably use it to navigate. They live up to 189 years. The fact that most species return to nest at the locations where they were born seems to indicate an imprint of that location's magnetic features. The ridley turtles are especially peculiar because instead of nesting individually like the other species, they come ashore in one mass arrival known as an "arribada" (arrival). With the Kemp's ridley this occurs during the day and on only one beach in the entire world. Their numbers used to range in the thousands but due to the effects of extensive egg poaching and hunting in previous years the numbers are now in the hundreds.
After about 30 years of maturing, adult female sea turtles return to the land to nest, usually on the same beach from which they hatched. This can take place every two to four years in maturity. They make from four to seven nests per nesting season. They dig a hole with their hind flippers and lay from 70 to 190 eggs in it (depending on the species) before covering it up and returning to the ocean. Some of the eggs are unfertilized 'dummy eggs' and the rest contain young turtles. Incubation takes about 2 months. When the eggs hatch, these baby turtles dig their way out and seek the ocean. Only a very small proportion of them (at most 1 in 100) will be successful, as many predators are waiting to eat them.
Different species are distinguished by varying anatomical aspects: for instance the prefrontal scales on the head, the number of and shape of scutes on the carapace, and the type of inframarginal scutes on the plastron. The Leatherback is the only sea turtle that does not have a hard shell, instead carrying a mosaic of bony plates beneath its leathery skin.
Sea turtles have an extraordinary sense of time and location. They are highly sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field and probably use it to navigate. They live up to 189 years. The fact that most species return to nest at the locations where they were born seems to indicate an imprint of that location's magnetic features. The ridley turtles are especially peculiar because instead of nesting individually like the other species, they come ashore in one mass arrival known as an "arribada" (arrival). With the Kemp's ridley this occurs during the day and on only one beach in the entire world. Their numbers used to range in the thousands but due to the effects of extensive egg poaching and hunting in previous years the numbers are now in the hundreds.
After about 30 years of maturing, adult female sea turtles return to the land to nest, usually on the same beach from which they hatched. This can take place every two to four years in maturity. They make from four to seven nests per nesting season. They dig a hole with their hind flippers and lay from 70 to 190 eggs in it (depending on the species) before covering it up and returning to the ocean. Some of the eggs are unfertilized 'dummy eggs' and the rest contain young turtles. Incubation takes about 2 months. When the eggs hatch, these baby turtles dig their way out and seek the ocean. Only a very small proportion of them (at most 1 in 100) will be successful, as many predators are waiting to eat them.
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding – Chengdu, Sichuan, China: The May 12th earthquake in China’s Sichuan Province measured 7.9 on the Richter scale, and was one of our planet’s most devastating natural disasters in recent history. The principal areas affected were in the Qionglai and Minshan mountain ranges, home to incredible biodiversity and the principle remaining habitat of giant pandas. Almost 90 percent of remaining wild giant pandas live in the regions most impacted by the quake. The Fund recently granted a $10,000 Animal Crisis Grant to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding to help with veterinary costs and care of the rescued giant pandas after the earthquake and help rebuild infrastructure of the region’s nature reserves.
Shanshui Conservation Center – Beijing, China: Visitors to this year’s Olympics in Beijing may encounter the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund during their stay. The Fund recently granted $10,000 (discretionary grant) to the Shanshui Conservation Center, a China-based extension of Conservation International. The grant will help produce and distribute 20,000 Fund-branded “Green Dining Cards” to restaurants and hotels throughout the city. Clearly identifying menu items to avoid, the cards were produced with the goal of advancing public awareness of the health, safety, ecological, scientific, and legal issues surrounding wild animal consumption. The issue of illegal wildlife trade and bushmeat intended for high-end markets are among the most pressing wildlife conservation challenges of our time.
In addition to these Fund-supported cards, many high-profile Chinese athletes and other well-known individuals are also helping raise awareness about these issues. Specifically, our own Julie Scardina, joined by a tiger and several other animal ambassadors, appeared this week on the Today Show to celebrate some of China’s most spectacular animals and ways that Beijing Olympics visitors can help protect wildlife throughout the region.
Shanshui Conservation Center – Beijing, China: Visitors to this year’s Olympics in Beijing may encounter the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund during their stay. The Fund recently granted $10,000 (discretionary grant) to the Shanshui Conservation Center, a China-based extension of Conservation International. The grant will help produce and distribute 20,000 Fund-branded “Green Dining Cards” to restaurants and hotels throughout the city. Clearly identifying menu items to avoid, the cards were produced with the goal of advancing public awareness of the health, safety, ecological, scientific, and legal issues surrounding wild animal consumption. The issue of illegal wildlife trade and bushmeat intended for high-end markets are among the most pressing wildlife conservation challenges of our time.
In addition to these Fund-supported cards, many high-profile Chinese athletes and other well-known individuals are also helping raise awareness about these issues. Specifically, our own Julie Scardina, joined by a tiger and several other animal ambassadors, appeared this week on the Today Show to celebrate some of China’s most spectacular animals and ways that Beijing Olympics visitors can help protect wildlife throughout the region.
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