so be it 和 be it so 的区别?
So be it. 意思是 好吧,那么就这样 (没办法)。有两重口气,第一种是无可奈何接受,
Agent: Sorry, Mr Doe, the flight is full. We'll need to put you on the next flight. 这班机没位子了,您必须坐下一班
Mr Doe: So be it. 好吧(又能怎样?)
Neighbor: Mr Doe, if you do not trim your tree, I will call my lawyer. 你要是不把你那棵树剪了,我要找我的律师
Mr Doe: So be it! 好啊! (你威胁不了我)
Be it so 意思是 虽然如此, 话虽这么说,(通常后面会继续 但是,,,,)
Friend: There is no way they can prove we did it. 他们不可能证明是我们做的。
Mr Doe: Be it so, we must still be careful. 虽然是,但我们还是要小心。
Agent: Sorry, Mr Doe, the flight is full. We'll need to put you on the next flight. 这班机没位子了,您必须坐下一班
Mr Doe: So be it. 好吧(又能怎样?)
Neighbor: Mr Doe, if you do not trim your tree, I will call my lawyer. 你要是不把你那棵树剪了,我要找我的律师
Mr Doe: So be it! 好啊! (你威胁不了我)
Be it so 意思是 虽然如此, 话虽这么说,(通常后面会继续 但是,,,,)
Friend: There is no way they can prove we did it. 他们不可能证明是我们做的。
Mr Doe: Be it so, we must still be careful. 虽然是,但我们还是要小心。