mang:美音[ mæŋ ]
1. 他看见多少孩子穿白色衣服
He saw mang children wearing white clothes.
2. 有多少种上手发球的方法?
How mang ways can the overhand serves be played in?
3. 蟒河污染对人群死亡率的影响
Influence of water pollution of Mang River on the death level of local people.
4. 许多人把词汇比作语言的“建筑材料”
Mang People look upon then as the "building material" of the language.
Research of Calibration Method for Mang Channels Pluse Time Interval.
6. 王莽在中国历史上一直是一个颇有争议的人物
Wang Mang was a controversial figure in the Chinese history.
7. 目的:了解莽人的饮酒情况及危害程度
Objective: To investigate drinking condition and baneful degree of Mang people.
8. 汉儒与王莽:评述西方汉学界的几项研究
Han Confucianism and Wang Mang: A Commentary on some Important Western Sinological Researches.
9. 本文论述了用分割面积来证明勾股定理的多种方法
This paper discusses mang methods to prove Legs of a triangle and right angles theorem with cut area.