1. 水塘里长着许多莲花
There grow a lot of lotuses in the pool.
2. 它叫做莲花之梦,是我的设计
It's called dream of lotus, it's my design.
Aren't they traditional Chinese lotus patterns?
4. 十二瓣的莲花在此用鲜红的火焰来迷惑双眼
Where the twelve-petalled lotus flower enchants the eye with scarlet flame.
5. 面板堆石坝水位变化区止水防冻新工艺在莲花大坝上的应用
New technology on watertight seal and frost prevention application in Lotus dam .
6. 不是每个人都能像莲花般的活著
Not everyone can live like the lotus flower.
7. 如:门、莲花
For example, the door and the lotus flower.
8. 中国人把莲花看作是纯洁的象征
Chinese people regard lotus as an emblem of purity.
9. 屋面倒置式防水新工艺在莲花电站厂房中的应用Application of inverted roofing waterproof technique in Lotus hydropower station NEW CRAFT.