1)当我失去一些东西,但我亦得到了一些东西 Though I have lost something
I have also gained something. 2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情 Though I have lost something
I have learnt the real faces of man. 3)得到的比失去的多 What I get is more than what I lose.
(1) 当我失去一些东西,但我亦得到了一些东西: As I lose some things
but I get some things too. (2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情: As I lose some things
but I know people's real disposition too. (3)得到的比失去的多 : Get than the ones that lose more. 2008-04-14 18:49:19 补充: (2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情: As I lose some things
but I know people`s real disposition too. (第2段不小心打错ㄌ)
参考: 电子辞典
1. when I lose something
but I to receive something. 2.when I lose something
but I know some people true feeling. 3.receive to contrast lose many.
1) When I lose something
but I also have something 2) When I lose something
but I also know that people's true nature 3) The loss of more than
1)When I lose some things
but I also obtained some things 2)When I lose some things
but I have also known people's real personality 3)Obtains pared to many which loses
I have also gained something. 2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情 Though I have lost something
I have learnt the real faces of man. 3)得到的比失去的多 What I get is more than what I lose.
(1) 当我失去一些东西,但我亦得到了一些东西: As I lose some things
but I get some things too. (2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情: As I lose some things
but I know people's real disposition too. (3)得到的比失去的多 : Get than the ones that lose more. 2008-04-14 18:49:19 补充: (2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情: As I lose some things
but I know people`s real disposition too. (第2段不小心打错ㄌ)
参考: 电子辞典
1. when I lose something
but I to receive something. 2.when I lose something
but I know some people true feeling. 3.receive to contrast lose many.
1) When I lose something
but I also have something 2) When I lose something
but I also know that people's true nature 3) The loss of more than
1)When I lose some things
but I also obtained some things 2)When I lose some things
but I have also known people's real personality 3)Obtains pared to many which loses