教育 英文
教育的英文为education。比如Special education是特殊教育;primary education是小学教育。例句:The state provides free education. *** 提供免费教育。,The state provides free education. , *** 提供免费教育。,Their education system is useless. ,他们的教育制度一点儿也不好。,Great emphasis is placed on education. ,教育受到高度重视。,Where do you stand on private education? ,你对民办教育持什么观点?,Choice is the keynote of the new education policy. ,新教育政策的主导原则是容许选择。,They're cutting funds for education. ,他们正在削减教育经费。,Good education often depends on wealth. ,良好的教育经常依靠良好的经济条件。,The importance of education cannot be overemphasized. ,教育的重要性如何强调也不为过。,I am using the word 'education' in the narrower sense. ,我说的是较狭义的“教育”。,I believe in education for its own sake. ,我相信教育本身就是有价值的。,The education system is going down the tubes. ,这种教育体系就要垮台了。,Some parents equate education with exam success. ,有些父母认为教育就是考试成绩优秀。,I've had the benefit of a good education. ,我得益于受过良好教育。,This gives children a more broadly based education. ,这让孩子们有一个基础更为广泛的教育。,Most *** education centres offer puter courses. ,大多数成人教育中心都设有计算机课程。,She made many sacrifices to get Anita a good education. ,为了让安尼塔受到良好教育,她做出了很多牺牲。,She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education. ,她正在出席一个为期三天的有关艾滋病教育的会议。,Higher education is no longer immune to state budget cuts. ,高等教育不再受州预算削减的影响。,Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education. ,史蒂夫没有接受过正规大学教育的优势。,The school has a special education section. ,该校有一个特殊教育部门。,A good education is the gateway to success. ,良好的教育是通往成功之路。,Finance for education es from taxpayers. ,教育经费来自纳税人。,We were quizzed on our views about education. ,我们被征询对教育的看法。,What is education going to look like tomorrow? ,教育将来会是什么样子呢?,He has some very strange ideas about education. ,他对教育有些非常奇怪的看法。,The government's education policy lies in tatters. , *** 的教育政策彻底破产了。,We've forked out a *** all fortune on their education. ,我们在他们的教育上可花了不少钱。,The report emphasized the value of a preschool education. ,该报告强调了学龄前教育的价值。,Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years.,多年来教育资金严重不足。,Many people believe that private education encourages eliti *** . ,许多人认为私立教育助长精英主义。