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2022-12-09 · TA获得超过433个赞



  Finally put the winter vacation, during the vacation a lot of things have happened, but there are two things that make me forget.

  Happy things

  The New Year, really busy, everyone has their own new clothes, I and my brother is no exception. Aunt to my brother bought a pair of new shoes, name is Star Wars. Grandma couldn't make the ears a bit, and said: "letter ball big egg, have some of what this name." A listen to, we all laughed, I left my belly laugh all painful. Grandma don't know what's going on, but see us smile, oneself also laughed.

  The sad thing

  On the first day in the afternoon, I and my brother play computer, but after a while, the two of us fight because of playing computer time, in the end, the younger brother cry. My brother and I were education, at this time, I was sad and regret.

  While many things have happened in winter vacation life, much like the stars, but these two things often emerge in my mind.


  My holiday life is rich and colorful, but one thing that impressed me the most memorable is skating.

  During the Spring Festival, my mother took me to skate. To the skating rink, I put on my skates, but I just a step, fell to the ground. When a coach slip up suddenly, he said to teach me for free. It's unbelievable, I did not dream of. He was careful to teach me, said that the steps slippery, so the step so slippery, I didn't think I learned an hour, the technique of sliding fast to catch up with the coach.

  Afterwards, I further practice and from the hillside slipping. But having a comrade not sure good to broken, let I was so nervous! So I'm more seriously, to grasp every detail is very good, finally crossed the finish, and became the first person to finish here. Mom proud for me, the excited cheering up.

  Skating for me is a sport is both interesting and fun, if you are interested in will go skating.


  In the holiday life, I learned a lot of things.

  Have a holiday, brother and sister didn't come back to spend my summer holidays.

  I I know from their body, to have a backbone, and trustworthy, lost is lost, can't play to depend on, he can't back down.


  Winter vacation, my brother and I go to wanda to play. Before we go to do homework at home. Arrange to play schedule sat.

  I'm please to wanda, brother ate McDonald's, delicious.

  We have to go to the movies, my brother said that the film still need to wait a minute, we spent 60 yuan to buy the game currency, too funny, I am very happy, we played "who by fast" brother won 10 COINS. Then, we will go to play "shot", the elder brother is responsible for playing "wood is, I'm in charge of" flying ", our division of labor. Unfortunately, one not careful, we are surrounded by a "wood is strange", but we were lucky to sit on the train run, at that time, accidentally shot down an outer meteorite. The game ended, we went to play crazy cowboy, elder brother have a prize - a monkey toy.

  After the game just in time to see a movie, we see "pleasant goat and Wolffy", the story is about Wolffy made some bad weather, destroyed the prairie, pleasant goat and Wolffy finally, put the bad weather, grassland and back to the good the past, it's sunny. Cloudless. My mood also "by Yin clearing up"

  What a happy day! I will always remember this day this winter vacation.


  Time flies, the twinkling of an eye, and a semester has passed, we welcomed our long-expected winter holiday, celebrated our joy. This, of course, happiness is not to play computer to watch TV every day of the "happy", but a reasonable arrangement of holiday time, mix to get happiness. Here is my winter vacation plan, please review.

  A, serious finish the teacher leave each homework. During the holiday season, we want to learn, practice and play these three aspects, of course, learning is the most important. So, we should finish the teacher leave each homework seriously, do playing and learning.

  Second, to take part in more social practice. In the study, we can't at home and watch TV every day, more out of their homes, to participate in some meaningful social practice activities.

  Third, read some good books. About two months of winter vacation, we can't just want to play, but also read some good books, broaden our horizons. Truly "min and studious, fools".

  Four, out of the door, go to outdoor exercise. Holiday life, little of course not stay healthy. We should make full use of vacation time, enhance their own resistance, make your body more healthy.

  Fifth, preview the content of the next semester to learn. I hope I can during the holidays, understand the contents of the next semester to learn, and to prepare, at the same time also want to review what we have learnt last term.

  Holiday life is like a colorful pebbles, a less intense colour, also a more relaxed joy.

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