表示时间关系:at, in, on, during, for, since, until, by, from, to, etc. 例如:"I will meet you at the park at 3 pm."
表示方式或手段:by, with, through, etc. 例如:"I sent the message by email."
表示原因或目的:for, because of, due to, etc. 例如:"I am going to the gym for exercise."
表示空间或位置关系:in, on, at, under, over, above, below, beside, between, among, etc. 例如:"The book is on the table."
表示比较或对比:like, as, than, etc. 例如:"She sings like an angel."
表示从属关系:of, from, etc. 例如:"The color of the sky is blue."
表示其他关系:about, with, without, etc. 例如:"I am worried about my exam."