
男|XX年XX月|北京户口手机:********电子邮件:*****@vip.sina.com职业方向*希望加入IT,通讯,电子,设计等公司,倾向于有国际背景的公司,以及... 男 |XX年XX月 | 北京户口

手机: ********

电子邮件: *****@vip.sina.com


* 希望加入IT,通讯,电子,设计等公司,倾向于有国际背景的公司,以及国内有较好管理规模的公司。或者作为某公司分支机构的初创人员。从事部门管理,产品市场等工作(此处指市场工作,不是销售)


* 较强的专业背景,对IT, 通讯,增值服务和消费类电子行业都有相当的了解。有近8年的移动行业工作经验。

* 有4年以上的公司及部门管理经验,6年外企工作经验。具有出色的组织协调能力,对于公司的实际运作和团队管理有很强的经验。对公司财务管理,人事制度及各种法律法规也有基本的掌握。

* 有近3年的消费类电子产品和信息产品的市场工作经验。对行业发展趋势有很敏锐的感知能力,在产品规划,产品实现方面有丰富的经验。

* 优秀的沟通能力,出色的个人职业形象和气质,能帮助公司在对外交往中树立很好的行业印象,取得准确有效的沟通结果。

* 酷爱运动,音乐,文学和艺术等,有较完善的个人素质和人品修养。


2005-现在 北京***科技有限公司


所属行业: 通讯 (手机/增值业务)

* 作为副总进行了公司的建立,人员选聘和组织架构创建等工作。

* 负责管理硬件,软件,工业设计,市场,生产和质量部门。

* 制定公司发展的产品规划,阶段规划。

* 带领团队进行通讯电子的产品化过程,以及产品上市的各项工作。

* 建立了产品化团队的流程机制和各种文档制度。

2003-2005:XX Telecom China CO., LTD

所属行业: 通讯 (手机/增值业务)

市场总监 (2004~2005)

软件总监 (2003~2004)

XX是一家跨国的通讯产品研发公司,所有员工均来自国际知名的通讯公司,其中近百人来自MOTOROLA,SAMSUNG,LG等通讯部门。本人受邀加入该公 司成为软件总监,负责中国软件部门的建立。本人主要负责领导高端通讯产品,如智能手机等产品的软件工作。

在2004,根据公司的建议及我本人的意愿,内部更换职位到市场部,担任市场总监,主要负责Product Marketing和Technical Marketing的工作。主要负责公司新概念产品的策划,设计和定义,负责和国际国内客户进行售前沟通。并且领导了和研发生产部门之间的合作。在本人领 导下的团队完成了近20款的产品定义和设计,比较知名的几款产品如中国市场的XX的XXX,欧洲市场的XXX智能手机等。其中XXX获得“CCTV 2005年时尚设计奖”。

2000-2003:XX China


本人于2000年加入了XX北京研发中心核心小组。主要负责通讯产品协议栈和数据服务的开发工作。作为主要成员参与过的项目包括 XXXX.



职位: 项目经理



1995.7 1999.8:计算机学院本科学位,电子科技大学。在校期间,连续三年由博士生导师直接带领,作为项目主力完成了多个省级项目。为当时所在学院唯一以本科生身份入选项目组的成员。

 我来答
2009-04-26 · TA获得超过1.1万个赞
你好 边封の翼
简历翻译的价格不菲,耗时也很多,网上估计不会花那么多时间帮助陌生人翻译的,一定是帮你用软件翻译的,效果极差。建议你找专门的翻译公司,以免耽误求职 ,错漏百出的译文会给求职带来很大的影响。以下是机器翻译的结果:M | XX month XX year | Beijing account

Phone: ********

E-mail: *****vip.sina.com

Career direction

* To join the IT, communications, electronics, design companies, tend to have an international background, as well as better management of the size of the domestic companies. Or as a branch of a company's start-up staff. Engaged in sector management, product market and so on (in this case means the market is not for sale)

Personal summary

* A strong professional background of IT, telecommunications, value-added services and consumer electronics industries have a considerable understanding. Nearly 8 years working experience in the mobile industry.

* 4 years experience in corporate and departmental management, 6 years working experience in foreign invested enterprises. Have excellent organization and coordination capacity, the actual operation of the company and have a strong team management experience. The company's financial management, personnel system and various laws and regulations also have basic information.

* There are nearly 3 years of consumer electronics and information products in the market work experience. Industry trends to have a keen sense of perception, in the product planning, product realization experience.

* Excellent communication skills, excellent personal and professional image quality, can help companies establish contacts with foreign countries in a very good impression of the industry, effective communication to obtain accurate results.

* Loves sports, music, literature and art, and better cultivation of personal qualities and character.

Work experience

2005 - now Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. ***

Title: Deputy General Manager

Industry: communications (phone / value-added services)

* As the Deputy Director for the company's establishment, personnel selection and organizational structure to create and so on.

* Responsible for the management of hardware, software, industrial design, marketing, production and quality departments.

* The development of the company's product development plans, the planning stage.

* Lead the team to communicate the process of electronic products, as well as the work market.

* The establishment of a production team and a variety of document flow system mechanism.

2003-2005: XX Telecom China CO., LTD

Industry: communications (phone / value-added services)

Marketing Director (2004 ~ 2005)

Software Director (2003 ~ 2004)

XX is a multi-national research and development of communications products company, all staff are well-known from the international communications company, of which nearly a hundred people from MOTOROLA, SAMSUNG, LG and other communications sectors. I am invited to join the company as a software director, responsible for the establishment of China's software sector. I am primarily responsible for leading high-end communications products, such as smart phones and other software products.

In 2004, according to the company's recommendations and my own will, the replacement of positions within the Marketing Department as Marketing Director, is responsible for Product Marketing and Technical Marketing work. The concept is mainly responsible for the company's new product planning, design and definition, is responsible for international and domestic clients and pre-sale communication. And led the production and R & D sector. I have completed, under the leadership of the team for nearly 20 of the product definition and design, comparison of several well-known products such as the Chinese market XX of XXX, the XXX European markets such as smart phones. XXX was one of "CCTV 2005 Fashion Design Award years."

2000-2003: XX China

Title: Senior Engineer

I joined the 2000 Beijing R & D centers XX caucus. Primarily responsible for communication products and data services protocol stack development. Participated as a principal member of the project including the XXXX.

Because the success of products listed XXXX was awarded, the product is the history of North XXXX Center, one of the most successful products.

1999-2000: Information Products Division, Digital Technology Development Center

Title: Project Manager

XXX system in China as head of the project, the project's forward-looking projects for the Ministry of Information Industry.
XXXX system uses cable television networks for information transmission, it text, images, audio, video and other content transmitted to end-users. I lead the team to carry out the set-top box design, development, debugging and so on. TV stations also carried out at the same time the contents of the server-side development. The system has been in Beijing, Qingdao, Changsha and other cities operate.


1995.7 1999.8: Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology. While studying at the school for three consecutive years led by doctoral tutor directly, as part of the project to complete a number of major provincial projects. College is located at the time, the only undergraduate in his capacity as a member of the project team selected.
2009-04-25 · TA获得超过725个赞
M | XX month XX year | Beijing account

Phone: ********

E-mail: *****vip.sina.com

Career direction

* To join the IT, communications, electronics, design companies, tend to have an international background, as well as better management of the size of the domestic companies. Or as a branch of a company's start-up staff. Engaged in sector management, product market and so on (in this case means the market is not for sale)

Personal summary

* A strong professional background of IT, telecommunications, value-added services and consumer electronics industries have a considerable understanding. Nearly 8 years working experience in the mobile industry.

* 4 years experience in corporate and departmental management, 6 years working experience in foreign invested enterprises. Have excellent organization and coordination capacity, the actual operation of the company and have a strong team management experience. The company's financial management, personnel system and various laws and regulations also have basic information.

* There are nearly 3 years of consumer electronics and information products in the market work experience. Industry trends to have a keen sense of perception, in the product planning, product realization experience.

* Excellent communication skills, excellent personal and professional image quality, can help companies establish contacts with foreign countries in a very good impression of the industry, effective communication to obtain accurate results.

* Loves sports, music, literature and art, and better cultivation of personal qualities and character.

Work experience

2005 - now Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. ***

Title: Deputy General Manager

Industry: communications (phone / value-added services)

* As the Deputy Director for the company's establishment, personnel selection and organizational structure to create and so on.

* Responsible for the management of hardware, software, industrial design, marketing, production and quality departments.

* The development of the company's product development plans, the planning stage.

* Lead the team to communicate the process of electronic products, as well as the work market.

* The establishment of a production team and a variety of document flow system mechanism.

2003-2005: XX Telecom China CO., LTD

Industry: communications (phone / value-added services)

Marketing Director (2004 ~ 2005)

Software Director (2003 ~ 2004)

XX is a multi-national research and development of communications products company, all staff are well-known from the international communications company, of which nearly a hundred people from MOTOROLA, SAMSUNG, LG and other communications sectors. I am invited to join the company as a software director, responsible for the establishment of China's software sector. I am primarily responsible for leading high-end communications products, such as smart phones and other software products.

In 2004, according to the company's recommendations and my own will, the replacement of positions within the Marketing Department as Marketing Director, is responsible for Product Marketing and Technical Marketing work. The concept is mainly responsible for the company's new product planning, design and definition, is responsible for international and domestic clients and pre-sale communication. And led the production and R & D sector. I have completed, under the leadership of the team for nearly 20 of the product definition and design, comparison of several well-known products such as the Chinese market XX of XXX, the XXX European markets such as smart phones. XXX was one of "CCTV 2005 Fashion Design Award years."

2000-2003: XX China

Title: Senior Engineer

I joined the 2000 Beijing R & D centers XX caucus. Primarily responsible for communication products and data services protocol stack development. Participated as a principal member of the project including the XXXX.

Because the success of products listed XXXX was awarded, the product is the history of North XXXX Center, one of the most successful products.

1999-2000: Information Products Division, Digital Technology Development Center

Title: Project Manager

XXX system in China as head of the project, the project's forward-looking projects for the Ministry of Information Industry.
XXXX system uses cable television networks for information transmission, it text, images, audio, video and other content transmitted to end-users. I lead the team to carry out the set-top box design, development, debugging and so on. TV stations also carried out at the same time the contents of the server-side development. The system has been in Beijing, Qingdao, Changsha and other cities operate.


1995.7 1999.8: Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology. While studying at the school for three consecutive years led by doctoral tutor directly, as part of the project to complete a number of major provincial projects. College is located at the time, the only undergraduate in his capacity as a member of the project team selected.
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2009-04-25 · TA获得超过1734个赞
Male | | month in XX XX Beijing hukou

Mobile phones: * * * * * * * *

E-mail: * * * * * @ VIP sina.com j

Professional direction

* wish to join IT, communication, electronics, design companies, tend to have the international background, the company has good management and domestic companies. Or as a branch of start-up companies. Engaged in the management of department, market work (job here refers to the market, not sales)

Personal generalization

* strong professional background, IT, communication, value-added service and the consumer electronics industry has quite understand. Nearly eight years of work experience in mobile communication industry.

Four years of * * * * company and department management experience, 6 years working experience in foreign company. Have good ability in organization and coordination, the actual operation for company management team and have strong experience. For company's financial management, personnel system and various laws and regulations also a basic grasp.

* have nearly 3 years consumer electronics and information product marketing experience. For industry development trend are keenly perceptive ability, in the product planning, product has rich experience.

* excellent communication skills, good personal professional image and temperament, can help to establish contacts with foreign companies in the industry with very good impression, obtain accurate effective communication results.

Love sports, music, * literary and artistic etc, with perfect quality and character of personal cultivation.

Work experience

2005 - now Beijing * * * technology Co., LTD

Position: the deputy general manager

Industry: communication (mobile phone/value-added business),

The company as the vice President *, personnel hiring and organizational structure to create, etc.

* responsible for the management of hardware, software, industrial design, marketing, production and quality department.

The development of products for the * planning, stage.

* lead team communication electronic productization and product listing work.

The team was established * productization and various document flow mechanism.

2003-2005, China Telecom XX CO., LTD

Industry: communication (mobile phone/value-added business),

Director of marketing (2004-2005),

Software director (2003-2004),

XX is a multinational company, the communication product research and development of all employees are from the international famous companies, including the communication 100 people from the MOTOROLA, SAMSUNG, LG communications department. I was invited to join the company become responsible for Chinese software, software, director of the department. I mainly responsible for leading the high-end products such as communication products such as smartphone software work.

In 2004, according to the company's advice and I will post to replace, internal Marketing, Marketing director, Marketing and Product is mainly responsible for the Marketing with. Be responsible for new concept planning, design and product definition, responsible for domestic and international customers pre-sale communication. And r &d and production department leader of cooperation. I took the lead in the team performed nearly 20 of design and product definition, compared several well-known products such as China market of XX XXX, European markets XXX smartphone, etc. Which XXX "CCTV 2005 award" fashion.

The 2000-2003: XX China

Position: senior engineer

In 2000, I joined the XX Beijing r&d center core team. Mainly responsible for communication and data services protocol stack product development work. As the main members of the project including XXXX.

Because of the product market successfully obtained XXXX commendations, this product is the most successful XXXX nacs center has one of the product.

In 1999-2000: information and coordinate digital technology development center

Position: project manager

As China XXX project manager of the system for the ministry of information industry, the project of prospective project.
XXXX systems use the cable TV network information transmission, it will text, images, audio, video content to end users. I lead the team to set design, development, testing, etc. Also on the content of the server station. This system in Beijing, Qingdao, changsha city, etc.

Education experience

1995.7 1999.8: computer college degree, university of electronic science and technology. During school, three consecutive directly led by the tutor team, as the project completed several provincial projects. Where the time for college students selected by members of the group identity.
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