不要任何翻译软件翻译的,我已经倾家荡产啦就15分都送你啦 高手帮帮忙吧 .We conducted a large-scale evaluation of an intervention to improve the care at community health centers for patients who have diabetes, asthma, or hypertension, three prevalent chronic diseases that in aggregate affect more than 25% of the adult population in the United States.23 A quality-improvement intervention based in community health centers is particularly relevant today because of their substantial growth in both the number of sites and numbers of patients served over the past decade, their prominent role in providing care for members of minority groups and other disadvantaged populations, and President George W. Bush's stated goal to expand their number in order to increase access to care for the uninsured.
Our study showed that participating in a collaborative improved the processes of care related to prevention and screening and disease monitoring and treatment for diabetes and asthma, but participating in a collaborative did not improve these processes for hypertension. The study did not show improvements in intermediate outcomes of care. Whether these differences in diseases and outcomes are related to the nature of each targeted condition, aspects of the participating organizations, ease of patient adherence, or the specific collaborative under study is not known. Finally, improvements over time were seen in both intervention and control centers for almost every individual measure. Whether this broad improvement reflects general secular trends20 or the general quality-improvement environment at community health centers is not known.
There are several potential explanations for the lack of effect with respect to intermediate outcomes. First, many of the processes of care that we studied (e.g., retinal examinations for patients with diabetes) are linked to longer-term outcomes but are not directly linked to the intermediate outcomes that we examined. For those that are related to intermediate outcomes, the magnitude or importance of the linkage might not be strong. For instance, even though glycated hemoglobin must be monitored in order to achieve and maintain optimal levels, the documentation of this monitoring does not necessarily mean that important changes in management by the clinician or by the patient have been undertaken in response to suboptimal results. In addition, to the extent that the processes of care we examined are linked to these intermediate outcomes, it would be difficult to detect a difference in outcomes solely related to the modest improvements in the processes that we observed. Finally, achieving improvements in both longer-term and intermediate outcomes may require more intensive interventions in order to overcome environmental factors that pose particular challenges for patients treated at community health centers.
只翻译前三段也行,这段要是不想翻译不勉强.好人有好报啊~~~>_< A focus on intermediate outcomes may also detract attention from some of the most important evidence-based processes that can be improved. For instance, smoking cessation and daily aspirin for men at high risk for coronary artery disease are among the most powerful clinical interventions we measured in this study. Yet the associated outcomes occur in the longer term, and a longer study period and larger sample would be required to document a meaningful effect. 展开
Our study showed that participating in a collaborative improved the processes of care related to prevention and screening and disease monitoring and treatment for diabetes and asthma, but participating in a collaborative did not improve these processes for hypertension. The study did not show improvements in intermediate outcomes of care. Whether these differences in diseases and outcomes are related to the nature of each targeted condition, aspects of the participating organizations, ease of patient adherence, or the specific collaborative under study is not known. Finally, improvements over time were seen in both intervention and control centers for almost every individual measure. Whether this broad improvement reflects general secular trends20 or the general quality-improvement environment at community health centers is not known.
There are several potential explanations for the lack of effect with respect to intermediate outcomes. First, many of the processes of care that we studied (e.g., retinal examinations for patients with diabetes) are linked to longer-term outcomes but are not directly linked to the intermediate outcomes that we examined. For those that are related to intermediate outcomes, the magnitude or importance of the linkage might not be strong. For instance, even though glycated hemoglobin must be monitored in order to achieve and maintain optimal levels, the documentation of this monitoring does not necessarily mean that important changes in management by the clinician or by the patient have been undertaken in response to suboptimal results. In addition, to the extent that the processes of care we examined are linked to these intermediate outcomes, it would be difficult to detect a difference in outcomes solely related to the modest improvements in the processes that we observed. Finally, achieving improvements in both longer-term and intermediate outcomes may require more intensive interventions in order to overcome environmental factors that pose particular challenges for patients treated at community health centers.
只翻译前三段也行,这段要是不想翻译不勉强.好人有好报啊~~~>_< A focus on intermediate outcomes may also detract attention from some of the most important evidence-based processes that can be improved. For instance, smoking cessation and daily aspirin for men at high risk for coronary artery disease are among the most powerful clinical interventions we measured in this study. Yet the associated outcomes occur in the longer term, and a longer study period and larger sample would be required to document a meaningful effect. 展开
这里对于中期成果缺乏效率有几种可能的解释。 首先,许多我们研究的医疗程序(例如:对糖尿病患者进行的视网膜检查)是与长期结果相关联的,而不是与我们检查得到的中期成果直接关联,那些与中期成果相有关的这些关联可能并没有那么巨大或重要。例如:虽然为了达到或保持糖基化血红蛋白最佳水平而必须对其进行监测,但对监测数据进行文件记录并不必要,这意味着临床医生或患者在管理上的重大变化的是对于未达最佳标准的结果做出的反应。此外,我们进行检测的医疗程序与这些中期结果相关联的情况下,我们很难去检测仅仅由检查程序中的适度改进导致的观察结果差异。最后,在长期和中期结果中都实现改进需要更强的干预,从而战胜环境因素给在社区医疗中心接受治疗的患者带来的特定挑战。
这里对于中期成果缺乏效率有几种可能的解释。 首先,许多我们研究的医疗程序(例如:对糖尿病患者进行的视网膜检查)是与长期结果相关联的,而不是与我们检查得到的中期成果直接关联,那些与中期成果相有关的这些关联可能并没有那么巨大或重要。例如:虽然为了达到或保持糖基化血红蛋白最佳水平而必须对其进行监测,但对监测数据进行文件记录并不必要,这意味着临床医生或患者在管理上的重大变化的是对于未达最佳标准的结果做出的反应。此外,我们进行检测的医疗程序与这些中期结果相关联的情况下,我们很难去检测仅仅由检查程序中的适度改进导致的观察结果差异。最后,在长期和中期结果中都实现改进需要更强的干预,从而战胜环境因素给在社区医疗中心接受治疗的患者带来的特定挑战。
我们进行了大规模的干预评估,以改善护理在社区卫生服务中心为病人谁有糖尿病,哮喘,高血压,慢性疾病的三个普遍累计影响,在25 %以上的成年人口在美国。 23质量改进干预设在社区卫生服务中心今天特别重要,因为他们都大幅度增长的网站数量和服务的患者人数在过去十年中,其突出的作用,照顾少数群体的成员和其他处境不利人口,和总统乔治W布什宣布的目标,以扩大他们的人数,以增加获得护理的保险。
我们进行了大规模的干预评估,以改善护理在社区卫生服务中心为病人谁有糖尿病,哮喘,高血压,慢性疾病的三个普遍累计影响,在25 %以上的成年人口在美国。 23质量改进干预设在社区卫生服务中心今天特别重要,因为他们都大幅度增长的网站数量和服务的患者人数在过去十年中,其突出的作用,照顾少数群体的成员和其他处境不利人口,和总统乔治W布什宣布的目标,以扩大他们的人数,以增加获得护理的保险。