
昨天,我喝酒了,你不知道吧,你在开家长会呢。虽然我不会喝酒,可还是想喝,以为醒来会好点。我无法忘掉你,我放不下你。知道吗?我在哭,这是最软弱无能的表现了不是吗?你会笑话我... 昨天,我喝酒了,你不知道吧,你在开家长会呢。虽然我不会喝酒,可还是想喝,以为醒来会好点。我无法忘掉你,我放不下你。知道吗?我在哭,这是最软弱无能的表现了不是吗?你会笑话我吗?笑话我现在还不死心?傻傻的我一到晚上就满脑子都是你,我想我该睡了,可是你的声音回荡在我的耳朵里,欲罢不能……
我很清楚的明白著,在那一次见到你的那一刻开始,其实你就是我一生找寻的那一个女孩,可是我知道的太晚了,当我真正明白的那一刻就时刻的告诉著自己,我要守著你直到我生命终止的那一刻。我是这样这样深深的喜欢着你,让你逃不开这一重重的思念,在泪光中,我哽咽的对自己说着深爱着你的感觉,同时也在懊恼的埋怨著自己把你看的太重要,心里太在乎你,让你感觉到了不自由,害怕吧。给你自由吧。我曾经这样对自己承诺著。用心中滴下的鲜血当做誓言,直到我学会爱你的方法为止,可能到现在我也不知道什么是爱你的方式,可我却还是这样的无悔的喜欢着你。也许真正爱你的方式就是小说里的,只要你快乐,只要你幸福就够了。 可我深深地恳求你;不要把我逐出你的天地之外,在我的世界里我一分一秒也不能缺少你。只要能听见你的声音看见你的笑容,我的生命才会有那么一点的光彩。
分数虽然少了点 我现在去回答问题 有了我一定追加 谢谢了
还有从这里不用翻译了 我清楚的知道我门已经没有可能,可如果我不写的话,我想我会后悔一辈子的.于是,我鼓起了勇气,可有勇气写完了又没有勇气给你。唉,那就让苍天来决定吧。有点怕让你看见了,可能以后会更尴尬吧 真的很急谢谢了
能不要网上词典翻译么那个我也会 我知道我的要求很无理 唉
 我来答
2009-05-09 · TA获得超过757个赞
Yesterday, I had drunk wine , you had not known in you holding a parents' meeting. Think of aha though I can not drink wine, believe to wake up finishing being going to be point. I have no way to forget you , I leave you alone. Know? I am crying , is this the most flabby and the most impotent to have shown fault? Are you able to laugh at me? Laugh at me refusing to give up hope now? Stupid that I have one's mind stuffed with as soon as arriving at evening all is you , I think that I should have slept , your sound resounds at my ear li , tries to stop but cannot but, ... What to not had written for you all along until I discover me just now abruptly today, alas, this has not been written what to select by girl yet in the lifetime. Know why writes , know how to let you can experience now neither this is real I, how always to feel that not owning having lost to you and I? My feeling now is to helpless and hesitate , have very many words to want to speak to you , may not know saying some what. But write so in fact neither why, I am to think of really in you have a special location in the heart, ... ,A lot of moment I hope that time is motionless , motionless a moment, can not give way to you because of any cause leaves me , this may in having you that having me? This is not myth after all , clear prompting of clock ticktack noise is burning me. In fact I you may speak always in simple aspiration being fond of me. You maybe know my heart forever also not likely , I observe promise, as long as be I can achieve, I have all composed. I am to swindle you so once to words said by you only when unique. My very clear clear work, that moment seeing you in that once begins , you it is that girl, but our that my lifetime looks for to know in fact move towards moment's at that moment as if it be me very lately, really clearly telling work self, that moment my essential points is abided by writing you until my life ends. I am such deeply be fond of you, in let you escape not opening this one layer-upon-ayer missing, in the tear up, I choke with sobs feeling being loving you with this very much to self, at the same time also in complaining that self looks at you chagrinedly writing very important , care you about in the heart very much, have let you feel not being afraid of freely. Give you liberty. I promise to write once like this to self. Use the blood dripping at heart to regard as oath, I know what is to love your way neither possibly to now , I still am that a nothing such regrets but but being fond of you till loving your method until I learn. The way loving you maybe really has been novel lining's, as long as you are happy , has reached as long as you are happy. But, I implore you deeply; Besides not expelling me from your scope of operation, within my world, I can be short of you neither at 00:01:01. See your smiling expression as long as being able to hear your sound, my life will be glorious just now being that partial. Think that your state of mind uses one words to replace in fact no way out, I am ready to go to bear this splendid agony although I know the agony being lovesick. Maybe you forever do not know a bar. Not asking my love that how deep are you , I am criticized really not coming out , am known you already become my one kind of habit in living , indispensable habit only , every day, can not eat , not going to bed, I dislike that self so-called undividedness is easy to think that I say to self , the shadow being unable to being gone to look for her really can but have no way not to miss you , true? My love is to be born in because of you in fact as if but I have been wrong,why meeting find not bad person woollen cloth replacing? The friend tells me , we can not have result , we do not begin like this, I really have known in fact , you are only a tactful distant but difficult dream. But, I have no way to persuade self but. I am very stupid , friends say also this way in the world woman many, will be as good as you having one. But, I have no intention of going to discover a searching but. I said disregarding whom to being , she is not you after all! I am clear know my door already is impossible , may if I do not write , I think of my meeting regret lifetime's I have plucked up courage thereupon, may have guts to have finished writing to you not having courage. Alas, let Heaven come to decide a bar. Perhaps having let you see a little bit , may will be more awkward hereafter. Finally, can you also be written what to select by me? But, I think that you say can, ... Wish that: Happiness is forever forever joyful
2009-05-09 · TA获得超过238个赞

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2009-05-09 · 超过10用户采纳过TA的回答
Yesterday,I drink, you do not know it, you will do the parents at the beginning. Although I do not drink, or drink a can that will wake up a good point. I can not forget you, I am Unable to get rid of you. Know? I cry, this is the most weak and incompetent performance of a not it? You joke me? A joke I did not give up now?傻傻one of my evening is full of you, that I think I went to sleep, but your voice echoes in my ears, can not but carry on ... ...
Until today, I suddenly discovered that I have never written anything to you, Oh, this life does not give the girls写点什么. Do not know how to write, do not know how to so that you can understand this now, I really, for you, how I have always felt has not lost it?I now feel is helplessness and a loss, if there are too many and you would like to say that may not know what to say. In fact, why not write this, but I really really want in your heart there is a special place ... ... and many times when I am looking forward to a static, static in that you have a moment I will not let you because any reason to leave me, can this possible? This is not a myth after all, the sound of the clock ticking to remind me to understand.In fact, I have been a simple desire that you will like me.
Maybe my heart will never understand you, I promise to comply with, as long as I can do, I have. I am only what you have said it was only to deceive you.
I clearly understand, and in that time to see the moment you started, in fact, you are looking for in my life that a girl, but I know too late, when I truly understand that the moment on the moment to tell its own I would like to keep you until the termination of my life at the moment.I was so so deep you like, you can not escape the thought that many in tears, I said, choking on his own feeling of love with you, and also complained of upset to their you are reading is too important to care about your heart too, so you do not feel the freedom, fear of it. Give you a free bar. I have to do with their commitment. Drip with the blood of the hearts as a pledge, until I learned how to love you the way to far, you may now know what I do not love you the way, but I still like this you have no reason to regret. Maybe you really love the way the novel is, as long as you happy, as long as you happy enough.I deeply implore you; not to my outside world out of you, in my world I have a minute you can not lack. As long as we can hear your voice see your smile, my life would have so little glory.
Feeling like you really can not replace the use of a word, although I know the pain of love, but I am willing to bear the pain of this wonderful. Perhaps you do not know it forever.
Do not ask me how deep love you, I really can not tell, you only know that my life has become a habit, the habit of essential day every day, you can not eat, do not sleep, can not do not want to you, really, I hate the so-called single-minded their own好想I said to myself, not a real shadow to find her OK?But if I am wrong, I love that because you born, how will be able to find a substitute for the people? A friend told me that we would not have such a result, we have not yet begun, in fact, and so I do not know, you just a distant dream and the hard won. But I can not convince myself. Silly me, my friends also say that many women in the world, there will be a good way like you. However, I have no intention of looking to be discovered. I said no matter who she is not you!
I am well aware that the door is not possible I could be if I did not write, I think I will regret it for life. So, I鼓起了勇气may have the courage and the courage of writing to you. Well, then let God to decide. A little scared so you see that may be more embarrassed by it.
Finally, you can give me写点什么it? But I want to hear you say ... ...
I wish:
Always happy
Always happy
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2009-05-09 · TA获得超过241个赞
Yesterday, I had drunk wine , you had not known in you holding a parents' meeting. Think of aha though I can not drink wine, believe to wake up finishing being going to be point. I have no way to forget you , I leave you alone. Know? I am crying , is this the most flabby and the most impotent to have shown fault? Are you able to laugh at me? Laugh at me refusing to give up hope now? Stupid that I have one's mind stuffed with as soon as arriving at evening all is you , I think that I should have slept , your sound resounds at my ear li , tries to stop but cannot but, ... What to not had written for you all along until I discover me just now abruptly today, alas, this has not been written what to select by girl yet in the lifetime. Know why writes , know how to let you can experience now neither this is real I, how always to feel that not owning having lost to you and I? My feeling now is to helpless and hesitate , have very many words to want to speak to you , may not know saying some what. But write so in fact neither why, I am to think of really in you have a special location in the heart, ... ,A lot of moment I hope that time is motionless , motionless a moment, can not give way to you because of any cause leaves me , this may in having you that having me? This is not myth after all , clear prompting of clock ticktack noise is burning me. In fact I you may speak always in simple aspiration being fond of me. You maybe know my heart forever also not likely , I observe promise, as long as be I can achieve, I have all composed. I am to swindle you so once to words said by you only when unique. My very clear clear work, that moment seeing you in that once begins , you it is that girl, but our that my lifetime looks for to know in fact move towards moment's at that moment as if it be me very lately, really clearly telling work self, that moment my essential points is abided by writing you until my life ends. I am such deeply be fond of you, in let you escape not opening this one layer-upon-ayer missing, in the tear up, I choke with sobs feeling being loving you with this very much to self, at the same time also in complaining that self looks at you chagrinedly writing very important , care you about in the heart very much, have let you feel not being afraid of freely. Give you liberty. I promise to write once like this to self. Use the blood dripping at heart to regard as oath, I know what is to love your way neither possibly to now , I still am that a nothing such regrets but but being fond of you till loving your method until I learn. The way loving you maybe really has been novel lining's, as long as you are happy , has reached as long as you are happy. But, I implore you deeply; Besides not expelling me from your scope of operation, within my world, I can be short of you neither at 00:01:01. See your smiling expression as long as being able to hear your sound, my life will be glorious just now being that partial. Think that your state of mind uses one words to replace in fact no way out, I am ready to go to bear this splendid agony although I know the agony being lovesick. Maybe you forever do not know a bar. Not asking my love that how deep are you , I am criticized really not coming out , am known you already become my one kind of habit in living , indispensable habit only , every day, can not eat , not going to bed, I dislike that self so-called undividedness is easy to think that I say to self , the shadow being unable to being gone to look for her really can but have no way not to miss you , true? My love is to be born in because of you in fact as if but I have been wrong,why meeting find not bad person woollen cloth replacing? The friend tells me , we can not have result , we do not begin like this, I really have known in fact , you are only a tactful distant but difficult dream. But, I have no way to persuade self but. I am very stupid , friends say also this way in the world woman many, will be as good as you having one. But, I have no intention of going to discover a searching but. I said disregarding whom to being , she is not you after all!
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2009-05-10 · TA获得超过106个赞
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