
当代大学生的心理健康问题日渐严重,这不仅影响了学生个体身心健康,而且也影响了国家合格的高级人才的培养。所以校内各种行为规范,文明公约和校规校纪对建立一个文明有序的校园,起... 当代大学生的心理健康问题日渐严重,这不仅影响了学生个体身心健康,而且也影响了国家合格的高级人才的培养。所以校内各种行为规范,文明公约和校规校纪对建立一个文明有序的校园,起着保证作用,对学生的文明行为起着规范作用。充分调动学生自我完善,自我管理,自我服务的积极性,使学生感到轻松,民主,和谐,保持良好的心态;另一方面,可使学生增强归属感,使他们热爱班级,热爱学校,心理上有所依靠。进而培养学生良好的思想情操与生活情趣,促进优良校风,学风的形成.经过几个月的调查,研究,我对大学生的心理有了更深入的了解,在做了对当代大学生心理调查问卷的分析后,我得到的结论就是要加强实施大学生心理问题的解决方案。为此,本文在指出大学生常见心理问题的基础上,试图从学校管理心理学、教育心理学、心理卫生学与社会学等方面。来探索与剖析当代大学生心理问题增多的主要原因,最后对大学生心理问题的控制和调试提出了一些切实可行的方法。 展开
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2009-05-12 · TA获得超过7162个赞
The contemporary university student's psychologically healthy question is serious day after day, not only this has affected the student individual physical and moral integrity, and has also affected the national qualified high level talent's raise. Therefore in the school each behavior standards, the civilized joint pledge and the school regulation school discipline to establishes a civilized order the campus, plays is guaranteeing the role, has the standard to student's civilized behavior to affect. Transfers the student self-perfection fully, the self-control, self-service's enthusiasm, makes the student to feel relaxed, democratic, harmonious, maintains the good point of view; On the other hand, may make the student to strengthen the sense of belonging, causes them to deeply love the class and grade, deeply loves the school, in the psychology has the dependence. Then raises the student good thought sentiment and the life appeal, the promotion fine school spirit, the school tradition formation. After several month-long investigations, the research, I had a more thorough understanding to university student's psychology, in has done after the contemporary university student psychology questionnaire analysis, I obtain the conclusion is must strengthen implements the university student psychology question the solution. Therefore, this article in pointed out that the university student common psychology question in the foundation, attempts from aspects and so on school administration psychology, educational psychology, psychological hygiene and sociology. Explores the primary cause which and the analysis present age university student psychology question increases, finally proposed some practical and feasible methods to the university student psychology question's control and the debugging.
2009-05-12 · TA获得超过941个赞
Nowadays the psychological problems of the unversity students have become more and more serious , which not only influnce students' personal mental health, but also the country-qualified cultivation of senior talents. So all kinds of behaviour rules in the school have established a civilized campus and have a positve effect on student's behaviour. We should fully act upon students ' enthusiasm of self-improvement , self-management and self-service. In the other side ,students will improve attributive feeling and they will love their classes,schools and have a psychological dependece. Students can be further taught good thoughts and life entertaiment, which promotes a form of good amtopshere in school. After months' study , i have a better undestanding of psychology of unversity students . When i finally analysed the study ,i drew the conclusion that it was necessary to strenghten the solution of unversity students' psychological problems . For the sake of that , the essay wants to explore and analyse the main reasons why the problems have increased in many ways such as psychology , educational psychology ,psychological hygienics and social science. In this way . pactical soultions to the problems can be raised.
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2009-05-12 · TA获得超过247个赞
The contemporary university students' psychological health problems increasingly serious, which not only affects the student individual health, but also affected countries qualified talents cultivation. So the campus behavior of civilization, convention and school rules to establish a civilized campus, orderly and plays a role of students, that plays a role behavior civilization standard. Fully mobilize students' self, self management, perfecting self service enthusiasm, enables the student to feel relaxed, harmonious, democracy, maintain good state of mind, On the other hand, can make the students to enhance belonging, that they love, love the school, class to rely on psychology. Then raises the student good moral sentiments and life interest, to promote good school spirit, the school. After several months of investigation and study of college students' mental, I have more in-depth understanding of contemporary college students have done in the psychological analysis of the questionnaire, after I got the conclusion is to strengthen college students' psychological problems of implementation solutions. Therefore, this article pointed out the psychological problem students on the basis of common from school of management psychology, education and mental hygiene and sociology, psychology, etc. To explore and analyze the contemporary university students' psychological problems is the main reason for the increase in college students' psychological problems, and finally the control and debugging presents some practical methods.
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Contemporary college students become more serious mental health problems, which affect not only individual physical and mental health of students, but also on the national senior qualified talents. Therefore, a variety of school code of conduct, school discipline and civilized conventions and regulations on the establishment of a civilized and orderly campus, play a role to ensure that students norms of civilized behavior plays a role. Fully mobilize the students to self-improvement, self-management, self-service initiative, to enable students to feel relaxed, democratic, harmonious, and to maintain a good attitude; On the other hand, can enhance a sense of belonging among students so that they love the class, love school, psychologically rely on. Students to the idea of a good character and life, the promotion of excellent school spirit, study the formation. After several months of investigation and research on psychological and I have a better understanding of the contemporary college students have done a psychological questionnaire analysis, the conclusion I have is to strengthen the implementation of college students with psychological problems solution. To this end, this paper pointed out that the common psychological problems of college students on the basis of the school management tried to psychology, educational psychology, mental hygiene and sociology and so on. To explore and analyze the psychological problems of contemporary college students the main reason for the increase, and finally the psychological problems of students to control and debug a number of practical ways.
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