
1.Heis26.It'shightimehe_____atradetomakealiving.A.learnB.learnsC.mustlearnD.learned2.... 1. He is 26. It's high time he _____ a trade to make a living.
A. learn B. learns C. must learn D. learned
2. _____ in the pouring rain, he fell ill and had to stay in bed.
A. Being caught B. Caught
C. Having been caught D. Having caught
3. She looked into the future and saw many long years _____that would belong to
her alone.
A. to come B. came C. will come D. had come
4. There is _____cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and
get _____?
A. a few ...little B. few ...much C. a little...any D. little...some
5. It is _____complicated a problem for a ten-year-old child to solve.
A. so B. too C. far D. such
6. If we had taken his advice, the project _____sooner.
A. could have completed B. would be completed
C. could complete D. would have been completed
7. Is there any place nearby _____I can get my laptop fixed quickly?
A. where B. that C. which D. when
8. I wish you _____your time like this.
A. aren't wasting B. weren't wasting
C. don't waste D. shouldn't be wasting
9. _____ with confidence, Dr. Wang skillfully performed the operation.
A. To be filled B. Having been filled
C. Being filled D. Filled
10. I found it hard to concentrate on my work _____ so many people around.
A. because B. with C. when D. by
11. The trip takes 30 hours or so, and you will get there _____the morning of the
following day.
A. in B. at C. on D. to
12. Which person do you refer to? _____ with dark glasses.
A. He B. The one C. One D. Each
13. I'm sorry to have begun the meeting before you came. I thought you _____.
A. didn't come B. shouldn't come
C. are not coming D. were not coming
14. As is known to us all, no _____is shown to the enemies.
A. mercy B. love C. right D. offer
15. Don't feel nervous when _____to your new manager.
A. to introduce B. introduced
C. introducing D. to be introduced
16. He studied hard and later became a well-known writer, _____his father had
A. that was that B. what was that
C. which was what D. which was that
17. Two years later, her father disappeared, never _____ again.
A. to hear from B. being heard from
C. heard from D. to be heard
18. Shall we take this house?
- Oh, I'm afraid it may be _____expensive.
A. too much B. so much C. much too D. too very
19. Could you _____me a few minutes? I need your advice.
A. give B. spend C. spare D. take
20. Victor certainly talks a lot and he is never interested in what _____has to say.
A. no one B. someone other
C. every one D. anyone else
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1-5acadb 6-10dabdb 11-15cbdab 16-20cdccd 你再看看对不对哦!我刚才做的,希望能有点用。
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