
英语作文:假如你是李华,上周在英国参加了你校组织的“中学生文化交流周”活动,并住在kelly家里。请你给你在英国认识的朋友kelly写封感谢信,... 英语作文:假如你是李华,上周在英国参加了你校组织的“中学生文化交流周”活动,并住在kelly家里。请你给你在英国认识的朋友kelly写封感谢信, 展开
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2013-11-14 · TA获得超过469个赞
Dear Kelly,

I've been waiting to say all these and even more to you since I met you at the cultural exchange week. It might surprise you that I am writing to you; but you know, sometimes where there is too much to say, a man prefers writing to all else.

The one we have built is a unique relationship. Since that swing party, or the so-called 'Cultural Exchange Week for High School Students', hosted by my school, we both know how hopelessly my mind has been stuck with you ever since. It has been tacitly accepted by both of us without feeling the need to express anything poetically or melodramatically.

Like a sparkling crystal vase, you were delicate, fragile and precious to me. The dark, deep eyes set in contrast to the fair face had the depth and gleam that made me drown myself in your eyes. My subconscious pulled me close to you, to protest and to make you feel the same about me.

I remember the first time I met you. It was one of the best moments of my life and I thank god for giving me such a moment. When I saw you, a tiny angel but a quiet lady who seemed to be in a similar plight, something out of this world, some force of attraction gave me the courage and initiative to approach you. I could not understand it then, but I am glad that you did not mind talking to me then.

I could not understand why my body and mind reacted so funny to you, but the time we spent together was so enchanting that each moment without you was like epoch. I only knew how difficult it was for me to restrain myself from rushing to you and to concentrate on my work. In fact, whenever this tension had reached the crescendo, I called you up half-afraid that you would be angry over my disturbance during work.

There was something else about you, though you were not readily sociable types. Yet you seemed to tell me everything about you, your home, your feelings and your private habits while you gave me hospitality. I was your emotional support and it seemed to me that I occupied a special place in you. I remembered the evening I forced into your room. When you cried out your grief and sorrows into my bosom, the feeling of my being close to you, engulfing you in my arms seemed to make you feel uneasy and insecure. I felt extremely excited to give you this fright and dismay.

And somewhere along the way, I rolled your rubber deeper without even realizing so and anything that bloated me from inside. I could not wait to share that frenzy feeling with you. We both saw it when I suddenly developed this deep and sensational pleasure. It was so enchanting and it completely finished me off when the void was filled.

It gives me a great pride to show the world how much I have scored with you my petite delicate darling. My cherished moments are my cigarette break under the moonlit, under the clouds of my world and the soothing gaze of the silhouette of your sorrow back. The fact was hard to be accepted as I am madly in love with a girl who would completely treat her pal like trash afterwards. Despite my premature performance, I don't think I deserve her insult at my achievement and the slap from her when she was swept of her feet. Nevertheless, I thank you for your free hospitality, and that small size johnny you donated on me although I have never actually succeeded in entering with it.

Yours always,

Li Hua
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2014-03-30 · 超过15用户采纳过TA的回答
Hello Kelly,
Last week, I had a great time in the activity and learned a lot from it. I made some new friends there and knew more about your culture. I also want to thank you for letting me stay at your house. I had a great time staying with you. You are my best friends. I will never forget the days. The English dictionary you gave me is really helpful to me. I will keep it and use it to learn English. Hope we can have fun together next time.

Yours sincerely,

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