求大神帮我翻译篇英语自我介绍,万分感谢,如下: 哈喽大家好,我叫XXX,我来自海南,我的 30
我很高兴能和大家在一起学习,希望以后我们能愉快相处。我喜欢上网,喜欢逛街购物,喜欢运动,喜欢看电视看电影,喜欢唱歌。我热情大方,爱帮助人。我爱笑,爱乐,爱简单,爱热闹,爱听音乐爱交朋友,爱与众同乐,爱hold不住的兴奋,也爱无厘头的搞笑,爱安安静静的自得其乐,也爱疯疯癫癫的热热闹闹。我是双子座,拥有双重性格,有时外向有时内敛,但都不影响我比较幽默的性格,朋友们和我在一起都能哈哈大笑,希望今后也能给大家带来快乐。我想在大学充实自己的生活,培养自己的能力,不断提高自己,但我的英语基础很差,希望老师和同学们多多指教,今后,就让我们一起好好学习,天天向上。 展开
我很高兴能和大家在一起学习,希望以后我们能愉快相处。我喜欢上网,喜欢逛街购物,喜欢运动,喜欢看电视看电影,喜欢唱歌。我热情大方,爱帮助人。我爱笑,爱乐,爱简单,爱热闹,爱听音乐爱交朋友,爱与众同乐,爱hold不住的兴奋,也爱无厘头的搞笑,爱安安静静的自得其乐,也爱疯疯癫癫的热热闹闹。我是双子座,拥有双重性格,有时外向有时内敛,但都不影响我比较幽默的性格,朋友们和我在一起都能哈哈大笑,希望今后也能给大家带来快乐。我想在大学充实自己的生活,培养自己的能力,不断提高自己,但我的英语基础很差,希望老师和同学们多多指教,今后,就让我们一起好好学习,天天向上。 展开
Hello everyone, my name is XXX, I come from Hainan, my hometown is now the international tourism island, the four seasons such as spring, sunny beach is very beautiful, welcome you to travel.
I'm very happy to learn together with everyone, hope that we can live a happy. I like the Internet, like shopping, like sports, like watch TV movies, like singing. I am generous enthusiasm, love to help people. I love to laugh, love is simple, love lively Philharmonic, listen to music, love friends, love and all the fun, love cannot hold exciting, funny love does not make sense, as a pleasurable occupation love quietly, love crazy lively. I am a Gemini, has a dual personality, sometimes outward and sometimes introverted, but will not affect my humorous personality, my friends and I together can laugh, hope can bring happiness to you in the future. I want to enrich my life in University, and cultivate their ability, and constantly improve themselves, but my English is poor, I hope teachers and students exhibitions, in the future, let us work together Study hard, make progress every day.
I'm very happy to learn together with everyone, hope that we can live a happy. I like the Internet, like shopping, like sports, like watch TV movies, like singing. I am generous enthusiasm, love to help people. I love to laugh, love is simple, love lively Philharmonic, listen to music, love friends, love and all the fun, love cannot hold exciting, funny love does not make sense, as a pleasurable occupation love quietly, love crazy lively. I am a Gemini, has a dual personality, sometimes outward and sometimes introverted, but will not affect my humorous personality, my friends and I together can laugh, hope can bring happiness to you in the future. I want to enrich my life in University, and cultivate their ability, and constantly improve themselves, but my English is poor, I hope teachers and students exhibitions, in the future, let us work together Study hard, make progress every day.