ansys14.5安装后能启动,现在却启动不了,证书也重新加载了,还是不行 20
Welcome to ANSYS Fluent 14.5.0
Copyright 2012 ANSYS, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.
This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and re-export.
For full Legal Notice, see documentation.
Build Time: Sep 21 2012 17:23:07 Build Id: 10329
Loading "D:\ANSYSI~1\v145\fluent\fluent14.5.0\lib\fl_s1119-64.dmp"
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Capability FLUENT_SOLVER does not exist in the ANSYS licensing pool.
The specified license path:
FLEXlm Servers: 1055@G9CKWPUH5OK2H9O
does not have any licenses for any product. Please make sure
the license server has been started correctly.
Cannot find license file.
The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are
listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,
or contact your software provider for a license file.
Feature: fluent
Filename: D:\ANSYSI~1\v145\fluent\license\win64\..\license.dat
License path: D:\ANSYSI~1\v145\fluent\license\win64\..\license.dat
FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
Hit return to exit. 展开
Welcome to ANSYS Fluent 14.5.0
Copyright 2012 ANSYS, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.
This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and re-export.
For full Legal Notice, see documentation.
Build Time: Sep 21 2012 17:23:07 Build Id: 10329
Loading "D:\ANSYSI~1\v145\fluent\fluent14.5.0\lib\fl_s1119-64.dmp"
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Capability FLUENT_SOLVER does not exist in the ANSYS licensing pool.
The specified license path:
FLEXlm Servers: 1055@G9CKWPUH5OK2H9O
does not have any licenses for any product. Please make sure
the license server has been started correctly.
Cannot find license file.
The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are
listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,
or contact your software provider for a license file.
Feature: fluent
Filename: D:\ANSYSI~1\v145\fluent\license\win64\..\license.dat
License path: D:\ANSYSI~1\v145\fluent\license\win64\..\license.dat
FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
Hit return to exit. 展开