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高一英语周报课标2015-2016 第34期答案
Book 3 Unit 2 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CAABC 16-20BCBCB 21-25 BBCCD 26-30 ACAAB
31-35 BDDBC 36-40BGCFD
41-45 BACAD 46-50CABCB 51-55 DABCD 56-60BDACB
61. who / that 62. extremely 63. up 64. toread
65. a 66. is listed
67. choosing 68. or
69. decision 70. pleased
71. ... for the meal ... the → a
72. ... food is not ... is → was
73. ... a dish calling ... calling → called
74. ... turned out to ... turned前加which
75. ... and this meal ... and → but
76. ... was quite disappointed ...
disappointed → disappointing
77. ... my families didn't ...
families → family
78. Personal, I think ...
Personal → Personally
79. ... enjoyed us more ... us → ourselves
80. ... have had plenty ... 去掉had
One possible version:
Welcome to Sunshine Health Club
Do you want to be healthier and stronger?Then Sunshine Health Club should be your first choice!
We offer all kinds of physical exercisessuch as aerobics and swimming, which are under the guidance of professionalcoaches. Sunshine Health Club is very convenient with different types of modernequipment. You can choose whatever you like.
Business hours: from 6:00 am to 8:30 pm onweekdays; weekends all day.
You just need to pay 1,200 yuan per year.
Enter Sunshine Health Club and you willenjoy good health forever.
A篇 (个人情感)
21. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的hoping it will be enough,She's had a hard day, and I've had a hard week和I turn away, bitter that I couldnever own such a dress等可推测,作者的家境不是很好。
22. B。推理判断题。根据第二段中的I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothing in return可知,作者感到气愤是觉得自己的努力没有得到相应的回报。
23. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have many other things tofinish可知,作者只对帮助她的那个陌生人说了两遍“谢谢”是因为她还有其他事情要做。
24. C。标题归纳题。作者为帮家里购物这件事发牢骚表示不满,然而购物途中一个陌生人的所言所行改变了她。因此C项作标题概括了文章主旨。
B篇 (自然)
25. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的But the first deep-sea divers wanted to find sunken treasure可知,人们最初探测深海是想寻找沉入海底的金银财宝。
26. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的He must be able to protect himself from great pressure ... thepressure of water is about 1,300 pounds on every square inch可知,水压很大,这使得在深海中潜水非常困难。
27. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的These suits let divers go down a few hundred feet, but they were nogood for exploring the very deep waters和With a metal diving suit, a diver could go down 700 feet可知,与橡胶潜水服相比,金属潜水服可以帮助人们探测较深的水域。
28. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的William Beebe wanted to explore deeper than anyone had ever gonebefore和Beebe wentdown 3,028 feet. He saw many things that had never been seen by humans before可推断,Beebe通过探海球(the Bathysphere)探测到了更深的海域,打破了以往的潜水纪录。
C篇 (健康)
29. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a disease that influences as many as 40 percent of Americans, amarked increase in recent years可知,患胃酸倒流病的人数正在逐年增加。
30. B。词义猜测题。根据该句中的But以及下文介绍晚饭吃得太晚的弊端可知,晚饭时间是一个被人们忽视了的问题。
31. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的The reflux was serious, and changes were needed和第四段可知,作者让这位女病人将自己的晚饭时间提前,然而女病人很难做到,因此恨作者。
32. D。写作目的题。作者以一个病人的案例引出晚上吃饭时间太晚容易得胃酸倒流病,并且给出自己的建议:the single most important treatment for reflux is to avoid lateeating,然后再以一个女病人的病例对此加以证明,最后得出结论:To stop the increase in reflux disease, we have to stop eating atleast three hours before bed。由此可知,作者写作此文的目的在于告诫大家晚饭时间很关键,不能吃得太晚,否则会导致疾病,甚至会威胁生命。
D篇 (日常活动)
33. D。细节理解题。根据Building stones of Cambridge部分中的see the Watson Collection及其时间3pm - 5pm可知答案。
34. B。细节理解题。根据Cambridge University Press部分中的Adults可知,该项活动只面向成人。而其他三项活动的年龄要求分别为Ages 12+,Ages 10+,Ages 14+,由此可知,这三项活动除了成人外,其他适龄儿童也可以参加。
35. C。细节理解题。根据The history of rowing in Cambridge部分中的Chris Dalley ... talks about the sport's history可知,Chris Dalley将就剑桥的赛艇运动这一话题作报告。
36. B。根据下一句But as time went by, children and then adults began to have theirown birthday celebrations可知,空格处和该句形成时间上的前后对比,故B项符合语境。
37. G。根据上一句There are some traditions ... that you can find almost anywhere, anytime以及下文介绍的几个特别的生日习俗可知,G项在此承上启下。
38. C。根据上一句中的a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top和下一句中的The key means that可知,C项中的the shape of a key与之相呼应。
39. F。根据该段中的had to clean the stairs of the City Hall和every girl could see ... 可知,F项“她们也能借此看出这名男子很会打扫家”符合此处语境。
40. D。根据上一句中的many people prefer to forget their birthdays rather than celebratethem和下一句中的yourfriends and family have to pay if you go out for drinks or a meal可知,30岁以后人们不再兴师动众庆祝生日,而是简单地度过。故D项“送花和吃顿饭”符合语境。
本文是记叙文。Ben Underwood因疾病变成了盲人,然而,他却可以利用耳朵来探索周围的一切。
41. B。根据上一句中的a normal teenage boy可知,Ben Underwood“热爱(loved)”篮球、骑车等运动。
42. A。根据破折号后的he was blind可知,Ben又“不同于(different)”绝大多数同龄人。
43. C。虽然Ben是盲人,“然而(However)”他却有一种特殊的才能。
44. A。根据but以及下文讲述Ben的故事可知,Ben虽然没有眼睛,但是他“依然(still)”可以看见周围的一切。
45. D。上一句介绍Ben出生时是一个快乐、健康的孩子,下文谈到他身患癌症而且必须做手术,由此可知,当他两岁时,他的生活发生了“改变(changed)”。
46. C。根据后半句and Ben was fine可知,Ben的手术很“成功(successful)”。
47. A。根据前半句the doctors had to remove his eyes可知,由于眼睛被摘除,因此Ben变成了“盲(blind)”人。
48. B。根据该段接下来的When he was three, he learned how to ... 和Then, when Ben was seven ... 可知,手术过后,Ben慢慢地“培养(developed)”出了一种特殊的才能。
49. C。根据下文具体介绍Ben是如何靠听周围的回声来辨别事物可知,他靠自己的“耳朵(ears)”来认知周围的世界。
50. B。根据该空前的He listened very carefully可知,Ben能“听见(hear)” 周围通过建筑物反弹的噪音。
51. D。根据上文中的“see” buildings和noises bounce off buildings可知,Ben通过噪音来辨别“建筑物(buildings)”的方位。
52. A。根据上文中的When he was three, he learned how to和下一句中的He made clicking noises with his mouth可知,Ben七岁时开始“学着(learned)”用嘴发出咔哒声。
53. B。根据上文介绍Ben三岁开始通过仔细聆听噪音来辨别建筑物可知,当他七岁时,他如法炮制,先用嘴发出特定的声音,然后细听“噪音(noises)”是如何从物体上反弹。
54. C。Ben通过听回声来辨别事物和海豚在水里看事物的“方式(way)”相同。
55. D。根据下一句中的There are only a few blind people in the world可知,科学家和医生对Ben的特殊才能感到“惊讶(amazed at)”。
56. B。根据上文描述Ben通过听噪音来看世界可知,世界上只有少数盲人可以像他这样“看(see)”世界。
57. D。根据下一句He was on TV, and he traveled to different countries and talked topeople about his life可知,Ben变得“有名(famous)”了。
58. A。下文描述的when Ben was 16, his cancer came back. He died soon after是一件“悲痛(Sadly)”的事。
59. C。尽管Ben离开了人世,然而他在有生之年“使人们明白(taught people)”一切皆有可能。
60. B。根据上文介绍Ben的励志故事和该句中的heencouraged them可知,Ben帮很多人变得内心“强大(strong)”。
61. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词people且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。
62. extremely。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词hard,故填副词extremely。
63. up。考查固定搭配。give up 意为“放弃,停止”。
64. to read。考查不定式作状语的用法。take time to do sth. 意为“花时间做某事”。
65. a。考查不定冠词。restaurant是可数名词且在此表泛指,故填a。
66. is listed。考查一般现在时的被动语态。 information与list之间是被动关系,且此处表示一般情况,故填is listed。
67. choosing。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。considerdoing sth. 意为“考虑做某事”。
68. or。考查连词。whether ... or ... 意为“不管……还是……”。
69. decision。考查名词。由an unhealthy可知,在此应填名词decision。
70. pleased。考查形容词作表语的用法。be pleased with sth. 意为“对某事满意”。

1-5 CBABC 6-10 AADCC
A篇 (家庭)
1. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的we had a tale to outdo most told around the fire和孩子说的This has got to be the bestnightlife in the world可知,在营火旁边,作者一家所分享的他们之前遇到豹子的经历比别的露营者所讲的故事更精彩。他们很自豪能有这样的经历。
2. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的our kids didn't want to return to the kind of “teen clubs”可知,作者和妻子想有一个不同寻常的家庭旅行,因此选择了非洲狩猎旅行。
3. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的We chose to stay at Mdonya Old River Camp because this is one thatavoids soft beds and towels, etc; these, to my mind can prevent us fromconnecting with nature和the five of us shared a simple tent可知,作者选择Mdonya Old River Camp是因为这个营地只有很基础的设施。
4. B。篇章结构题。根据前一句中的it was that game drives are not allowed in any of the country'snational parks after dark可知,在坦桑尼亚的任何一家国家公园都不允许天黑以后驱车游猎,也正是这一规定才使得作者一家那晚和豹子、黑斑羚的碰面更加特别。
5. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的we concluded that if there is one family holiday that will attractteens, it is a safari可推测,作者觉得这次非洲狩猎旅行非常吸引孩子,因此感到很满意。
B篇 (交通)
6. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的up until the late eighteenth century, everybody travelled on theleft-hand side of the road because it was the best way for mostly right-handedpeople to protect themselves in violent societies可知,18世纪晚期之前的人习惯于靠左走是因为他们走路时可以用持剑的右手保护自己,这样更安全。
7. A。推理判断题。根据第二段可知,拿破仑是左撇子,他让自己的军队靠右行军,这样他就可以左手持剑应对敌人。故可推断A项正确。
8. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的After the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), the US becameindependent and decided to make traffic drive on the right in order to cut itsties with Britain可知,美国人选择靠右行驶是为了表明他们已经完全脱离英国。
9. C。词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的It would cost billions of pounds to change everything round和there were far fewer cars there,and the population was much smaller可知,由于瑞典当时车辆和人口较少,因此改成靠右行车并没有太费劲。
10. C。标题归纳题。本文解释了英国人习惯靠左行驶的原因,也顺便介绍了其他一些国家靠右行驶的来历。C项标题能够起到统领全文的作用
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