With the development of our society,competition has become more
and more fierce.Competition usually comes as an important and necessary
part of our society especially economic affairs.As is widely
recognized,fierce competiton has largely promoted our society.Without
competition,it is hard to imagine what will offer our world with so much
energy to move forward.And as for single person,competition can also
force him to struggle and make the most of his potential ability.As a
college student,first of all you should ease the potential fear for
competition.In fact after realising the importance of the competition
you can already overcome such feelings.Then you should show your ability
and skills adequately.Do believe that whoever will not ignore you only
if they have known your talent.
and more fierce.Competition usually comes as an important and necessary
part of our society especially economic affairs.As is widely
recognized,fierce competiton has largely promoted our society.Without
competition,it is hard to imagine what will offer our world with so much
energy to move forward.And as for single person,competition can also
force him to struggle and make the most of his potential ability.As a
college student,first of all you should ease the potential fear for
competition.In fact after realising the importance of the competition
you can already overcome such feelings.Then you should show your ability
and skills adequately.Do believe that whoever will not ignore you only
if they have known your talent.