求救,这个delphi xe8要怎么破解
2017-11-15 · 知道合伙人互联网行家
A Complete List of What's new in RAD Studio XE8
Key New Features
New in XE8! iOS 64 bit Object Pascal compiler and toolchain
New in XE8! iOS 64 bit C++ compiler and toolchain
New in XE8! Support for iOS Universal Apps (including both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries in an app bundle)
New in XE8! FireUI Mobile Previews
New in XE8! Multi-Device Preview
New in XE8! Extended Multi Device Designer views styling, including universal styling and Windows styles customization
New in XE8! FireUI Device Manager, to edit the specifications of the available devices and add more
New in XE8! Memo platform controls for iOS
New in XE8! ListView platform controls for iOS
New in XE8! Calendar platform controls for iOS
New in XE8! Switch platform controls for iOS
New in XE8! MapView component for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) supporting platform specific interactive mapping libraries (respectively, by Apple and Google)
New in XE8! WebBrowser component for Windows
New in XE8! WebBrowser component for OS X
New in XE8! Improved mixing of platform and styled components, with new platform styling options for iOS and controls Z-order improvements (with ControlType property for non-platform controls)
New in XE8! ImageList component for FireMonkey
New in XE8! Enhancements in FireMonkey multimedia support
New in XE8! Support for higher resolutions in Camera components
New in XE8! Android Lollipop specific style enabled by default (Android only)
New in XE8! FireMonkey Applications Analytics Support*
* Requires a specific contract and by-volume fee for storing run-time analytics data and accessing itNew in XE8! App Tethering extensions and protocol enhancements
New in XE8! Bluetooth framework improvements and new TBluetooth component for classic Bluetooth
New in XE8! Proximity support based on the "beacons" technology (including the iBeacon and AltBeacon standards) for iOS, Android, and OS X
New in XE8! VCL Font Scaling improvements
New in XE8! VCL Applications Analytics Support*
* Requires a specific contract and by-volume fee for storing run-time analytics data and accessing itNew in XE8! VCL App Tethering extensions and protocol enhancements
New in XE8! Bluetooth framework improvements and new TBluetooth component for classic Bluetooth
New in XE8! Simplified array initialization and construction for C++ Clang-based compilers
New in XE8! iOS 64-bit API headers and RTL integration for Delphi and C++
New in XE8! Box2D physics engine
New in XE8! Object Pascal interfaces for the Box2D physics engine
New in XE8! New System.Hash RTL unit, with hash functions to support the new HTTP framework
New in XE8! New HTTP client framework, mapped to platforms libraries on all supported platforms
New in XE8! New NetHTTPClient and NetHTTPRequest components, offering easy access to the HTTP client framework
New in XE8! Support for native HTTP(S) client libraries on Windows
New in XE8! Support for native HTTP(S) client libraries on OS X
New in XE8! Support for native HTTP(S) client libraries on mobile platforms (iOS and Android)
New in XE8! GetIt Package Manager for easy discovery, download and update of source code libraries, components, and other features from Embarcadero GetIt servers
New in XE8! Configuration settings migration tool, to migrate configurations of older versions of the product to a newer version, or between different installations of the same version
New in XE8! Start Here page improvements
New in XE8! extra code refactoring, live syntax checking, metrics, and more integrated right into the IDE
New in XE8! Project Manager enhancements, with the support for adding database files and simplifying their deployment
New in XE8! Improved installation experience and reduced installation footprint
New in XE8! Virtual form positioner for FireMonkey designer
New in XE8! Project Statistics provides developers with a clear picture of team productivity with activity tracking.
New in XE8! Clipboard History keeps a record of clipboard contents so developers can paste content previously copied.
New in XE8! Multi-Paste Support performs the same paste operation on multiple source code lines at once.
New in XE8! Modeless and Context-Sensitive Refactoring support which includes: renaming variables, classes, field and properties, inlining, introducing and splitting local variables, removing unused variables, eliminating with statements, extracting methods, adding parameters, and moving classes to a different unit (Object Pascal language only).
New in XE8! Stack Bookmarks improves code navigation.
New in XE8! Parenthesis Matching provides a visual queue to keep code clear.
New in XE8! Flow Control Highlighting provides visual representation of flow jumps in code directly in the editor.
New in XE8! Structural Highlighting
New in XE8! Code Navigation Toolbar places classes and methods into a drop down box for easy in-code navigation (Object Pascal language only).
New in XE8! Smart Keys and Smart Symbol Search (Object Pascal language only)
New in XE8! Code Analysis tracks code quality with several code statistics like length parameters, nested statements, and cyclomatic complexity (Object Pascal language only).
Enhanced in XE8! Version Insight – Integrated framework for supporting source code management tooling inside the IDE
Enhanced in XE8! Subversion integration into the IDE, including change list labels, SVN merge dialog, branches switching and more
Enhanced in XE8! Git version control integration into the IDE, now including authentication, Push and Pull changes to and from remote repositories
Introduced in XE8! Mercurial version control integration into the IDE (supports cloning your remote repository, commit changes locally, show log data)
New in XE8! Integrated unit testing with the DUnitX testing framework
Updated in XE8! Unit test wizards for quick and easy unit test and unit test project creation
New in XE8! Core DB.PAS TField optimizations
New in XE8! FireDAC Teradata database support, based on the Teradata database ODBC driver
New in XE8! FireDAC support for XE7 Change Views
New in XE8! FireDAC support for change notifications
New in XE8! Improved FireDAC updates management
New in XE8! Tools and scripts to help migration of dbExpress code to FireDAC
Updated in XE8! iOS and Android mobile database support, including SQLite, InterBase ToGo and IBLite
Updated in XE8! Comprehensive support for SQLite v3.+ database, including "smart" data type recognition, supporting both dynamic and static linking
New in XE8! FireDAC / EMS integration improvements, specifically focused on updates management
New in XE8! EMS Push Notifications server support for iOS and Android
New in XE8! EMS external credentials support
New in XE8! Extended EMS Administrative API, now with EMS Installation and EMS Push Resources
New in XE8! Database Connection Pooling and other EMS optimizations
New in XE8! New EMSClientAPI component to simplify EMS client side development
Enhanced in XE8! User, groups, sessions, and API calls analytics and reporting using a web based interface using the EMS Console
New in XE8! Ability to export data from EMS Console to .CSV files
New in XE8! Improved analytics for users and groups
New in XE8! EMS client application to manage user accounts
Enhanced in XE8! DataSnap mobile connectors for ObjectiveC, supporting iOS 7 and iOS 8 SDKs
Enhanced in XE8! InterBase XE7 Developer Edition – up to 20 users and 80 logical connections
Enhanced in XE8! Earlier version licenses included in network licenses (Delphi 2007- XE7, C++ Builder 2007-XE5, HTML5 Builder XE3, RadPHP XE2). Delphi 7 and C++Builder 6 available separately