翻译这几句话?
1个回答
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我真的很佩服你,I
sincerely
admire
you,
你很有文学天赋。
you
are
endowed
with
literary
talent.
我从来没有看过这类书,I
have
never
read
this
kinds
of
books.
我很抱歉,I
am
sorry
我的英语还不够好,my
English
is
not
good
enough.
在书里面我有很多句子不明白,There
are
many
sentences
in
the
book
i
couldn't
understand我将需要很长时间去理解书中的很多内容。I
need
long
time
to
understand
many
contents
in
the
book.
今天我让我的爸爸把你的这本书复印了一份,I
told
my
father
to
copy
your
book
today.
所以我将很快把它还给你,so
will
return
your
book
soon.
你就可以继续修改它了。then
you
can
continue
to
amend
it.
你真的很棒!you
are
really
great.
愿我们友谊长久!
wish
our
friendship
will
be
forever.
sincerely
admire
you,
你很有文学天赋。
you
are
endowed
with
literary
talent.
我从来没有看过这类书,I
have
never
read
this
kinds
of
books.
我很抱歉,I
am
sorry
我的英语还不够好,my
English
is
not
good
enough.
在书里面我有很多句子不明白,There
are
many
sentences
in
the
book
i
couldn't
understand我将需要很长时间去理解书中的很多内容。I
need
long
time
to
understand
many
contents
in
the
book.
今天我让我的爸爸把你的这本书复印了一份,I
told
my
father
to
copy
your
book
today.
所以我将很快把它还给你,so
will
return
your
book
soon.
你就可以继续修改它了。then
you
can
continue
to
amend
it.
你真的很棒!you
are
really
great.
愿我们友谊长久!
wish
our
friendship
will
be
forever.
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