小女子在线等..在英语高手请帮忙!!---论文翻译 160

Thedramaticmovementiscloggedandtheissueconfusedbyepisodesand”reliefs”.Thetragediansal... The dramatic movement is clogged and the issue confused by episodes and ”reliefs”.The tragedians all showed a constitutional inability to stop at the psychological moment and leave well enough alone. “Superfluous lags the play on the stage” until poetic justice is rendered and everything is again for the best in this truly best of all possible worlds.Though the comedies are better constructed, the violation of logic and probability is still too frequent.The long arm of coincidence is stretched to the point of dislocation, and the shabby device of deus ex machina is shamelessly exploited.There is little or none of comique de caractère, plenty of comique de situation and most of all comique de mots. This verbal wit is largely ribald, what Freud calls Tendenzwitz, bent upon exposing the inherent grotesqueness and ridiculousness of sexual behavior.14 It is rarely mot de situation or mot de caractère and often put into the mouths of the characters with a total disregard of dramatic as well as moral propriety.15 At its worst it becomes word—catching pure and simple, the sort of thing in English which Leigh Hunt parodied in his essay Wit Made Easy.16

The Chinese valued the beauty of poetry in a play above everything else.A master of stagecraft like Li Yü(李渔)was underrated because he was an indifferent versifier.That the Chinese with their love of finished form, should have produced plays which are sprawling invertebrate masses of dialogue and action, is a literary mystery.The late Wang Kuo-wei(王国维) boldly asserted that some of the dramas written in the Mongol dynasty are worthy of the company of the greatest tragedies of the world.17 But Wang Kuo-wei, with all his Chinese scholarship and assiduous study of Schopenhauerian aesthetics, is a poor critic.Richard Hurd who elaborately proved the Chinese play The Orphan of the House of Chao(《赵氏孤儿》)as showing ”an identity of composition ”with the great Greek tragedies, was wise enough to say that it falls short of the excellence of Sophocles's Electra,18 and eventually recanted his youthful enthusiasm for it.19 The plays praised by Wang Kuo-wei all contain beautiful poetry but they are not tragic except in the journalese sense of the epithet.Pei Jen-fu’s lyrical drama Rain in the Trees(白仁甫《梧桐雨》), like Antony and Cleopatra and All for Love, deals with the theme of a kingdom lost for love.
The emperor’s mistress dies in the third act, leaving a whole act to her imperial lover to pine and whine and eat away in impotent grief the remains of his broken heart.The emperor is a weak, feckless and selfish sensualist who drifts along the line of least resistance.He loses the world for loving his mistress and then gives up his mistress in the vain attempt to regain the world.He has neither character enough to be tom between two worlds nor sense enough to make the best of both worlds.Far from being of the stern stuff of which tragic heroes are made, he can at best only be a pathetic figure.20 The other two plays, Kuan Han-ch'ing's A Girl's Martyrdom(关汉卿《窦娥冤》)and Chi Chün-hsiang's The Orphan of the House of Chao(纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》), end with ample poetic justice and almost universal jubilee.
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2009-06-03 · TA获得超过186个赞
好像是chinese literature 的drama那一节吧?个人翻译,其中的一些拉丁及法语术语均经查询维基百科后推敲译出,或与标准翻译略有出入,望谅解。

戏剧(改革?)运动受到了阻塞,争论的焦点也因插曲以及救赎而变得模糊。在这个心理上的关键时刻,这些悲剧作家们对于及时停止并如何妥善处理这件事上,不约而同地变得无能为力。“舞台上繁琐的情节拖累了整部作品",这种情况一直延续到戏曲情节中的“正义”的出现,之后,一切的剧情安排又都似乎变得理所应当。尽管喜剧的情节及结构有了很大提高,但是戏剧中逻辑上的不合理及过于巧合的情节在剧中依然十分频繁。这种极不现实的巧合导致了情节的脱节,而剧作者为故事中心而设置的这种”正义主角是无所不能的“情节也被堂而皇之的广泛采用。但在当时,大多数,甚至所有的这类情节,根本不是为了使作品具有讽刺效果,或者是为了营造一种讽刺的故事背景而产生的。这种语言上的出色技巧被广泛认为是低俗的,就像是弗洛伊德评价Tendenzwitz的那样,”一心想要揭穿性行为内在的怪异和荒谬“。14。这类情节很少是mot de situation 或 mot de caractère,并且经常不顾艺术性,也不考虑道德上是否适当,而被强加在作品中。15。这甚至还演变为一种语言风格,试图借此表达纯洁而简明的含义,就像英语文学中,leigh hunt在他的论文wit made easy所嘲讽的那样。

王国维大胆的提出,元朝时的一些作品完全可以排入当时世界上最伟大的戏剧作品之列。17,不过拥有广博学识,并且对唯意志论美学有着深刻研究的王国维,却并不是一个优秀的评论家。曾经深入研究并盛赞中国戏剧“赵氏孤儿”为剧作典范的richard hurd有足够的资格来说明,这部作品其实并未达到古希腊剧作家sophocles的作品electra那样的高度,18 并最终放弃了继续在那上面投入更多的热情与精力。19。王国维所高度评价的这些戏剧,其内容中都包含优美的诗句,但除了一些略带戏谑的学术味道之外,并没有一点悲剧色彩。白仁甫的《梧桐雨》,就像《安东尼和克里奥帕特拉》以及《all for love》一样,都描述了为爱亡国的主题。

皇帝最爱的人在第三次判决中死亡,将整个残酷的审判抛给她的情人。皇帝整日借酒消愁不能自拔,任由无力回天的痛苦一点点的侵蚀那颗破碎的心。皇帝懦弱无能,好色成性,整日放任自流,游走在堕落的边缘。他曾因所爱的情妇而亡国,之后在极度空虚的时候又试图通过丢下她的情人来夺回整个国家。他既没有决绝选择的勇气与果断,也缺乏将两者同时拥有的智慧与能力。乱世出英雄,那个年代的他也注定只能成为一个悲哀的人物。20 另外的两部戏剧,关汉卿的《窦娥冤》和(纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》,则在充满诗意的圆满结局和流芳百世中落幕。

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2009-05-30 · 超过40用户采纳过TA的回答
戏曲运动受到阻碍并受到某些插曲和“援助”的扰乱。悲剧作者都表现出一种固有的无力停止在这种心理时刻并完好的独自离开的状态。“上演的戏剧表现出过量的滞后”,直到因果报应出现,一切都再度尽最大可能的变得完美。尽管喜剧的构想往往更为完整,大多数却仍然违背了逻辑和现实的可能。巧合的力量被过度运用直至混乱的程度,而那些突然出现而扭转局面的人的拙劣手段被无耻的夸大。几乎没有滑稽的人物出现,只有只有滑稽的场景,更多的是滑稽的妙语。 这种被佛洛依德称为“Tendenzwitz”的仅限于言辞上的智慧大部分是卑鄙的,一心致力于揭露固有的怪诞丑陋和性行为的荒谬。它并不是场景和人物的妙语,并经常从那些完全轻视戏剧的和道德的礼仪规范的任务口中说出。最糟糕的是它变成了格言--只为纯粹而简单,正如在英文中被李希·亨特在其论文<智能生巧>中拙劣的模仿一样。


自己翻译的 可能某些地方还不太通顺 但已经努力做到最好了
里面有些法语的成分 并且看起来像是术语 只能凭个人感觉翻译了 楼上的都是机译吧` 呵呵
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2009-05-29 · TA获得超过224个赞
戏剧性的运动是堵塞的问题所迷惑集和“补救” 。 tragedians所有显示的宪法不能停留在心理的时刻,留下足够好单独。 “多余的发挥滞后的阶段” ,直到诗的正义渲染,一切都显得那么最好再次在这个真正的最好的一切可能的喜剧worlds.Though更好地建造,违反逻辑和概率仍然过于 frequent.The长巧合的是手臂的延伸点脱位,以及破旧设备杀出重围是无耻exploited.There机器很少或没有喜剧日 caractère ,大量的喜剧日状况和最重要的是喜剧日mots 。这主要是语言机智查尔斯,什么弗洛伊德呼吁Tendenzwitz ,弯曲时暴露的内在grotesqueness和荒谬性behavior.14很少年检情况或年检西元年caractère ,往往放到嘴里的字符完全无视戏剧性以及道德propriety.15最糟糕的词成为引人注目的纯粹和简单,诸如此类的事情,这在英语模仿李亨特在他的散文威特产地Easy.16

中方珍视美中发挥诗歌高于一切else.A硕士舞台像李玉(李渔)被低估,因为他是一个冷漠的中国versifier.That他们爱的成品形式,应该发挥这些生产无脊椎动物的庞大群众的对话和行动,是一个文学mystery.The已故王国伟(王国维)大胆断言,一些电视剧写在蒙古王朝是值得该公司的最大悲剧的world.17但王国伟,他的所有中国奖学金和刻苦学习的Schopenhauerian美学,是一个穷国 critic.Richard赫德谁精心证明中发挥孤儿的众议院超( “赵氏孤儿” )为显示“一个身份组成“与伟大的希腊悲剧,是明智地指出,这远远低于卓越的索福克勒斯的恋父, 18 ,并最终recanted他年轻热情it.19戏称赞汪适伟都含有美丽的诗歌,但他们不悲惨除了在新闻文体意义上的epithet.Pei陈珍富的抒情剧雨树(白仁甫“梧桐雨” ) ,如安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉和全部的爱,涉及的主题,一个王国失去的爱情。
皇帝的情妇死于第三幕,使整个帝国的行为给她的情人,以松树和呜咽和蚕食无能为力悲痛中的他仍然打破heart.The皇帝是一个薄弱,不力和自私的感觉论谁漂移线沿线至少resistance.He失去了世界的热爱他的情妇,然后给出了他的情妇在妄图重新world.He既不性质足以汤姆两个世界,也没有足够的责任感,使两个方面的最佳worlds.Far从正在船尾的东西,其中悲剧英雄了,他最多只能是一个可怜的figure.20其他两个剧本,宽汉清代的女孩殉难(关汉卿“窦娥冤” )和池春襄的孤儿的众议院超(纪君祥“赵氏孤儿” ) ,结束了充分诗的正义和几乎普遍大庆。
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2009-05-29 · TA获得超过508个赞

中国重视诗歌之美,在打以上所有的else.A主人喜欢李昱(李渔)被低估,因为他是一个冷漠versifier.That中国与他们的爱的形式,应该扮演的产生的对话和绵延的无脊椎动物行为,是一种文学mystery.The王国维后期Kuo-wei王建民)大胆断言(一些戏剧写在蒙古王朝是值得公司是世界上最大的悲剧world.17 Kuo-wei但是小王,他所有的中国学者和刻苦学习的Schopenhauerian美学,是一个可怜的critic.Richard•赫德精心证明中国玩那些孤儿的赵氏孤儿》(《潮)表示,“身份的成分和伟大的希腊悲剧”,是明智地说,它不符合的卓越索福克勒斯的厄勒克特拉18并且最终宣布放弃原有的青春的热情,他it.19 Kuo-wei扮演受王建民都包含了美丽的诗,但他们不是悲剧只有在journalese所用的epithet.Pei Jen-fu的抒情的影片《雨中的梧桐雨》《树(白仁甫等),就像安东尼和克利奥帕特拉的一切为了爱,涉及的主题为爱情王国迷失。

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2009-06-03 · TA获得超过182个赞
The dramatic movement is clogged and the issue confused by episodes and ”reliefs”.The tragedians all showed a constitutional inability to stop at the psychological moment and leave well enough alone. “Superfluous lags the play on the stage” until poetic justice is rendered and everything is again for the best in this truly best of all possible worlds.Though the comedies are better constructed, the violation of logic and probability is still too frequent.The long arm of coincidence is stretched to the point of dislocation, and the shabby device of deus ex machina is shamelessly exploited.There is little or none of comique de caractère, plenty of comique de situation and most of all comique de mots. This verbal wit is largely ribald, what Freud calls Tendenzwitz, bent upon exposing the inherent grotesqueness and ridiculousness of sexual behavior.14 It is rarely mot de situation or mot de caractère and often put into the mouths of the characters with a total disregard of dramatic as well as moral propriety.15 At its worst it becomes word—catching pure and simple, the sort of thing in English which Leigh Hunt parodied in his essay Wit Made Easy.16

The Chinese valued the beauty of poetry in a play above everything else.A master of stagecraft like Li Yü(李渔)was underrated because he was an indifferent versifier.That the Chinese with their love of finished form, should have produced plays which are sprawling invertebrate masses of dialogue and action, is a literary mystery.The late Wang Kuo-wei(王国维) boldly asserted that some of the dramas written in the Mongol dynasty are worthy of the company of the greatest tragedies of the world.17 But Wang Kuo-wei, with all his Chinese scholarship and assiduous study of Schopenhauerian aesthetics, is a poor critic.Richard Hurd who elaborately proved the Chinese play The Orphan of the House of Chao(《赵氏孤儿》)as showing ”an identity of composition ”with the great Greek tragedies, was wise enough to say that it falls short of the excellence of Sophocles's Electra,18 and eventually recanted his youthful enthusiasm for it.19 The plays praised by Wang Kuo-wei all contain beautiful poetry but they are not tragic except in the journalese sense of the epithet.Pei Jen-fu’s lyrical drama Rain in the Trees(白仁甫《梧桐雨》), like Antony and Cleopatra and All for Love, deals with the theme of a kingdom lost for love.
The emperor’s mistress dies in the third act, leaving a whole act to her imperial lover to pine and whine and eat away in impotent grief the remains of his broken heart.The emperor is a weak, feckless and selfish sensualist who drifts along the line of least resistance.He loses the world for loving his mistress and then gives up his mistress in the vain attempt to regain the world.He has neither character enough to be tom between two worlds nor sense enough to make the best of both worlds.Far from being of the stern stuff of which tragic heroes are made, he can at best only be a pathetic figure.20 The other two plays, Kuan Han-ch'ing's A Girl's Martyrdom(关汉卿《窦娥冤》)and Chi Chün-hsiang's The Orphan of the House of Chao(纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》), end with ample poetic justice and almost universal jubilee.
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