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2022-10-20 · TA获得超过5090个赞
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这是英国著名女作家简·奥斯汀的代表作《傲慢与偏见》的开篇一段话,引出了一段发生在十九世纪初英国的关于爱与价值的经典故事。 故事的女主人公伊丽莎白·班纳特出身于小地主家庭有四个姐妹,姐姐简·班纳特、妹妹玛丽·班纳特、凯蒂·班纳特和莱蒂娅·班纳特。姐妹五人单调且略显平静的生活伴随着两个年轻小伙子的到来而泛起无可平灭的波澜。健康向上的彬格莱和富家子达西是一对要好的朋友,在结识了镇上班纳特家的这“五朵金花”之后,一段美丽而饱含“傲慢与偏见”的爱情故事……



其实这本书,在高中时已经接触过了,但当时对于剧情的繁杂很没有耐心,看了几章就没有了兴致,便一直搁在一旁,直至今日才重新拾起。不过再看开头几章时还是觉得很无趣,到后来明白才这里是在为以后的情景埋伏笔。一眨眼,三十几章已经过去了,人物的性格也很明显地被作者刻画出来了。这本书中似乎只有两种人:聪明的和愚蠢的,没有绝对的好坏之分,骗子韦翰也许除外。他利用了自己巧妙的奉承能力以及一付”讨人喜欢”的仪表,迷住了伊丽莎白,不停地为自己洗刷冤情,中伤达西。可笑,他的话里充满破绽,而聪明过人的伊丽莎白虽能与彬格来小姐辩驳,与咖苔琳夫人顶撞,却还是被韦翰牵着鼻子走。说实话,我并不认为伊丽莎白被骗说明他是一个”愚人”。人,总是先入为主,达西先生傲慢、无礼的样子早已进入伊丽莎白的头脑,还怎么对他产生好感?对于旁人的点评又怎能轻易的置若罔闻?对达西产生偏见是很正常的。我说的旁人自然就是指相貌堂堂的韦翰了。不可否认,韦翰长着一张英俊的脸,表面上也装得非常”绅士”。虽有”人不可貌相”、”知人知面不知心”之说可就连我这个活在二十一世纪,以旁观者的身份看这个故事,仍然对韦翰产生好感,又岂能怨伊丽莎白这一个生活在过去时代的姑娘? 合上这本书,仔细地品味一番,方才发现,整部小说,之所以吸引人,完全是因为它轻松幽默的格调。







This is the representative of a well-known British writer Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" section of the first chapter,in the early 19th century led to a British classic tale of love and values.The story of heroine Elizabeth Bent, born in a family of four sisters, *** all landowners, Mr Bent sister.sister Mary Bent, Kate Moss Bent and Laidiya Bent.Five sisters were also somewhat monotonous quiet life along with the arrival of o young people no peace and rampant destruction of the mind.Healthy and progressive Bingelai Darcy is a rich and good friends.Bent made in the town's "five golden flowers",some beautiful and full of "Pride and Prejudice" : This book is a love story : a word is this :"The new idea is not put into action because it is often deeply rooted in people's hearts around the world for their views and acts of how inconsistentthinking we will not be unable to make a breakthrough in thinking,We will also lead to erroneous understanding. "I am deeply impressed by this remark.Because a lot of things in real life.U.S. panies believe that people buy cars before the vehicle is considered a form, rather than quality,These auto maker search by the evidence, they are right.Survey results showed that the concerns of American consumers for higher quality format.This makes the other hand, are more concerned about the quality of cars in the United States, Germany and Japan is not a very large market, however,time to educate consumers in the United States the importance of quality,German and Japanese auto market share in the United States has been greatly improved.This book, in high school, when contacted, but the plicated plot is not the time for patience.read a few chapters, there is no interest, has been set aside until only picked up again today.But look at the opening chapters still feel very uninteresting, only to later see the scene here in ambush for the next block.In a blink, more than 30 chapters have passed, the character figures to be the author depicts in a very obvious.This book seems to be the only o types of people : intelligent and stupid, no absolute good or bad, except perhaps for swindlers Hann.He used his skill and ability to flatter pay a "likable" of the instruments, she Elizabeth.keep washing their grievances vilification Darcy.Laughable, his words replete with flaws and with bin Congmingguoren Elizabeth Although Miss Geia to defend and Katailinfuren acting,Hann still being misled.Frankly, I do not think Elizabeth cheated shows that he is a "fool."People always prejudiced, Daxixiansheng arrogant and disrespectful of the victims have already entered the minds of Elizabeth,He also how to have a good impression?Some observers of the trends can easily turn a deaf ear?Darcy is quite normal to have a bias.I said to the others Hann got a natural means.Undeniably, Hann long with a handsome face, the surface is also equipped with a very "gentlemanly."Although "All in vain," "Chiochimen不chijim" I even said to be living in the 21st century.Viewing the sidelines of this story, still have a good impression of Hann,How Elizabeth plain that a girl living in a past era?He made this book carefully to taste something and just discovered that the entire novel has attractive.Vulgar humor because it is pletely relaxed.School days, I often place themselves in the characters into the book, gave ourselves from everything,get some experience and a chance for the future, I would certainly try its best.Reading experience : 1. Quoting from Le Galaxia is a pretty good situation, but it should not be taken lightly.should be considered before deciding their future happiness.2. Quoting from the choice of Le Galaxia, do not look too short, they could see their strengths, not their weaknesses.will lose their well-being and being despised.3. Sometimes, a man must uphold the principle, and will not retreat before any strong pressure, which,easy to say, difficult to do it, we have our own bottom line, not stand.Reading this book, to realize that the munity is really plicated.Many accidents terrible things may happen, the people will not deviate from the track of normal life.This caution should be doing everything possible to accept the fact that adhere to hard and unremitting courage, and the struggle for life.Reading a book, you may not gain much, and often better results from the re-examined to see,This is a greater pleasure.Therefore, I support this idea
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