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2022-10-17 · TA获得超过4862个赞
人教版五年级英语上册电子课本人教版五年级英语上册电子课本 Unit 1 What's he like ? Unit 2 My week Unit 3 What would you like ? Unit 4 What can you do ? Unit 5 There is a big bed Unit 6 In a nature park   unit1 who is younger? 1、who’s younger than him ? 谁比他年轻? my brother is younger than him . 我弟弟比他年轻。 2、are you as tall as tom ? 你和汤姆一样高吗? 3、do you have any brothers or sisters?yes,i do . no,i don't. i have a brother./i have a sister. 4、whose schoolbag is heavier,yours or mine ? mine is./my schoolbag is heavier than yours . unit2 more exercise i get up early than you.我起床比你起得早。 ben runs faster than jim.本跑得比吉姆快。 do the boys jump higher than the girls? yes, they do. 男生们跳得比女生们高吗? 是的。 does jim swim slower than david? 吉姆游得比大卫慢吗? no, he doesn’t. david swims slower than jim.不,大卫游得比吉姆慢。 i’m good at chinese.=i do well in chinese.我擅长语文。 (i am not good at chinese.=i don’t do well in chinese.) jim is good at english. =jim does well in english.吉姆擅长英语。 (jim isn’t good at english.=jim doesn’t do well in chinese.) jim is not as strong as the other boys. 吉姆不如其他男生强壮。 mike runs as fast as ben.迈克跑得和本一样快。 i think you do other things better than your clas *** ates. unit3 asking the way ---excuse me,can you tell me the way to …,please ? ----go along this street,and then turn … at the …crossing.the … is on your … ----thank you/thanks. ----you’re wele./that’s all right./not at all./that’s ok. 其他问法: can you show me the way to … ? can you tell me how to get to … ? can you tell me how i can get to …? how can i get there?how can i get to …? where's …? which is the way to …? is there a … near here ? 其他回答:it’s over there./it’s near the …/go down the street./it’s on …road. it’s in …street./you can take bus no….and get off at the …stop./go along …road,turn right/left at … road.the n go along … road.the place is on your right/left. 路程问答法:how far is it from here?it’s about …metres/kilometres away. it’s about …minutes’ walk from here. 1.how many stops are there? 2.well,to get there faster,you can … 3.i want to go to the …/he wants to go to the … unit 4 review and check 1.who goes to school earlier,you or david? 2.who goes to bed later,helen or mike? 3.can i help you?yes ,i’d like a skirt for my daughter. 4.do you have some *** aller ones? 5.how far can … jump?four metres. 6.are helen’s pencils as long as nancy’s?yes,they are. 7.we hope to see you soone and visit us.unit 5 the seasons 1. what’s the weather like …? it’s … …天气怎么样?天气… 2.which season do you like best? i like … best. 你最喜欢什么季节?我最喜欢… why?because it’s … i can … 为什么?因为天气…我能… 3.it’s …than in … 天气比…更… 4….is the best season in … …季节…的最好的季节。 5.it often rains. 6.it is warm in spring. 7.the days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter. 8. the days get longer and the nights get shorter in spring/summer.unit 6 planning for the weekend ****1.----what are we/you going to do …? ----we’re/i’m going to …(动词原形) ----what is he/she/liu tao going to do …? ----he/she is going to … ----what are liu tao and tom going to do …? ----they are going to … 2.(打电话)----hello,is that …? ----yes,(this is …)speaking./no. ***1.it is 8:30 on saturday morning. 2.the children do not have school today. 3.they are talking about their plans for the weekend. 4.----would you like to join us? ----yes,i’d love to./sorry,i can’t.i’m busy. (----would you like to e? ----of course.) 5.----shall we meet at one thirty in front of the garden theatre? ----yes./no. 6.----what time are you doing to e home? ----at 4:30,i think. 7.---what are you going to do at 10:15 tomorrow morning? ----i’m going to …unit 7 a letter to a penfriend *1.----can i have a/an/some/the …? ----what for? ----i want to … ----sure.here you are. 2.----who do you want to write to? ----peter. 3.----where does he live? ----he lives in london. 4.----what are his hobbies? ----his hobbies are …/he like …(ing) 5.you both have the same hobbies.i think you’ll e good friends. 6.my e-mail address is liutao@nanjing 7.thank you for your letter. 8.i would like to know more about you.

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