The moon is also called the moon. Before the invention of telescope, ancient people could only look up at the bright moon with their eyes on a clear night. Seeing the moon's surface is bright and dark, and its shape is strange, people have made up Beautiful myths such as Chang'e running to the moon, Wu Gang cutting the laurel, Yu Mian tampering with medicine and so on. The ancient Greeks regarded the moon as Artemis, the beautiful hunting goddess, and regarded the silver bow that the goddess never left when hunting as the astronomical symbol of the moon.
Basically, there is no water on the moon, so there is no weathering, oxidation and water corrosion process on the earth, and there is no sound tran *** ission. There is a silent world everywhere.
There is almost no atmosphere on the moon, so the temperature difference beeen day and night on the moon is very large. In the daytime, the temperature is as high as 127 ℃ in the place where the sun shines vertically; at night, the temperature can be as low as - 183 ℃. Due to the absence of atmospheric barrier, the intensity of sunlight on the moon is about 1 / 3 stronger than that on the earth, and the intensity of ultraviolet is much stronger than that on the earth. Due to the lack of atmosphere on the moon, many strange phenomena can be seen on the surface of the moon, such as the dark sky on the moon, the straight sunlight, the bright place where the sun shines, and the dark place where it can't. Therefore, the surface of the moon is bright and dark. Since there is no air to scatter light, the stars on the moon no longer seem to inkle.
月面上到处是 *** 的岩石和环形山的侧影。整个月面覆盖着一层碎石粒和浮土。从地球上看到的月球表面有明亮的区域和暗灰色部分。原来明亮的部分是月球表面的山区和高地,暗灰色部分是月球表面的平原月球在绕地球运动的过程中,还要跟着地球一起绕太阳运动。这就是说,月球绕地球运动一周后,再回到的空间位置已不是原出发点了。由此可见,月球在运动过程中还要参与多种系统的运动。月球的运动和其他天体一样,月球也处于永恒的运动之中。月球除东升西落外,它每天还相对于恒星自西向东平均移动13°多,因此,月亮每天升起来的时间,都比前一天约迟50分钟。月亮的东升西落是地球自转的反映;而自西向东的移动却是月亮围绕地球公转的结果。月亮绕地球公转一周叫做一个“恒星月”,平均是27天7小时43分11秒。月亮绕地球公转的同时,它本身也在自转。月亮的自转周期和公转周期是相等的,即1:1,月球绕地球一周的时间为也就是它自转的周期。
The moon is covered with exposed rocks and silhouettes of craters. The whole moon surface is covered with a layer of broken stone and floating soil. The surface of the moon seen from the earth has bright areas and dark gray parts. It turns out that the bright part is the mountains and highlands on the moon's surface, and the dark gray part is the plain on the moon's surface. In the process of the moon's movement around the earth, it also moves around the sun with the earth. That is to say, after the moon moves around the earth for a week, the space position returned to is not the original starting point. It can be seen that the moon is also involved in the movement of various systems. Like other celestial bodies, the moon is in perpetual motion. In addition to rising in the East and falling in the west, the moon moves 13 ° more than the star from the west to the East on average every day. Therefore, the rising time of the moon every day is about 50 minutes later than the previous day. The rise and fall of the moon in the East is the reflection of the earth's rotation, while the movement from the west to the East is the result of the moon's rotation around the earth. The moon's orbit around the earth is called a "stellar moon", with an average of 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds. When the moon goes around the earth, it also rotates itself. The rotation period of the moon is equal to the revolution period, i.e. 1:1. The time of the moon around the earth is the rotation period.