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2023-02-11 · TA获得超过272个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】暑假生活就像一只万花筒,异彩纷呈,每天发生的事如五彩斑斓的梦,像玲珑剔透的珍珠,使人向往,使人留恋。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  It's summer vacation, and I can finally arrange my own time. This sentence, which appears repeatedly on TV, just represents my mood on the first day of summer vacation.

  I got up after sleeping in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, after breakfast, my parents went out to work. I laughed "free". So I "stole" a box of milk and began to do my homework. After finishing my homework, I think it's time to play the zither, but on second thought, today is the first day of the summer vacation, so I should be able to be lazy. So I turned on the TV and watched it with relish.

  After watching it for a while, I thought what if my mother found out that I didn't play the zither? Alas, there are not so many ifs, so I continued to watch TV. At this time, my mother called and asked me if I played the zither. I lied, "I have already played it." Because of my guilty conscience, I turned off the TV and buried myself in reading. After the lunch break, my good friend Mengmeng came to see me. I went down to have a look, and Hu Wenli was also there, very happy. The three of us played together all afternoon, and dinner was served.

  We played happily until 9 p.m., and then went home respectively. The first day of the summer vacation ended in a sweet sleep. How happy the first day of summer vacation was. The happy summer vacation began like this.


  Time flies. In a blink of an eye, the summer vacation has passed, and I am also in grade six. I had a colorful summer vacation this year, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.

  In the summer vacation, the most profound thing I remember is the first time I used a washing machine to help my mother wash clothes. My mother was out on business that day. I saw the clothes in the dirty clothes basket. I just wanted to help my mother wash the clothes and give her a surprise. I followed my mother's example, put the clothes in the dirty clothes basket into the washing machine, and then put water. I happily closed the door of the washing machine, thinking about what to do next, and then I turned the button of the washing machine. After washing, I put the clothes in the drying bucket to dry. After finishing, I happily waited on the sofa, and then hung the laundry on the balcony waiting for my mother to come back and show her. I thought: if my mother came back and saw that I had finished washing my clothes, she would be very happy.

  Ding Dong, Ding Dong. Mom came back. Mom put her shoes on the balcony. I hurried to ask her for credit. Mother saw my washed clothes and said angrily, "who washed these clothes?" We said happily, "Mom, it's me." Mother shouted, "how can you wash clothes without detergent?" As a result, my mother asked me to wash it again, so I had to agree.

  Then my mother taught me how to wash clothes with the washing machine. Now put water in the washing machine, then put the dirty clothes into the washing machine, then put an appropriate amount of washing liquid, and finally turn the button on the washing machine. Take out the washed clothes, put them in the drying bucket, and then turn the button to dry the clothes. Finally, hang the washed clothes on the balcony so that they are finished.

  This is a very interesting thing in my summer vacation life. Whenever I think of it, I want to laugh.


  Summer life is like a colorful dream, like a string of luminous pearls, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. There is one thing that has been deeply imprinted in my mind. Now it's fun to think of it!

  Summer vacation arrived, I went back to Nanxiong and went to the countryside with my grandfather from 9 a.m. I haven't been to the countryside since I came from the city! Walking into the countryside, there are also rice beside the road. When I arrived at my destination, it was very hot. The cicada on the tree was barking, as if saying, "it's so hot, so hot..." I had nothing to do. Suddenly, I thought of a good idea. I went to my friends and said, "go, buddy, let's go and catch the cicada." My opinion passed unanimously. With the tools for catching cicadas, we set out. We were walking along the roadside. Suddenly, I saw a cicada. My eyes were golden. I took the net and shouted, "die!" Before I caught it with the "French net", it had already escaped. I learned from this failure that catching cicadas should be careful and don't act rashly. As the saying goes, "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." The second time, I learned the lesson of the last time. I tiptoed to a tree, and then a net, but let it fly away. The third time, I caught a cicada, but when I put it into the box, I didn't catch it well and flew away. After three failures, I finally realized the skill of catching cicadas. I caught many cicadas one after another. My friends looked at me, and I returned home with a full load.

  This summer vacation is very interesting. It brings me a lot of laughter and happiness.


  One afternoon in the summer vacation, the hot sun made people extremely hot! After dinner, I saw my mother washing the dishes and said to her, "Mom, you've been busy all day, let me help you wash the dishes!" Mother happily agreed.

  First of all, I rolled my sleeve up high and blocked the drain with a plug. Then I stuffed the tableware into the pool, put some hot water in it, poured some clean water, and I hummed and put my hands down. Suddenly, it bounced back. Hi! It's all my carelessness. I even forgot to add cold water. I turn on the tap and add cold water. Washing clean is really slippery. Flax stained on the bowl seems to be coated with a layer of lubricant. Accidentally, a bowl "Chi Liu" slipped out of my hand. Before I could figure out what was going on, it just "plumped" into the water, splashing all over my face. I had to take them out of the water and put them on the cupboard to wash them slowly one by one. Finally, the bowls were all washed. I grabbed a handful of chopsticks and rubbed "Chucha, Chucha..." how nice the sound is! Suddenly, not only what happened, they fell out of my hand and lay on the ground like a game stick. I had to pick them up and wash them again. Finally, I washed all the spoons.


  The summer vacation passed so quickly. It passed in the blink of an eye. We are going to welcome the new semester again. We can see our classmates and teachers again. I don't know how the teachers and students spent their summer vacation?

  In the summer vacation, I had a good time. First, I went to my hometown to see my grandparents. My grandparents bought me a lot of toys and school supplies. My parents also took me to Hong Kong Disneyland to play, fly kites in the mangroves, row in Zhongshan Park, etc. in my study, I will automatically arrange time to complete all my homework every day and write a weekly diary every week. I think my writing ability should be improved now, and I have reviewed my Chinese textbooks, I read several extra-curricular books, and the contents of those books are very wonderful. I finished writing the Reading manual in more than ten days, recited the ancient poems fairly well, and basically read the notes in the ancient poems. I finished writing the math problems just a few days after the holiday, and read English every day. Because I want to improve my English listening and reading ability, I did too badly in the final exam, which is so humiliating, so the new semester begins, and I have to change my learning attitude, We should study hard, improve our grades in every subject, study hard and make progress every day.

  I like summer vacation. This is the summary of my summer vacation.


  This summer vacation is different. I not only had a holiday, but also moved home. My cousin and cousin also came to my home to stay. I participated in the swimming interest class held by the school. I tell you that I had a very, very happy summer vacation this year.

  You don't know? One day, two classmates called me out to do a fitness survey of people in the city, that is, to investigate people's activity time and activities. After the three of us assigned tasks, we began! Xiao Qi and Xiao Yue were responsible for asking passers-by together. I was timid and didn't dare to ask, so I was responsible for writing what they heard into four tables, which were 7-15 years old, 16-28 years old, 29-50 years old and 51-80 years old. They kindly called a kind old woman and said, "grandma, how long is your activity time? What is the activity project?" The old lady listened to their questions and answered them in detail. I wrote them on a piece of paper. In this way, the three of us kept asking until noon. There were a total of 80 people in the four sheets, and there were 20 people in each sheet! Before returning to her own home. Hee hee! This is an assignment assigned by the teacher!

  Another day, my cousin and her classmates took me out to play. We took a tricycle and wanted to eat and drink in KFC first. As soon as we got there, the people there lined up on the road from there, laughing to death! On the way home, my sister bought some jewelry for me. When I got home, I didn't expect that the second aunt's whole family came and bought many fruits I like. The two children of the second aunt asked me to go with my sister. I just came up and was a little tired, so I didn't go down with them. Of course, what interesting things do they have? I don't know. My cousin and I are the only ones left at home!

  Cousin is going to turn on the computer and surf the Internet. I ran to the living room and turned on the TV. Later, after the second aunt and her family left, only grandma, sister, brother and my cousin were left at home, but soon after, my mother also bought a lot of fruits, and the whole family laughed badly, hee hee! I think, now, the fruit at home is not afraid of not having to eat, just afraid of not finishing it!

  I am very happy every summer vacation, but this year's summer vacation is the happiest.


  Summer vacation is really a happy thing for our primary school students. Because in the summer vacation, everyone can play freely and is no longer constrained by the pressure of learning. Of course, I'm no exception!

  During this holiday, I did something beneficial and interesting to myself - learning to swim. Because swimming can not only exercise, but also save yourself.

  The first day I learned to swim was my most exciting day. When I stepped into the pool I hadn't touched for several years, I felt extremely excited. The first lesson is to learn to hold your breath. When I was practicing on the shore, I saw a coach swimming freely in the deep pool. This reminds me of my father. My father can swim in any swimming posture, and he can also swim with his head up. He can also stand upright without stepping on the bottom of the water, and his head will not sink on the water. My father says this is called "stepping on the water". How envious I am! I really wanted to jump into the water and learn it right away. But we have to go ashore to practice before we can get into the water. After practicing for a long time, we finally got into the water. Because it's easy to hold my breath, I learned it quickly.

     The next day, the coach taught us the hand and foot movements of breaststroke. Although it's relatively slow, I'm good at it. The coach also likes me very much, because I always learn faster and better than others.

  Sometimes the coach occasionally encourages me to study harder. I often hear other parents praise me, which makes me more serious and energetic.

  The last day of learning swimming is coming. This day is an open class. All parents come to see their children's learning results. I'm very nervous because I'm afraid that if I don't do well, they will see me make a fool of myself. The coach saw that I was good at swimming, so he put me into the deep-water pool. At first, I was a little afraid, but later I got used to it and understood that as long as I didn't stop, I wouldn't sink. I swam upright again, standing for a long time, more than 20 meters. I saw that I was about to reach the Bank of the pool, but I was out of strength, so I held the side of the pool wall and stopped. When parents saw me, they were full of praise for me. Some naughty boys gave me a nickname "strong woman No. 1". I was happy and angry!

  When learning other swimming styles, I'm still the best. I have also been praised by coaches and many parents. After I finished learning, my father saw my real level and said, "it's really better from generation to generation!"

  Although I turned black, I not only learned the ability to save myself in the water, but also was affirmed by everyone, and I also found fun in swimming. I feel very happy this summer vacation.


  From the X, we have our summer vacation. It's summer vacation, but what are we going to do? I don't want to go through the past like I did when I was a child. I want to do something different. But I don't know where to start and where to end. Maybe it doesn't start or end. Life is the same. This is the time in summer vacation. If you cherish her, he will cherish you. On the contrary, if you do not cherish her, he will not treat you kindly. The so-called: no pain, no gain. Time is life. The time in summer vacation cannot be wasted. Life is like summer vacation. In the eyes of children, it is simple and rich in business, and the society is full of truth, goodness and beauty, while in the eyes of adults with rich life experience.

  In life, there are not only truth, goodness and beauty, but also falsehood, evil and ugliness, with ups and downs. Why do adults and children have very different ideas? I think there is no hypocrisy or ugliness in the eyes of children because they are still young. There is no positive contact with society, and adults live for their families and their families. I have to go outside to be busy and have a wide range of contacts, so I have experienced countless. This is the difference. In the vast world, everything has two sides. Although adults have rich experience, they see things more comprehensively. And children will not always be children, but will eventually grow up. I remember a teacher told me that life is a training ground and a stage for sharpening people. On this stage, everyone will encounter different things in the world. We can only summon up courage and set sail.


  The happy summer vacation has passed, but there is one thing I still remember.

  It was a day in mid July. Grandpa was ill, and relatives and friends came to the family. Dad went to the market to buy a big cock, ready to kill the chicken to entertain guests.

  This chicken is really beautiful, with a red comb, colorful feathers, a pair of sharp claws, a small nose and powerful eyes.

  Dad called me over and asked me to cooperate with him in killing chickens. I said: Dad, I dare not. Dad replied: come on, practice your courage and courage. Dad had tied the wings and claws of the rooster at this time. The rooster seemed to know that the catastrophe was imminent and kept struggling. Dad pressed the cock's wings and claws, ready to cut its neck with a knife. The cock kept struggling and shouted Ge! ge! ge!, It seems to say: go away, go away, don't kill me, spare me! But Dad had put the knife under the cock's neck and quickly cut off the cock's neck. Red chicken blood spurted out of the neck. Dad grabbed the rooster's claws with one hand, pinched the rooster's crown with the other, and controlled the chicken's blood into a small bowl that had been prepared long ago. I turned my head to one side, unwilling to see the bloody scene. The cock made a cooing sound, and his body was constantly struggling, and his whole body was shaking. Gradually, the chicken blood ran out, and the cock stopped struggling, but his body was still twitching.

  My father comforted me: life is precious, but we should realize the corresponding value. Although we kill chicken is very cruel, it provides us with delicious meat, which is also its contribution to us. Otherwise, what value does it have?

  Through this thing, I understand a truth that we must make contributions to society in order to be a person and do things. Only in this way can we realize the value of life.


  The two-month summer vacation is coming to an end. I think how can this summer vacation go so fast! During this holiday, I participated in many activities, such as table tennis training, visiting the animal museum, reading, reading and "duck beating". Among them, my favorite is playing table tennis.

  Speaking of playing table tennis, we have to talk about our coach first. There are four coaches who have taught me. They have their own characteristics. Coach Fu is fat, but very flexible. He plays ball very fast, which often makes us feel overwhelmed. Coach Yang is good at changing the ball and often makes us fly all over the court. Coach Xu, who is expressionless, is very patient. When our actions are not standardized, he will come to us and teach us hand in hand. Coach Li is very tricky and always gives us problems. If we want to catch his ball, we must concentrate and use our brains.

  Table tennis training is very hard, and I often encounter difficulties. Once, when I played a single ball with coach Yang, I couldn't make it past 50 goals. I'm so anxious that I blush, but the more anxious I am, the worse I can't play. So I left the table, sat aside and thought carefully, "what's my problem?". It suddenly occurred to me that maybe I exerted too much force, so the ball couldn't touch the platform and went out of bounds. After a while, it was my turn to take the stage again. I stood by the ball table, staring at the ball in the teacher's hand, holding the racket tightly, taking a deep breath and preparing to catch the ball. As the table tennis ball approached step by step, I gently waved my racket, and the ball landed accurately within the bounds. I continued to play this way, and all 50 balls fell within the bounds. I'm so happy that I finally passed.

  I have gained a lot this summer vacation. Table tennis training makes me exercise my body and temper my will; Visiting the animal museum let me know a lot of animal knowledge and broaden my horizons; Reading made me understand Bethune's great deeds. My summer vacation life is really colorful.

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