
一、大学是人一生非常重要的一个阶段,怎样度过大学时光(学习、生活社会活动),写些自己的观点!(写同样内容不同意思的各一篇)二、学习英语很重要,我如何学好英语的,我的观点(... 一、大学是人一生非常重要的一个阶段 , 怎样度过大学时光(学习、生活社会活动),写些自己的观点!(写同样内容不同意思的各一篇)
二、学习英语很重要 , 我如何学好英语的,我的观点(也是两篇)
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2009-05-30 · TA获得超过9112个赞
English Learning motivation

【Abstract】 motivation that affects an important factor in English language learning, this article from the English learning motivation to write papers on behalf of the role of the types of English learning motivation, the impact of English learning motivation factors and stimulate English learning dynamic methods to describe this view.

【Key words】 English learning motivation to stimulate

Motivation has always been regarded as the impact of English language learning an important factor. The purpose of learning English is to gain knowledge of English to use English for communication. It is a point to learning task force of the desire for knowledge. This article discusses the following aspects will be driving force for the English learning an important factor:

First, motivation for the role of English language learning

The real need to generate real momentum, this need can be life, the reality of the needs, can also be psychological, spiritual needs. Students studying abroad to master the English language, go to work in foreign invested enterprises must master the English language, have these needs, we will have the motivation to learn, you can master the English language. Red Army can be overcome almost impossible to overcome the difficulties and desperate to finish the long march routes, this is because the real needs, the needs of survival, so that they spread the achievements of the age-old miracle.
Learning English have a greater motivation. Every time you sit down to study, whether at home or in the language center will need to concentrate on short-term driving force for reading and listening, but more needs long-term driving force, to ensure the regular day to do such a thing - this is the most difficult. So many people started learning English, some time soon to give up - we can learn English is not a continuous improvement process, but through a series of sudden increase and it seems that there is no change in the interval stage, and this is the so-called "plateau effect . "
In short motivation for learning English has an important effect, so the learning of English learners in the process of learning to keep the momentum. And this momentum must be a very urgent, time to remind you to learn English, which must also be a very strong motivation to drive you to learn to overcome any difficulties on the road.

Second, the type of motivation

Many linguists believe that the formation of motivation There are two main causes: a target from the students (target language) of their own interests, that is, into the dynamic type (integrative motivation). The so-called integration, is the target language learners to understand the society or have a special interest in the hope that exchanges with or close to, or expect to take part in or to integrate into the society of social life. Another driving force is a tool-type (instrumental motivation), refers to the aim of learners receive financial benefits or other benefits, such as through an examination to obtain scholarships, competent job, mentioning the post promotions.
Both Gardner and Lambert will be the driving force to learn English has done essentially the same division. They pointed out that: "integration-type dynamic (integrative motivation) arise from learners look forward to working with the language of cultural assimilation of this desire, and the learning objectives of the event as a career, that is performance-based driving force as a tool (instrumental motivation)". Ellis also commented: "In some cases, perhaps a combination of better promotion of English studies." He also said that people learning English, only one driving force for the situation is rare, many people may be learning achievements with these two closely related to motivation.
China's Wen Qiufang scholars will be classified as English learning motivation dynamic surface (surface motive) and deep driving force (deep motive), and pointed out that the surface dynamics usually associated with individuals directly related to the future, power from the outside; deep motivation and learning are generally not personal future and economic interests directly linked to, motivation comes from the English language or culture of their own interests.

Third, the impact of English learning motivation factor

The impact of English learning motivation factors, mainly from two aspects: the students themselves and the external environment. Some linguists, such as Ellis has used the term "inherent (intrinsic) and external (extrinsic)" two terms. Internal factors mainly refer to those and learners personality-related factors, such as interest, emotional, self-esteem, self-confidence, a sense of achievement and so on, of course, talent, intelligence and other factors. As we all know, the majority of Chinese students belonging to an inward-looking character. In with people, especially in dealings with foreigners, often show symptoms of nervousness. Sometimes, they prefer to remain silent, do not want to slip of the tongue in the conversation took place. If they find that their wrong, they will be because of "loss of face" and remorse. Stevick said that this man-made "defensive learners" (defensive learners). These internal factors undoubtedly English Learning to overcome obstacles.
Compared with the internal factors, external factors involved in a wider range, including environmental impact, class arrangement, teaching materials factors, the role of teachers and so on. If the classroom environment too, it will directly affect the mood of the learner, but also dispersed learner's attention. Class materials and unreasonable arrangements, study the effect of certain well, learners will lose interest in learning. If a teacher is a single rigid teaching methods, the lack of flexibility, learners will find boring, then they
Listening, speaking English and other basic skills can not be well improved.

Fourth, the driving force to stimulate English learning method

First of all, would like to learn English well, first of all, to cultivate their enthusiasm for English. Einstein once said: "Love is the best teacher." Interested in the quality of a potential, it can stimulate students in learning activities and the pursuit of loving psychological tendency, it is to overcome difficulties and promote the learning activities of the internal momentum . This shows that student interest in learning can not only translate into motivation, but also can promote the development of intelligent students to achieve the purpose of the enhancement of learning effectiveness; the contrary, the students that if they lose interest in learning, learning will no longer be a happy thing , but a heavy burden, the learning outcomes can be imagined. Therefore, interest in learning English is a huge driving force, interest in learning English more concentrated, the enthusiasm of learning the higher the effect of learning, the better. In English teaching, we must continue to enable students to create a keen interest in the conditions, the environment and atmosphere in order to achieve a multiplier effect.
Secondly, we should be good at self-learning initiative to mobilize. To consciously establish learning objectives, develop study plans, summarized learning methods, the establishment of cognitive structures. From the study of knowledge, problem-solving process to obtain a sense of satisfaction and excitement active state of mind to face the English language knowledge and skills, in strengthening the basic knowledge and basic training at the same time, so that the basis of knowledge transfer for the language skills, and developed into the use of English communicative ability.
Establish clear learning goals. In a certain sense, the motivation to learn the source of enthusiasm. However, there is a need not only a clear learning objectives, which need only a potential state, but also can not become a driving force for promoting the learning activities. In order to help learners clear learning goals, the best teachers in a pre-school classes, the next section to learn lessons, as well as the objective should be to make learners eager to clarify the issue, so as to stimulate their intellectual curiosity.
For those in schools to learn English people, to create the atmosphere relaxed and happy to learn the key is for teachers to have students feel. Teaching is not only the relationship between teaching and learning, but also the feelings of both teachers and students, exchange of ideas and activities. Teacher-student relationship directly restricts students emotion and will, affect their motivation. If it is a favorite teacher of students into the classroom, classroom atmosphere will be very active, interested students will be felt. Instead, the students do not like a teacher, mistrust, even hate, fear, then of course he will not teach an interest in, and even"Yin-ye-fei-shi"(因噎废食), detests the course. Emotion can be seen is the first element of the success of teaching, emotion is the soul of students to open the windows key. This requires a positive change in the role of teachers, attention to emotional investment, with their sincere love to arouse students resonance, so that a more harmonious relationship between teachers and students.
All in all, a stable and lasting hobbies, clear and appropriate goals, easy and pleasant learning atmosphere, can greatly stimulate the motivation to learn English to help learners to solve problems in English learning to stimulate the enthusiasm of English language learning, digging English learning potential.

[1] Wen Qiufang. "English learner motivation, concepts, strategies are also characterized by changes in the law," "Foreign Language Teaching and Research" 2001 (3).
[2] the early Ming Wang. "Foreign Language Learning in the cognitive and affective needs", "Foreign sector", 1991 (4).
[3]Yang Guo-Jun. "On the driving force to strengthen English learning strategy", "Foreign sector", 2002 (3).
[4] Liu Dong floor. "Foreign Language Teaching Thoughts motives", "Foreign Language Teaching" in 2002 (7).
[5] Joseph Rose, Joseph Ruoping. "English achievement and achievement motivation, a state of anxiety-related research," "Foreign Language Teaching and Research" 2001 (3).
i think it is necessary to learn english.
english is widely used throughout the world,it is used under many circumstances.if one day china can grow into a super advanced country, and everyone is learning to speak chinese,chinese becomes the language that everyone shares.then we may not need to learn chinese, but until then, the basic thing we have to do if we want to make china a super country is to learn a language that is used by others becourse sharing the same language is the primary way of communication.without communication,it is like that our country is put into a jail and cut from the outside world.
we can not keep up with other countries paces.so next time when you feel bored and frustrated with learning english, you can tell yourself you are actually working for your grand-grand-grand-son or daughter,you work hard, you learn hard, and then they won't need to learn english any more.they can choose whatever languages they want to learn or choose to spend their time on sth else which are more interesting rather than building the vocalbulary. learning the grammer.
in conclusion,we have to master this language -english.


她是一个神话,她用五千年的时间缔造了这个神化。 曾经,她辉煌到令世界瞠目。 曾经,她衰落到令世界蔑视。 经过岁月的洗礼,她不再自大,不再自卑,面对外界的种种指责与讥谤,她没有愤怒,而是微微一笑,那不是懦弱,是一种大度,一种历经沧桑的淡然。 公元前3000年,她出世了,带着一份谦逊,一份勇敢与执著,从此踏上了她未知的征程。 公元前2070年,近千年的开拓与创造,她在慢慢成长,数以万计的子孙在母亲河的滋润下,团结一心,建立了第一个王朝--夏。 公元前476年,刀戟剑弩,硝烟弥漫。她的子孙们为了自己的利益,明争暗斗,七雄争霸,人民生活痛苦不堪,流离失所。看到这些,她真的很伤心,却无能为力,这是历史的必然,是她必须所承受与面对的坎坷。 公元前221年,数百年的战乱纷飞,期间短暂的统一,并未使她的子孙真正过上安定繁荣的日子,人民无时无刻不担心着烽火台的再次点燃。然而这一年,终于结束了乱世,和平的使者降临大地,秦王嬴政完成了使命,她笑了。 公元200年,她的成长注定充满波折,和平来得太快,消失的也太快。可战争并未将她毁灭。她在硝烟笼罩下一步步地成长壮大。更大的分裂预示更大的融合,需要的只是时间,她盼望着﹍﹍ 公元618年,她的坚韧与顽强使她攀登上了世界的颠峰。她雄心勃勃,自豪地将先进的技术传予他国。 公元755年,近百年的繁荣盛世,安定和平,她骄傲了,她还没意识到其他国家离她已没那么远。 1840年,一枚炮弹把她从天国美梦中惊醒,可她沉睡的太久了,睁开双眼,放眼望去,外国舰队早已兵临城下,自己的舰队却不堪一击。一次又一次的失败,一份又一份的不平等条约,她为她的自大付出了沉重的代价。 19世纪初,经过八国联军的疯狂掠夺,她已满目疮痍,一病不起。孙中山推翻清王朝,胜利的果实却被袁世凯窃取。袁世凯试图称帝,加重她的病情,她有些绝望,但一支潜在力量正慢慢崛起。 1937年,日本更加猖狂,试图让她成为永远的东亚病夫,她的子孙不再懦弱,决定医好她。 1945年,八年抗战后,她痊愈了,但依然脆弱的不堪一击。然而子孙没有体谅她,不顾她的安危,内战爆发。 1949年,枪林弹雨过后,她变得成熟,不再懦弱,挺直胸膛,坚信终有一天会向世界证明她依旧是东方璀璨的明珠。 1997年,在几十年发展中,她有过失败,成功,失落与喜悦,可她从未放弃,她用信念与执著战胜了一切。7月1日,阔别99年,香港终于回到了她的怀抱。那一刻,她哭了,泪水中包含了辛酸与激动。 1999年12月20日,澳门回归,如今只剩台湾,漂流在外的游子,还没有回到祖国的怀抱,她想念,她努力。 2007年,跨入21世纪的她,迈着坚定的步伐向未来出发。当是世界都惊讶于她的腾飞时,她没有骄傲,而是用谦逊的姿态去创造新的未来。 她的每一寸肌肤都饱受铁蹄的践踏,她的每一次和平都付出沉重的代价:她成长的道路充满波折与艰辛,她前进的步伐依旧执著与坚定,不要怀疑,她欲飞的双翼已愈加丰满,未来的某一天,她会展翅飞翔。 她--我的祖国--中国。 东北中山中学 高三
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