起因:学校要做一个歌特摇滚H.I.M.乐队的英文PPT。 -,-||
1.大家帮我找点H.I.M.乐队或者是主唱Ville Valo的英文简介,【要这份英文简介的中文翻译】。
3.“Heartagram是HIM著名的标志, 它是由一个心形和一个三角形组合而成, 形成一个类似星形的图案。它是由Ville在自己20岁生日后设计而成的, Ville曾经说过heartagram代表了HIM这一队乐队和HIM的存在。
Heartagram 对HIM的歌迷影响很大, 很多歌迷都有Heartagram的纹身。”
----------------------------------------- 我要的不是谷歌的机械翻译吖!
---------------------------------------------【不要机器翻译的,谢谢。】 展开
1.大家帮我找点H.I.M.乐队或者是主唱Ville Valo的英文简介,【要这份英文简介的中文翻译】。
3.“Heartagram是HIM著名的标志, 它是由一个心形和一个三角形组合而成, 形成一个类似星形的图案。它是由Ville在自己20岁生日后设计而成的, Ville曾经说过heartagram代表了HIM这一队乐队和HIM的存在。
Heartagram 对HIM的歌迷影响很大, 很多歌迷都有Heartagram的纹身。”
----------------------------------------- 我要的不是谷歌的机械翻译吖!
---------------------------------------------【不要机器翻译的,谢谢。】 展开
全名“His infernal majesty(H.I.M)”, 翻译“恶魔殿下”或是“恶魔王权”
Experimental Rock(试验摇滚) Post-Rock/Experimental(后摇滚/试验)
Ville Hermanni Valo,一个习惯自嘲的硬摇滚先锋,又是个痛苦欲绝的诗人。在台上时,他一手拿着瓶红酒一手叼着支烟,好像就是以前Jim Morrison的翻版,只不过Valo的嗓子更加低沉而富有情感,他会不断引起你的注意。Valo的母亲是匈牙利籍移民,因此这也难怪Valo的外表阴暗,就好像体内流着吸血鬼Dracula的血液一样。HIM便是His Infernal Majesty的缩写。这就是他——曾经在他父亲的性用品商店里工作。那段时间里,这个集天使般的面容和魔鬼般的微笑于一身的孩子看似一切正常,但他一直有个梦想。当周围的音乐让他醒悟后,这个孩子开始追求更多东西。他觉得很多音乐缺乏灵魂和想象力,他希望要一种音乐——可以感动你,让你痛苦流涕,在你的心灵上留下深深的痕迹。然而他最终实现了他的梦想……
那个时候,有三个家伙想用音乐表达自己的想法,这群家伙从童年开始就是好朋友。他们是Ville Hermanni Valo,Mikko Mikko Lindstrom(也叫Linde,Lintti或者Lily Lazer)以及Mikko Paananen(别名Migé Amour)。最一开始,Ville弹贝斯,可因为Mige也是弹贝斯的,所以Ville开始做主唱。HIM成立以前,Ville在一个叫Donits-Osmo的前卫乐队里做贝斯手。之后也和Ultra Bra的几个人一同尝试过合作。Ville做了些样带放给Mige听,Mige立即被吸引住了。他们现在要成立一个乐队,找来了他们熟悉的Linde做吉他手后,就缺个鼓手了。Ville的新朋友Suho(Jimsonweed的主唱)给了他Patak的电话号码(真名是Mikko Rantala),乐队就这么形成了。Patak来自Lappeenranta的一个车库摇滚乐队Slumgudgeon。(乐队其他人嘲笑老是Patak的出身,因为Lappenranta是个芬兰东部的一个小镇。)。
“其他人都认为我是一个象阴险的女人般的男人——无可救药,乐队的名字就代表着我的这种声望,有时候我也点生气。His Infernal Majesty无论如何与宗教信仰或者意识形态一点都没有关系——作品内容里的666和野兽的数字也没有联系。有时候当我读到一些人去焚烧芬兰历史悠久的教堂或者用我们的名字与Black Sabbath和Dimmu Borgir联系起来作为命名灵感时,我对这些人感到愤慨!”
Ville Hermanni Valo最后在1995年夏天组建了HIM,在周围的是他的一些老朋友,这些人共享着Ville用来称呼他自己“love metal”的美誉。Ville对于爱情金属是这么说的,“爱情金属包括着流行、金属、哥特、魔幻等元素。这是由第一次接触、第一个初吻的感觉所激发的。爱情金属就象Gone with the Wind电影海报画的那样——Clark Gable在夕阳下紧紧拥抱着Vivien Leigh。”
在他们最初的演出中,确实没有多少自己的音乐可以用来表演。他们的音乐混合着Rauli Badding Somerjoki,Dingo,WASP,KISS,Depeche Mode,Type O' Negative的风格。Ville认为他们的音乐应该象在David Lynch拍的电影中Dimmu Borgir和Depeche Mode的结合。于是乐队(事实上是Ville)开始创造自己的音乐了。
HIM的第一张EP发行于1996年秋天。名字叫“666 Ways To Love”——在唱片封面的照片是Ville母亲年轻时候的照片。这张EP里的“Wicked Game”听起来就象是Chris Isaak式的流行金曲,不过对于他们是个重大的突破。歌曲以柔软的吉他表现着有如电视连续剧“Twin Peaks”中的那番情感。
1996年末,Ville为69 Eyes的专辑“Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams”配了背景和声。乐队的EP发行之后他们召了一名新成员——键盘手Antto Melasniemi,他也是Ville的一个老朋友。同时乐队的名字也给改短了——现在它干脆简称HIM了。
“Wicked Game”是他们在1997年秋发行的首张专辑中的“重要主题”。专辑中强有利的吉他丰富了HIM的音乐形象,但歌中自我反省的的精神本质仍未改变。.
“我十分能体会那首歌中所体现出的情感,这些也就是在我们音乐中所表现的忧郁之情。与其他精力充沛的金属乐队比起来,我毕竟有与Chris Isaak有更多的相似之处。我讨厌兴高采烈的音乐!For You是首吵闹却令人快乐的歌曲,你一定明白我的意思是吧?When Love and Death Embrace从另一个方面来体现着我对那些80年代枯燥乏味的流行民谣的看法。”
HIM的首张专辑——Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666有首单曲叫Your Sweet Six Six Six。对于Ville和HIM来说,666代表着所有的矛盾——相爱中的神和魔。爱情比生活本身更为广阔却又十分接近死亡,在肉欲、纯洁和精神之间不断徘徊。
“666代表着你一直拥有、你必须得到却会最终摧毁你的那种东西。这种东西很甜美但回味中又带有苦涩,就象比利时啤酒那样,哈哈哈哈……”这就是那个在Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666封面上的那个不男不女的Ville Valo,周围是燃烧着的火焰。这就是Ville Valo,当初纯粹为了看Gene Simmons表演时的烟火而开始学习弹奏贝斯,从此开始了自己的音乐生涯;这就是Ville Valo,认为舞台表演对于自己就是种精神自慰。这个曾经在性用品商店里打工的男孩如今有了自己的乐队HIM,他们还刚刚发行了90年代最有影响力的处女作。
这张单曲碟里还有首是慢唱的“(Don't Fear) The Reaper”,这首单曲最早由Blue Oyster Cult于70年代录制。“你可能会说Romeo和Juliet在我们的音乐中是男女主角——这也是为什么我们要放入(Don't Fear)The Reaper这首单曲。我第一次听时是Halloween的翻唱,到现在还记忆犹新。”
HIM从此以努力的工作为他们的未来做安排。乐队第二张专辑一开始名为“Slippery When Dead”,是献给Ville最喜欢的Bon Jovi。本来这张专辑是安排在1999年春天发行的,但他们遇到了一些问题。Antto在1998年秋天离开了乐队,并被Jussi-Mikko Salminen顶替(别名Zoltan Pluto或者Juska)。Juska是HIM的铁杆歌迷,来自Kouvola的一个魔幻乐队Mary-Ann。他和HIM的首次合作是乐队1998年11月在德国做的第一次友情演出。1998年末HIM那时在德国、奥地利和瑞士进行了一系列巡演。
1998年末Ville再次为the 69 Eyes的专辑“Wasting the Dawn”配和声,他还积极帮助主音的前期制作,并为专辑的完成提供了良好的指导。
他们的专辑几乎用了整个1999年去录制。他们和Patak一起工作,但这并没有让乐队满意。由于Patak的女朋友怀了孕,他不再百分之百地扑在乐队的工作上。因此Patak最终离开了乐队并由Mika Karppinen替代了他的位置(别名Gas Lipstick或者Kaasu)。Kaasu从前是Kyyria的成员。于是HIM在威尔士重新录制了专辑。1999年11月,他们最终发行了新EP“Join Me”,并出现在Roland Emmerich的电影“The 13th Floor”中。这首单曲发行后,在芬兰、德国、奥地利和瑞士迅速走红。在他们发行第二张专辑以前,HIM也为其他芬兰乐队做客串,比如客串Nelja Ruusua的MV以及录制“Hunningolla”这首单曲。在一个叫“Laulava Sydan”电视秀中Ville就和the Agents一起唱了Rauli Badding Somerjoki的三首歌(这些歌发行于一张芬兰艺人的合辑中)。
2000年1月HIM发行了他们第二张全新专辑,名字却改成了“Razorblade Romance”。这张专辑在芬兰、德国和奥地利都有排行第一的好成绩。专辑的封面采用80年代的式样,一改哥特的黑色,以粉红色为背景。在春天(具体说是于德国的情人节)乐队继续发行了乐队的第二张EP“Right Here In My Arms”。这张唱片在芬兰一举登上排行第一的宝座,在德国名列21位。
6月17日HIM在家乡芬兰进行了2000年唯一一次的客串演出,是和前卫金属乐队Seinajoki一起。同年春天HIM发行了第三张单曲碟“Poison Girl”,这张唱片最好的成绩在芬兰名列第三,德国第34。当7月过去8月来临之时,HIM已在Hollola录制样带准备发行新专辑,当时已有谣言说,乐队已经完成了11首新的单曲了。
此时HIM在希腊也越来越为人们所知,唱片的销量也一下窜入排行前十的位子。此时Ville再次回去为the 69 Eyes准备于2000年9月发行的新专辑做背景和声。
2000年八月,HIM去英国拍了两个MV,准备马上发行。同时也有谣传说Desmond Child参与了新专辑的制作——Desmond Child是Bon Jovi和Alice Cooper著名的作曲者。
关于ville valo
全名:Ville Hermanni Valo
昵称:Don Vitto.
不喜欢的乐队:“The Beatles”(甲壳虫乐队)
他们早期的EP 666 Ways To Love:封面上的个女人是villle的母亲。
芬兰媒体的爆炸性新闻:ville和4个男人kiss过:"Torpedo"的主唱,"Skreppers", Zoltan & Yussi69
The full name of "His infernal majesty (HIM)", translated "devil Highness" or "the devil Crown"
Style Type:
Experimental Rock (Rock-Test) Post-Rock/Experimental (post-rock / test)
Band description:
Ville Hermanni Valo, a habit of self pioneers of hard rock and is a pain stricken poet. On stage, he single-handedly holding a bottle of red wine cigarettes mouth, as if Jim Morrison is a replica of the past, but more Valo low voice full of emotion and he will continue to catch your attention. Valo's mother, who is a Hungarian immigrant, so no wonder that the appearance of dark Valo, the body flow like a vampire, like Dracula's blood. HIM is an acronym for His Infernal Majesty. This is what he - in his father's sex shop work. During that time, this set angelic face and a devil's smile on the kids all seem normal, but he has been a dream. When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your heart left deep traces. However, he finally realized his dream ... ...
At that time, there are three guys want to use music to express their ideas, this guy is a good friend from childhood began. They are Ville Hermanni Valo, Mikko Mikko Lindstrom (also known as Linde, Lintti or Lily Lazer) and Mikko Paananen (alias Migé Amour). The very beginning, Ville bass bombs, shells could be because the bass is Mige, so lead singer Ville started. HIM, before the establishment of, Ville called in a Donits-Osmo band doing avant-garde bassist. Ultra Bra and after several people tried to cooperate together. Ville made some kind of band to let Mige listen, Mige immediately attention. They want to set up a band, and got familiar with their guitarist Linde done after a lack of a drummer. Ville's new friends Suho (Jimsonweed the lead singer) gave him the telephone number of Patak (real name is Mikko Rantala), so the band formed. Patak from Lappeenranta, a garage rock band Slumgudgeon. (The band is always fun of other people Patak's origin, because Lappenranta is a small town in eastern Finland.).
"Other people think I am a woman as sinister as the men - hopeless, the band's name on my behalf of such prestige, and sometimes I would also point angry. His Infernal Majesty, or in any case with the religious beliefs that have nothing to do with ideology - work content of the 666 and the number of animals there is no contact. Sometimes when I read some people to the burning of the Church of Finland has a long history with our name or with Black Sabbath and as a link Dimmu Borgir naming inspiration, I am indignant at these people! "
Ville Hermanni Valo final in the summer of 1995 formed a HIM, in the surrounding some of his old friend, who shared his own Ville used to call "love metal" world. Ville for the love of metal is so said, "love metal, including a pop, metal, gothic, magical elements. This is the first contact from the first kiss feeling inspired. Love metal as Gone with the Wind painting as poster - Clark Gable in the sunset of the next hug Vivien Leigh. "
In their first performance, is not how much their music can be used to perform. Their music mixed with Rauli Badding Somerjoki, Dingo, WASP, KISS, Depeche Mode, Type O 'Negative style. Ville that their music should be like in the David Lynch film of Dimmu Borgir and the combination of Depeche Mode. So the band (in fact Ville) began to create their own music.
HIM's first EP was released in autumn 1996. Name is "666 Ways To Love" - the album cover photo is a young mother when Ville photos. This EP's "Wicked Game" sounds like a Chris Isaak-style pop hits, but their is a major breakthrough. Soft guitar music to the performance of a TV series like "Twin Peaks" in emotional remarks.
At the end of 1996, Ville for 69 Eyes album "Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams" with the background sound. Band after the release of the EP they call a new member - keyboardist Antto Melasniemi, he is also an old friend of Ville. At the same time, the band changed the name to the short - now it is simply referred to as the HIM.
"Wicked Game" is that they issued in the autumn of 1997 debut album, the "major theme." Enabling strong album of guitar-rich image of HIM's music, but the songs in the spirit of self-reflection has not changed in essence. .
"I can appreciate that song embodied in the emotional, the music is in our performance in the depressed feelings. With other metal bands energetic than I have with Chris Isaak, after all, more similar to at. I hate the music happily! For You is the first noise of the songs are very happy, you must know what I mean is not it? When Love and Death Embrace reflected from the other side of me boring for those of the 80's view of popular folk songs. "
HIM's debut album - Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666 There are songs called Your Sweet Six Six Six. Ville and HIM for example, 666 represents all the contradictions - love of God and the devil. Love more than life itself but is very close to the death of a broad, in the flesh, between the purity and the spirit of wandering.
"Represents the 666 have you been, you must be but you will eventually destroy the kind of things. This kind of thing is very sweet but also with a bitter aftertaste, as did the Belgian beer,哈哈哈哈... ..." This is that in the Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666 on the cover of不男不女that Ville Valo, surrounded by the flames burning. This is Ville Valo, was purely to see Gene Simmons fireworks show began at the time of learning to play bass, began his music career; This is Ville Valo, that is the stage for their own kinds of mental masturbation. Of supplies in the store to work the boys now have their own band HIM, they also just released the most influential 90's debut.
There is this single disc is the first slow song "(Don't Fear) The Reaper", that the earliest songs from Blue Oyster Cult in the 70's recording. "You may say that Romeo and Juliet in our music is a male and female - and that is why we have to Add (Don't Fear) The Reaper This is the first single. My first Halloween, when listening to the cover, to is still fresh in my memory. "
HIM from the work of an effort to make arrangements for their future. Second album of a band called the beginning of "Slippery When Dead", is dedicated to Ville favorite Bon Jovi. The album was originally scheduled for release in the spring of 1999, but they encountered some problems. Antto in the fall of 1998, left the band and was replaced Jussi-Mikko Salminen (Zoltan Pluto or alias Juska). Juska is a die-hard fans of HIM, from Kouvola a magical band Mary-Ann. HIM he and co-operation is the first band in November 1998 in Germany to do the first show friendship. HIM was the end of 1998 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland carried out a series of tour.
Ville again in late 1998 for the 69 Eyes album "Wasting the Dawn" with harmony, he also actively helped lead the pre-production, and to complete the album provides a good guide.
They spent almost the entire album in 1999 to record. Patak they work together, but this has not so satisfied with the band. As a result of Patak's girlfriend was pregnant, he is no longer in the band 100% to the work head. Patak therefore eventually left the band replaced by Mika Karppinen his location (Gas Lipstick or alias Kaasu). Kaasu used to be a member of Kyyria. HIM in Wales was re-recorded album. In November 1999, they released a new EP "Join Me", and appears in Roland Emmerich's film "The 13th Floor" in. This is the first single released, in Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, rapidly became popular. In their previously issued second album, HIM Finland for other bands to do a guest, such as a guest Nelja Ruusua as well as the MV recording "Hunningolla" This is the first single. At a place called "Laulava Sydan" TV show in the Ville and the Agents with the singing of Rauli Badding Somerjoki three songs (which are issued in a song of the album artist in Finland).
January 2000 HIM second issue of their new album, has changed the name of "Razorblade Romance". This album in Finland, Germany and Austria ranked first good results. The use of the cover album of 80s style, black Gothic changed to pink as the background. In the spring (specifically in Germany on Valentine's Day) the band continue to issue the band's second EP "Right Here In My Arms". One album in Finland on the top of the throne, ranked 21 in Germany.
June 17 HIM in his home town in 2000 Finland had only one guest performance and avant-garde metal band is together Seinajoki. HIM issued the same year, the spring of the third disc's "Poison Girl", this record the best third place performance in Finland, Germany, paragraph 34. When in July of last August, when the advent of, HIM have been recorded in the transect Hollola issuing new album, when there are rumors that the band has completed 11 new songs of the.
HIM in Greece at this time more and more people know, the record sales of the top ten ranking, click窜入seat. Ville at this time to go back again to prepare for the 69 Eyes to the September 2000 issue of the new album to do the background harmony.
August 2000, HIM made a visit to Britain two MV, ready to immediately issue. At the same time, there are rumors that Desmond Child to participate in the production of the new album - Desmond Child is Bon Jovi and Alice Cooper's well-known composer.
Ville valo on
Place of birth: Hellsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
Full name: Ville Hermanni Valo
Nickname: Don Vitto.
First album bought: kiss the band "Animalize"
Do not like the band: "The Beatles" (Beatles)
Favorite music type: R & B and folklore
ville surname valo Finnish equivalent, in the "light" (light) means.
ville has seven tattoos, there are rumors that he is considering the first 8 months.
Finland ville that long cold night so that he wrote the song melancholy, but in life he was a happy guy to laugh often, he did not like the next stage of fabrication of false life.
HIM, he is the lead singer, songwriter, programming. He also play the guitar sometimes, there are a few more bass bombs.
ville will be a lot of musical instruments such as bass, guitar, keyboard and drums, but he modestly says he is not a talented person.
In HIM before, ville band in question have been many. He said he spent some time at the same time band 10.
ville, he often said the Internet is to ........... masturbation (adult)
Their early EP 666 Ways To Love: the cover of a woman is the mother of villle.
He has been Finland's commercial advertising a product (like a coffee ad)
Finnish media, breaking news: ville and four men kiss-off: "Torpedo" singer, "Skreppers", Zoltan & Yussi69
2. "When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your soul left deep traces. However, he finally realized his dream ... ... "
3. "Heartagram is a well-known symbol of HIM, which is a heart-shaped and a combination of a triangle, forming a similar star-shaped pattern. It is by Ville in his 20-year-old design from the post-birthday, Ville said heartagram represents the band HIM and HIM the team exists.
Heartagram of great influence on HIM fans, many fans have Heartagram tattoo. "
4. "Ville surname valo Finnish equivalent, in the" light "(light) means."
全名“His infernal majesty(H.I.M)”, 翻译“恶魔殿下”或是“恶魔王权”
Experimental Rock(试验摇滚) Post-Rock/Experimental(后摇滚/试验)
Ville Hermanni Valo,一个习惯自嘲的硬摇滚先锋,又是个痛苦欲绝的诗人。在台上时,他一手拿着瓶红酒一手叼着支烟,好像就是以前Jim Morrison的翻版,只不过Valo的嗓子更加低沉而富有情感,他会不断引起你的注意。Valo的母亲是匈牙利籍移民,因此这也难怪Valo的外表阴暗,就好像体内流着吸血鬼Dracula的血液一样。HIM便是His Infernal Majesty的缩写。这就是他——曾经在他父亲的性用品商店里工作。那段时间里,这个集天使般的面容和魔鬼般的微笑于一身的孩子看似一切正常,但他一直有个梦想。当周围的音乐让他醒悟后,这个孩子开始追求更多东西。他觉得很多音乐缺乏灵魂和想象力,他希望要一种音乐——可以感动你,让你痛苦流涕,在你的心灵上留下深深的痕迹。然而他最终实现了他的梦想……
那个时候,有三个家伙想用音乐表达自己的想法,这群家伙从童年开始就是好朋友。他们是Ville Hermanni Valo,Mikko Mikko Lindstrom(也叫Linde,Lintti或者Lily Lazer)以及Mikko Paananen(别名Migé Amour)。最一开始,Ville弹贝斯,可因为Mige也是弹贝斯的,所以Ville开始做主唱。HIM成立以前,Ville在一个叫Donits-Osmo的前卫乐队里做贝斯手。之后也和Ultra Bra的几个人一同尝试过合作。Ville做了些样带放给Mige听,Mige立即被吸引住了。他们现在要成立一个乐队,找来了他们熟悉的Linde做吉他手后,就缺个鼓手了。Ville的新朋友Suho(Jimsonweed的主唱)给了他Patak的电话号码(真名是Mikko Rantala),乐队就这么形成了。Patak来自Lappeenranta的一个车库摇滚乐队Slumgudgeon。(乐队其他人嘲笑老是Patak的出身,因为Lappenranta是个芬兰东部的一个小镇。)。
“其他人都认为我是一个象阴险的女人般的男人——无可救药,乐队的名字就代表着我的这种声望,有时候我也点生气。His Infernal Majesty无论如何与宗教信仰或者意识形态一点都没有关系——作品内容里的666和野兽的数字也没有联系。有时候当我读到一些人去焚烧芬兰历史悠久的教堂或者用我们的名字与Black Sabbath和Dimmu Borgir联系起来作为命名灵感时,我对这些人感到愤慨!”
Ville Hermanni Valo最后在1995年夏天组建了HIM,在周围的是他的一些老朋友,这些人共享着Ville用来称呼他自己“love metal”的美誉。Ville对于爱情金属是这么说的,“爱情金属包括着流行、金属、哥特、魔幻等元素。这是由第一次接触、第一个初吻的感觉所激发的。爱情金属就象Gone with the Wind电影海报画的那样——Clark Gable在夕阳下紧紧拥抱着Vivien Leigh。”
在他们最初的演出中,确实没有多少自己的音乐可以用来表演。他们的音乐混合着Rauli Badding Somerjoki,Dingo,WASP,KISS,Depeche Mode,Type O' Negative的风格。Ville认为他们的音乐应该象在David Lynch拍的电影中Dimmu Borgir和Depeche Mode的结合。于是乐队(事实上是Ville)开始创造自己的音乐了。
HIM的第一张EP发行于1996年秋天。名字叫“666 Ways To Love”——在唱片封面的照片是Ville母亲年轻时候的照片。这张EP里的“Wicked Game”听起来就象是Chris Isaak式的流行金曲,不过对于他们是个重大的突破。歌曲以柔软的吉他表现着有如电视连续剧“Twin Peaks”中的那番情感。
1996年末,Ville为69 Eyes的专辑“Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams”配了背景和声。乐队的EP发行之后他们召了一名新成员——键盘手Antto Melasniemi,他也是Ville的一个老朋友。同时乐队的名字也给改短了——现在它干脆简称HIM了。
“Wicked Game”是他们在1997年秋发行的首张专辑中的“重要主题”。专辑中强有利的吉他丰富了HIM的音乐形象,但歌中自我反省的的精神本质仍未改变。.
“我十分能体会那首歌中所体现出的情感,这些也就是在我们音乐中所表现的忧郁之情。与其他精力充沛的金属乐队比起来,我毕竟有与Chris Isaak有更多的相似之处。我讨厌兴高采烈的音乐!For You是首吵闹却令人快乐的歌曲,你一定明白我的意思是吧?When Love and Death Embrace从另一个方面来体现着我对那些80年代枯燥乏味的流行民谣的看法。”
HIM的首张专辑——Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666有首单曲叫Your Sweet Six Six Six。对于Ville和HIM来说,666代表着所有的矛盾——相爱中的神和魔。爱情比生活本身更为广阔却又十分接近死亡,在肉欲、纯洁和精神之间不断徘徊。
“666代表着你一直拥有、你必须得到却会最终摧毁你的那种东西。这种东西很甜美但回味中又带有苦涩,就象比利时啤酒那样,哈哈哈哈……”这就是那个在Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666封面上的那个不男不女的Ville Valo,周围是燃烧着的火焰。这就是Ville Valo,当初纯粹为了看Gene Simmons表演时的烟火而开始学习弹奏贝斯,从此开始了自己的音乐生涯;这就是Ville Valo,认为舞台表演对于自己就是种精神自慰。这个曾经在性用品商店里打工的男孩如今有了自己的乐队HIM,他们还刚刚发行了90年代最有影响力的处女作。
这张单曲碟里还有首是慢唱的“(Don't Fear) The Reaper”,这首单曲最早由Blue Oyster Cult于70年代录制。“你可能会说Romeo和Juliet在我们的音乐中是男女主角——这也是为什么我们要放入(Don't Fear)The Reaper这首单曲。我第一次听时是Halloween的翻唱,到现在还记忆犹新。”
HIM从此以努力的工作为他们的未来做安排。乐队第二张专辑一开始名为“Slippery When Dead”,是献给Ville最喜欢的Bon Jovi。本来这张专辑是安排在1999年春天发行的,但他们遇到了一些问题。Antto在1998年秋天离开了乐队,并被Jussi-Mikko Salminen顶替(别名Zoltan Pluto或者Juska)。Juska是HIM的铁杆歌迷,来自Kouvola的一个魔幻乐队Mary-Ann。他和HIM的首次合作是乐队1998年11月在德国做的第一次友情演出。1998年末HIM那时在德国、奥地利和瑞士进行了一系列巡演。
1998年末Ville再次为the 69 Eyes的专辑“Wasting the Dawn”配和声,他还积极帮助主音的前期制作,并为专辑的完成提供了良好的指导。
他们的专辑几乎用了整个1999年去录制。他们和Patak一起工作,但这并没有让乐队满意。由于Patak的女朋友怀了孕,他不再百分之百地扑在乐队的工作上。因此Patak最终离开了乐队并由Mika Karppinen替代了他的位置(别名Gas Lipstick或者Kaasu)。Kaasu从前是Kyyria的成员。于是HIM在威尔士重新录制了专辑。1999年11月,他们最终发行了新EP“Join Me”,并出现在Roland Emmerich的电影“The 13th Floor”中。这首单曲发行后,在芬兰、德国、奥地利和瑞士迅速走红。在他们发行第二张专辑以前,HIM也为其他芬兰乐队做客串,比如客串Nelja Ruusua的MV以及录制“Hunningolla”这首单曲。在一个叫“Laulava Sydan”电视秀中Ville就和the Agents一起唱了Rauli Badding Somerjoki的三首歌(这些歌发行于一张芬兰艺人的合辑中)。
2000年1月HIM发行了他们第二张全新专辑,名字却改成了“Razorblade Romance”。这张专辑在芬兰、德国和奥地利都有排行第一的好成绩。专辑的封面采用80年代的式样,一改哥特的黑色,以粉红色为背景。在春天(具体说是于德国的情人节)乐队继续发行了乐队的第二张EP“Right Here In My Arms”。这张唱片在芬兰一举登上排行第一的宝座,在德国名列21位。
6月17日HIM在家乡芬兰进行了2000年唯一一次的客串演出,是和前卫金属乐队Seinajoki一起。同年春天HIM发行了第三张单曲碟“Poison Girl”,这张唱片最好的成绩在芬兰名列第三,德国第34。当7月过去8月来临之时,HIM已在Hollola录制样带准备发行新专辑,当时已有谣言说,乐队已经完成了11首新的单曲了。
此时HIM在希腊也越来越为人们所知,唱片的销量也一下窜入排行前十的位子。此时Ville再次回去为the 69 Eyes准备于2000年9月发行的新专辑做背景和声。
2000年八月,HIM去英国拍了两个MV,准备马上发行。同时也有谣传说Desmond Child参与了新专辑的制作——Desmond Child是Bon Jovi和Alice Cooper著名的作曲者。
关于ville valo
全名:Ville Hermanni Valo
昵称:Don Vitto.
不喜欢的乐队:“The Beatles”(甲壳虫乐队)
他们早期的EP 666 Ways To Love:封面上的个女人是villle的母亲。
芬兰媒体的爆炸性新闻:ville和4个男人kiss过:"Torpedo"的主唱,"Skreppers", Zoltan & Yussi69
The full name of "His infernal majesty (HIM)", translated "devil Highness" or "the devil Crown"
Style Type:
Experimental Rock (Rock-Test) Post-Rock/Experimental (post-rock / test)
Band description:
Ville Hermanni Valo, a habit of self pioneers of hard rock and is a pain stricken poet. On stage, he single-handedly holding a bottle of red wine cigarettes mouth, as if Jim Morrison is a replica of the past, but more Valo low voice full of emotion and he will continue to catch your attention. Valo's mother, who is a Hungarian immigrant, so no wonder that the appearance of dark Valo, the body flow like a vampire, like Dracula's blood. HIM is an acronym for His Infernal Majesty. This is what he - in his father's sex shop work. During that time, this set angelic face and a devil's smile on the kids all seem normal, but he has been a dream. When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your heart left deep traces. However, he finally realized his dream ... ...
At that time, there are three guys want to use music to express their ideas, this guy is a good friend from childhood began. They are Ville Hermanni Valo, Mikko Mikko Lindstrom (also known as Linde, Lintti or Lily Lazer) and Mikko Paananen (alias Migé Amour). The very beginning, Ville bass bombs, shells could be because the bass is Mige, so lead singer Ville started. HIM, before the establishment of, Ville called in a Donits-Osmo band doing avant-garde bassist. Ultra Bra and after several people tried to cooperate together. Ville made some kind of band to let Mige listen, Mige immediately attention. They want to set up a band, and got familiar with their guitarist Linde done after a lack of a drummer. Ville's new friends Suho (Jimsonweed the lead singer) gave him the telephone number of Patak (real name is Mikko Rantala), so the band formed. Patak from Lappeenranta, a garage rock band Slumgudgeon. (The band is always fun of other people Patak's origin, because Lappenranta is a small town in eastern Finland.).
"Other people think I am a woman as sinister as the men - hopeless, the band's name on my behalf of such prestige, and sometimes I would also point angry. His Infernal Majesty, or in any case with the religious beliefs that have nothing to do with ideology - work content of the 666 and the number of animals there is no contact. Sometimes when I read some people to the burning of the Church of Finland has a long history with our name or with Black Sabbath and as a link Dimmu Borgir naming inspiration, I am indignant at these people! "
Ville Hermanni Valo final in the summer of 1995 formed a HIM, in the surrounding some of his old friend, who shared his own Ville used to call "love metal" world. Ville for the love of metal is so said, "love metal, including a pop, metal, gothic, magical elements. This is the first contact from the first kiss feeling inspired. Love metal as Gone with the Wind painting as poster - Clark Gable in the sunset of the next hug Vivien Leigh. "
In their first performance, is not how much their music can be used to perform. Their music mixed with Rauli Badding Somerjoki, Dingo, WASP, KISS, Depeche Mode, Type O 'Negative style. Ville that their music should be like in the David Lynch film of Dimmu Borgir and the combination of Depeche Mode. So the band (in fact Ville) began to create their own music.
HIM's first EP was released in autumn 1996. Name is "666 Ways To Love" - the album cover photo is a young mother when Ville photos. This EP's "Wicked Game" sounds like a Chris Isaak-style pop hits, but their is a major breakthrough. Soft guitar music to the performance of a TV series like "Twin Peaks" in emotional remarks.
At the end of 1996, Ville for 69 Eyes album "Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams" with the background sound. Band after the release of the EP they call a new member - keyboardist Antto Melasniemi, he is also an old friend of Ville. At the same time, the band changed the name to the short - now it is simply referred to as the HIM.
"Wicked Game" is that they issued in the autumn of 1997 debut album, the "major theme." Enabling strong album of guitar-rich image of HIM's music, but the songs in the spirit of self-reflection has not changed in essence. .
"I can appreciate that song embodied in the emotional, the music is in our performance in the depressed feelings. With other metal bands energetic than I have with Chris Isaak, after all, more similar to at. I hate the music happily! For You is the first noise of the songs are very happy, you must know what I mean is not it? When Love and Death Embrace reflected from the other side of me boring for those of the 80's view of popular folk songs. "
HIM's debut album - Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666 There are songs called Your Sweet Six Six Six. Ville and HIM for example, 666 represents all the contradictions - love of God and the devil. Love more than life itself but is very close to the death of a broad, in the flesh, between the purity and the spirit of wandering.
"Represents the 666 have you been, you must be but you will eventually destroy the kind of things. This kind of thing is very sweet but also with a bitter aftertaste, as did the Belgian beer,哈哈哈哈... ..." This is that in the Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666 on the cover of不男不女that Ville Valo, surrounded by the flames burning. This is Ville Valo, was purely to see Gene Simmons fireworks show began at the time of learning to play bass, began his music career; This is Ville Valo, that is the stage for their own kinds of mental masturbation. Of supplies in the store to work the boys now have their own band HIM, they also just released the most influential 90's debut.
There is this single disc is the first slow song "(Don't Fear) The Reaper", that the earliest songs from Blue Oyster Cult in the 70's recording. "You may say that Romeo and Juliet in our music is a male and female - and that is why we have to Add (Don't Fear) The Reaper This is the first single. My first Halloween, when listening to the cover, to is still fresh in my memory. "
HIM from the work of an effort to make arrangements for their future. Second album of a band called the beginning of "Slippery When Dead", is dedicated to Ville favorite Bon Jovi. The album was originally scheduled for release in the spring of 1999, but they encountered some problems. Antto in the fall of 1998, left the band and was replaced Jussi-Mikko Salminen (Zoltan Pluto or alias Juska). Juska is a die-hard fans of HIM, from Kouvola a magical band Mary-Ann. HIM he and co-operation is the first band in November 1998 in Germany to do the first show friendship. HIM was the end of 1998 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland carried out a series of tour.
Ville again in late 1998 for the 69 Eyes album "Wasting the Dawn" with harmony, he also actively helped lead the pre-production, and to complete the album provides a good guide.
They spent almost the entire album in 1999 to record. Patak they work together, but this has not so satisfied with the band. As a result of Patak's girlfriend was pregnant, he is no longer in the band 100% to the work head. Patak therefore eventually left the band replaced by Mika Karppinen his location (Gas Lipstick or alias Kaasu). Kaasu used to be a member of Kyyria. HIM in Wales was re-recorded album. In November 1999, they released a new EP "Join Me", and appears in Roland Emmerich's film "The 13th Floor" in. This is the first single released, in Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, rapidly became popular. In their previously issued second album, HIM Finland for other bands to do a guest, such as a guest Nelja Ruusua as well as the MV recording "Hunningolla" This is the first single. At a place called "Laulava Sydan" TV show in the Ville and the Agents with the singing of Rauli Badding Somerjoki three songs (which are issued in a song of the album artist in Finland).
January 2000 HIM second issue of their new album, has changed the name of "Razorblade Romance". This album in Finland, Germany and Austria ranked first good results. The use of the cover album of 80s style, black Gothic changed to pink as the background. In the spring (specifically in Germany on Valentine's Day) the band continue to issue the band's second EP "Right Here In My Arms". One album in Finland on the top of the throne, ranked 21 in Germany.
June 17 HIM in his home town in 2000 Finland had only one guest performance and avant-garde metal band is together Seinajoki. HIM issued the same year, the spring of the third disc's "Poison Girl", this record the best third place performance in Finland, Germany, paragraph 34. When in July of last August, when the advent of, HIM have been recorded in the transect Hollola issuing new album, when there are rumors that the band has completed 11 new songs of the.
HIM in Greece at this time more and more people know, the record sales of the top ten ranking, click窜入seat. Ville at this time to go back again to prepare for the 69 Eyes to the September 2000 issue of the new album to do the background harmony.
August 2000, HIM made a visit to Britain two MV, ready to immediately issue. At the same time, there are rumors that Desmond Child to participate in the production of the new album - Desmond Child is Bon Jovi and Alice Cooper's well-known composer.
Ville valo on
Place of birth: Hellsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
Full name: Ville Hermanni Valo
Nickname: Don Vitto.
First album bought: kiss the band "Animalize"
Do not like the band: "The Beatles" (Beatles)
Favorite music type: R & B and folklore
ville surname valo Finnish equivalent, in the "light" (light) means.
ville has seven tattoos, there are rumors that he is considering the first 8 months.
Finland ville that long cold night so that he wrote the song melancholy, but in life he was a happy guy to laugh often, he did not like the next stage of fabrication of false life.
HIM, he is the lead singer, songwriter, programming. He also play the guitar sometimes, there are a few more bass bombs.
ville will be a lot of musical instruments such as bass, guitar, keyboard and drums, but he modestly says he is not a talented person.
In HIM before, ville band in question have been many. He said he spent some time at the same time band 10.
ville, he often said the Internet is to ........... masturbation (adult)
Their early EP 666 Ways To Love: the cover of a woman is the mother of villle.
He has been Finland's commercial advertising a product (like a coffee ad)
Finnish media, breaking news: ville and four men kiss-off: "Torpedo" singer, "Skreppers", Zoltan & Yussi69
2. "When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your soul left deep traces. However, he finally realized his dream ... ... "
3. "Heartagram is a well-known symbol of HIM, which is a heart-shaped and a combination of a triangle, forming a similar star-shaped pattern. It is by Ville in his 20-year-old design from the post-birthday, Ville said heartagram represents the band HIM and HIM the team exists.
Heartagram of great influence on HIM fans, many fans have Heartagram tattoo. "
4. "Ville surname valo Finnish equivalent, in the" light "(light) means."
2."When he came to the music around after the children began to pursue more, many music. He thought of his soul, and imagination, hope to a music -- can be touched you, let you pain in your heart, runny left deep imprint. However, he finally realized his dream..."
3."As Heartagram is famous symbol, it is by a heart-shaped or a triangle, forming a similar pattern of star. It is made in his 20th birthday Ville after designed, Ville once said Heartagram represents as the existence of a band and as.
As for the fans Heartagram influence, many fans have Heartagram tattoos. "
4."Valo ville surname in Finnish equivalent to" one "(light).
3."As Heartagram is famous symbol, it is by a heart-shaped or a triangle, forming a similar pattern of star. It is made in his 20th birthday Ville after designed, Ville once said Heartagram represents as the existence of a band and as.
As for the fans Heartagram influence, many fans have Heartagram tattoos. "
4."Valo ville surname in Finnish equivalent to" one "(light).
"When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your and left with deep emotional scars. However, he finally realized his dream ... ... "
是HIM的fan... 你们学校氛围真是很好
是HIM的fan... 你们学校氛围真是很好
HIM is His Infernal Majesty (His Royal Highness the devil) the abbreviation for the Finnish goth band.
Ville Hermanni Valo, a habit of self pioneers of hard rock and is a pain stricken poet. On stage, he single-handedly holding a bottle of red wine cigarettes mouth, as if Jim Morrison is a replica of the past, but more Valo low voice full of emotion and he will continue to catch your attention. Valo's mother, who is a Hungarian immigrant, so no wonder that the appearance of dark Valo, the body flow like a vampire, like Dracula's blood. HIM is an acronym for His Infernal Majesty. This is what he - in his father's sex shop work. During that time, this set angelic face and a devil's smile on the kids all seem normal, but he has been a dream. When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your heart left deep traces. However, he finally realized his dream ... ...
At that time, there are three guys want to use music to express their ideas, this guy is a good friend from childhood began. They are Ville Hermanni Valo, Mikko Mikko Lindstrom (also known as Linde, Lintti or Lily Lazer) and Mikko Paananen (alias Migé Amour). The very beginning, Ville bass bombs, shells could be because the bass is Mige, so lead singer Ville started. HIM, before the establishment of, Ville called in a Donits-Osmo band doing avant-garde bassist. Ultra Bra and after several people tried to cooperate together. Ville made some kind of band to let Mige listen, Mige immediately attention. They want to set up a band, and got familiar with their guitarist Linde done after a lack of a drummer. Ville's new friends Suho (Jimsonweed the lead singer) gave him the telephone number of Patak (real name is Mikko Rantala), so the band formed. Patak from Lappeenranta, a garage rock band Slumgudgeon. (The band is always fun of other people Patak's origin, because Lappenranta is a small town in eastern Finland.).
"Other people think I am a woman as sinister as the men - hopeless, the band's name on my behalf of such prestige, and sometimes I would also point angry. His Infernal Majesty, or in any case with the religious beliefs that have nothing to do with ideology - work content of the 666 and the number of animals there is no contact. Sometimes when I read some people to the burning of the Church of Finland has a
Ville Hermanni Valo, a habit of self pioneers of hard rock and is a pain stricken poet. On stage, he single-handedly holding a bottle of red wine cigarettes mouth, as if Jim Morrison is a replica of the past, but more Valo low voice full of emotion and he will continue to catch your attention. Valo's mother, who is a Hungarian immigrant, so no wonder that the appearance of dark Valo, the body flow like a vampire, like Dracula's blood. HIM is an acronym for His Infernal Majesty. This is what he - in his father's sex shop work. During that time, this set angelic face and a devil's smile on the kids all seem normal, but he has been a dream. When the music around him, after awakening, the children start to the pursuit of more things. He felt a lot of music lack soul and imagination, and he hoped to be a kind of music - can move you, let you suffering runny nose, in your heart left deep traces. However, he finally realized his dream ... ...
At that time, there are three guys want to use music to express their ideas, this guy is a good friend from childhood began. They are Ville Hermanni Valo, Mikko Mikko Lindstrom (also known as Linde, Lintti or Lily Lazer) and Mikko Paananen (alias Migé Amour). The very beginning, Ville bass bombs, shells could be because the bass is Mige, so lead singer Ville started. HIM, before the establishment of, Ville called in a Donits-Osmo band doing avant-garde bassist. Ultra Bra and after several people tried to cooperate together. Ville made some kind of band to let Mige listen, Mige immediately attention. They want to set up a band, and got familiar with their guitarist Linde done after a lack of a drummer. Ville's new friends Suho (Jimsonweed the lead singer) gave him the telephone number of Patak (real name is Mikko Rantala), so the band formed. Patak from Lappeenranta, a garage rock band Slumgudgeon. (The band is always fun of other people Patak's origin, because Lappenranta is a small town in eastern Finland.).
"Other people think I am a woman as sinister as the men - hopeless, the band's name on my behalf of such prestige, and sometimes I would also point angry. His Infernal Majesty, or in any case with the religious beliefs that have nothing to do with ideology - work content of the 666 and the number of animals there is no contact. Sometimes when I read some people to the burning of the Church of Finland has a